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E-pistle for October 16, 2015

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            October 16, 2015


following lost donkeys to divine destiny

(I Samuel 9:1-27)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration and Meditation:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Saul, a tall and handsome young man of the tribe of Benjamin, here is

                 introduced into the history of Israel during the days when Samuel was

                 searching for God's will about anointing a king, vv. 1-2.

            2.  The donkeys of Saul's father, Kish, had wandered off and become lost;

                 Saul and his servant were sent to search for them, vv. 3-4.

            3.  After searching three days (v. 20) in several locations, Saul wanted to

                 return home because by now his father would be worried about his son

                 rather than about the donkeys; Saul's servant suggested that they ask

                 Samuel the prophet for advice, vv. 5-6.

            4.  Saul said that he couldn't afford to pay the customary fee for a "seer,"

                 the servant offered to pay the nominal amount, so they went into

                 Samuel's city of Ramah in the land of Zuch, vv. 7-10.

            5.  In the city, Saul and his servant met some young women who told them

                 that Samuel would be at a certain place on his way to offer a sacrifice,

                 vv. 11-14.

            6.  Samuel had heard from the Lord that a divine appointment had been

                 arranged with Saul, whom he was to anoint as king; thus Saul met

                 Samuel (without recognizing him) and received word that the donkey

                 had been found (without asking him), vv. 17-20.

            7.  Saul and Samuel ate a meal with 30 other guests; Samuel honored

                 Saul who responded with humility; later Samuel took Saul to a private

                 place where he could relate God's word about his destiny, vv. 21-27.

II.  Revelation and Applications:  on the spiritual truths seen here

            1.  If we have discerning eyes of faith, we may be able to discern and

                 recognize God's hand at work in ordinary day-to-day happenings,

                 such as looking for lost donkeys.

            2.  God chooses people who are faithfully working at their smaller duties

                 and responsibilities to accomplish His larger purposes.

            3.  A simple suggestion and/or an insignificant gift to God's service may

                 be used by God to alter the entire course of the history of a nation.

            4.  God places persons (like the servant girl) across our paths to point the

                 way, if and when we need guidance or direction.

            5.  Sometimes God reveals our divine destiny or calling to another person,

                 who then gives us that message "out of the blue."

            6.  God can be trusted to take care of the low priority concerns of our lives

                 (like lost donkeys), as He leads us to the place of spiritual revelation.

            7.  Humility is the only proper response to make when we are being praised,

                 honored, or elevated to a high position of prominence and authority.






as a mother; as a father

(I Thessalonians 2:1-20)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Paul wrote of his humble, sincere ministry to the Thessalonians, vv. 1-6.

            2.  Paul claimed to be both a mother and a father to them, vv. 7-12.

            3.  Paul reminded them of their conversion experiences, vv. 13-16.

            4.  Paul revealed his longing to see them . . . his "GLORY AND JOY" vv. 17-20.

II.  Observations:  on God's purposes for a mother and a father

            1.  THE MOTHER'S PURPOSE – through self-sacrifice, to develop children

                 who strive for the highest and best in character and lifestyle as mature


            2.  THE FATHER'S PURPOSE – through hard work and example, to develop

                 children who are achievers . . . who will "BE ALL THEY CAN BE!"

III.  Meditation:  on the characteristics of a godly mother

            1.  GENTLE (v. 7) = kind, amiable, quiet, patient, tender.

            2.  NURSING (v. 7) = nurturing, caring, holding, comforting.

            3.  CHERISHHING (v. 7) = holding dear, treating as someone special.

            4.  AFFECTIONALTELY LONGING (v. 8) = love-yearning; craving the highest

                 and best.

            5.  IMPARTING HER OWN LIFE  (v. 8) = attitude and practice of self-sacrifice.

IV.  Meditation:  on the characteristics of a godly father

            1.  LABOR AND TOIL (v. 9-10) = family support, physical effort to secure

                 necessities for the family.

            2.  EXAMPLE (v. 10) = of devotion, justice, and character.

            3.  EXHORTED (v. 11) = advise strongly, earnestly admonish, reprove, correct.

            4.  COMFORTED (v. 11) = encourage, cheer, inspire, console.

            5.  CHARGED (v. 11) = to lay upon another a task, a command, a trust, an

                 expectation; to challenge to faithfulness and achievement.

V.  Revelation and Applications

            1.  God is like both a mother and father to us.

                 As a Christian, I need to comprehend this spiritual relationship.

            2.  The characteristics of a godly mother emphasize intimate, cherishing,

                 nurturing love expressed by a yearning for children to live lives of

                 spiritual sensitivity.

                 As a Christian, I need to exhibit these same traits toward others.

            3.  The characteristics of a godly father emphasize a challenge to achievement

                 expressed by example and encouragement.

                 As a Christian, I need to exhibit these same traits toward others.

            4.  As Paul specifically wrote, these are the attitudes and actions which ministers

                 should have in relating to their church members.

                 As a Christian, I need to "mother" and "father" the less mature believers

                 whom God has placed in my "family."


"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good;

and an evil man out of the evil of his heart brings forth evil.

                                                                                                  For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."                                                                                                                                                                   

Luke 6:45



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