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Doc's Daily Chuckle 12/30/21

Posted by: pakaine49 <pakaine49@...>

             DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

             Always  Clean  Chuckles

           Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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2021 is nearly history. May you be able to be grateful 

as you reflect back and joy-filled as you look ahead.


Today's Chuckles

1.  The New Year 

2.  A Manuel  


The New Year 

(by Hyacinth Kwatashin) 

[Edited/last stanza changes by Chris Long] 


2022 - the New year lies ahead - 

Like an empty book, unwritten story - 

Lord I pray my days be spirit-led 

With testimonies of Your Love and Glory. 


May I be sensitive to Your calling 

Obedient to Your Word and voice 

May I walk Your path without falling 

Less "feeling" and more by "choice". 


Guard me against all offenses 

That would hinder my walk with You 

To be sincere and avoid pretenses 

Keeping my eternal reward in view. 


May I be slow to judge others 

But quick to lend a helping hand 

When stress and trials do bother 

On Your promises help me stand. 


In sickness may I claim Your healing 

In stress or sorrow - Your joy and peace 

Despite circumstances, faith revealing 

With strongholds, may I find Your release. 


When the year ends and I reflect 

On the year right from the start 

May I be able to rejoice in victory 

May my life - my story - gladden Your heart. 


• From Laugh & Lift (note: year changed by DDC)


A key to happiness, is deciding to be a source for it. - Allison Massari


A Manuel

Today we were talking about how Jesus' arrival was told about in Isaiah.  

"And his name shall be called "Immanuel" which is God with us..."

Sydney raised her hand and, in a way only Sydney can, asked, "A manual? 

Isn't that something that gives us instructions?" 

I could only respond by saying, "I have never thought of it that way but it is 

without a doubt true!!”

- From Evan C. (via Mikey’s Funnies)


Please pray for: Dale, Stony, Ric, Shawna, Debra, Jonathan, Jay.


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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