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Doc's Daily Chuckle 12/23/21

Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>

             DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

             Always  Clean  Chuckles

           Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas Weekend.

FOR unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is GIVEN.

Jesus came that we may be FORGIVEN!


Today's Chuckles

1.  Night Before Christmas 

2.  Nativity Painting  


Night Before Christmas

'T'was the night before Christmas

and all through the town

Not a sign of Baby Jesus

was anywhere to be found.

The people were all busy

with Christmas time chores

Like decorating, and baking,

and shopping in stores.

No one sang "Away in a manger,

no crib for a bed".

Instead, they sang of Santa

dressed-up in bright red.

Mama watched Martha Stewart,

Papa drank beer from a tap.

As hour upon hour

the presents they'd wrap.

When what from the T.V.

did they suddenly hear?

'Cept an ad which told

of a big sale at Sears.

So away to the mall

they all flew like a flash...

Buying things on credit...

and others with cash!

And, as they made their way home

>From their trip to the mall,

Did they think about Jesus?

Oh, no, not at all.

Their lives were so busy

with their Christmas time things

No time to remember

Christ Jesus, the King.

There were presents to wrap

and cookies to bake.

How could they stop and remember

who died for their sake?

To pray to the Savior...

they had no time to stop

Because they needed more time

to "Shop til they dropped!"

On Wal-mart! On K-mart!

On Target! On Penny's!

On Hallmark! On Zales!

A quick lunch at Denny's

>From the big stores downtown

to the stores at the mall

They would dash away, dash away,

and visit them all!

And up on the roof,

there arose such a clatter

As grandpa hung icicle lights

up on his brand new step ladder.

He hung lights that would flash.

He hung lights that would twirl.

Yet, he never once prayed to Jesus...

Light of the World.

Christ's eyes... how they twinkle!

Christ's Spirit... how merry!

Christ's love... how enormous!

All our burdens... He'll carry!

So instead of being busy,

overworked, and uptight

Let's keep Christ in our Christmas

and enjoy some good nights! 


- From Cyber Digest


Whoever is happy will make others happy.- Anne Frank


Nativity Painting 

A father and his son were looking at a nativity scene in a London 

gallery. It was Titian's world-famous painting of the scene at 

Bethlehem. The boy said, "Dad, why is the baby lying in such a 

crude cradle in a pile of straw?"

"Well, son," explained the father, "they were poor, and they couldn’t 

afford anything better."

Said the boy, "Then how could they afford to have their picture painted 

by such an expensive artist?"

- From Mikey's Funnies


Please pray for: Wade, Michelle, Joanie, Debra,  Jonathan, Greg.


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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