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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>


                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


Please feel welcome to forward this email to your

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Doc's Daily Chuckle family!

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From Archie. I recommend his uplifting e-mail.


Today's Chuckles

1. My Grades

2. Medical School


My Grades

A high-school student came home one night rather depressed.


"What's the matter, son?" asked his mother.


"Aw, gee," said the boy. "It's my grades. They're all wet."


"What do you mean 'all wet'?"


"You know," he replied, "below C-level.

- from AcraMax Jokes


Archie, who has become my right hand man, regularly 

sends an uplifting e-mail. 

You would just need to cut-and-paste the url.

He also now sends out gospel music 5 days a week plus 

takes requests. Just send an email to the e-mail address 

below with which you would like to have in the subject

line. To Subscribe just send an email with subscribe in 

the subject line to


The great thing and the hard thing is to stick to things when you

have outlived the first interest, and not yet got the second, which

comes with a sort of mastery. - Janet Erskine Stuart


Medical School

During a difficult psychology lecture, a pre-med student interrupted: 

"Why do we have to learn this stuff?"


"To save lives," Professor Mike Wilson responded firmly and continued 

the lecture.


A few minutes later, the same student spoke up again: "So, how exactly 

does psychology save lives?"


Dr. Wilson replied, "It keeps the idiots out of medical school."


- from Steve S.


Please pray for: Renee, Robert, Anita, Robin, Kelli, David, Peggy, Gabe. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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