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Epistle for December 7, 2001

Posted by: ccfmo <ccfmo@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation December 7, 2001


In This Issue:
Sermon: Genesis: Chapters 1, 2, & 3

Foreword: upon the suggestion of my good friend, Dr. Dennis Crowder, Director of Missions of Pulaski Baptist Association, I will be publishing my "Personal & Practical" outlines and notes on the first 12 chapters of Genesis during the month of December. Dennis asked me to do this to provide another resource for pastors as they prepare to teach this portion of Genesis during "January Bible Study Week." We plan to resume our regular format in January, 2002.

Created in the Image of God
(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7)

I. Concentration: on the meaning of "image"

1. Human beings are a special creation of God, purposefully produced to
fulfill a pre-ordained role in His world . . . dominion, Genesis 1:26.
2. In creation, God endowed persons with a spiritual aspect of life . . . man
did not "receive" a soul, he "became" a soul through God's "breath."
3. Each person is an original, unique creation of God . . . made to be a
rational, loving, responsible, moral creature.
4. Human beings are endowed with some of the characteristics of God . . .
there is a "likeness" but not a "sameness."
(References: Romans 8:29; I Corinthians 15:49; II Corinthians 3:18; 4:4; Colossians 1:15; 3:10.)

II. Meditation: on God's nature and man's nature

1. God is spiritual . . . so are humans, which makes possible communication
and communion with God, now and throughout all eternity, John 4:24.
2. God is an individual "person": a self-functioning entity with values,
inclinations, and responsibilities . . . so are men and women.
3. God is holy, just, and righteous . . . persons have a spiritual intuition
(inner call) to make free choices to obey their highest instincts in
moral, obedient living (rather than to follow their "animal urges" by
sin and rebellion against the Creator).
4. God has an eternal purpose for His creation . . . so also, human beings
have an instinctive need to be something and to do something . . .
this includes the freedom to choose a spiritual relationship with God.

III. Revelation: on "soul" and "spirit" I Thessalonians 5:23

1. "Soul" includes:
(1) A mind with which to think.
(2) A heart (emotions) with which to love, and
(3) A will with which to choose one's own destiny.
2. "Spirit" includes:
(1) Intuition - immediate and instinctive perception of a truth; direct
understanding without reasoning; knowing beyond thinking.
(2) Conscience - inner ability by which a person knows right from
wrong; usually through a disturbing awareness of the wrong.
(3) Communion - the need for, and the ability to have, an intimate
spiritual relationship and fellowship with God.

IV. Applications; as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. See myself as a unique person, created in God's image.
2. Cultivate my "spirit" by trusting in the Lord to develop the
spiritual characteristics which make me more like Him.
3. Deliberately choose each day to obey God's pattern for
moral, rational, loving, responsible living.
4. Find and allow God's eternal purpose (destiny) for my life.

Why God Created Eve
(Genesis 2:18-24)

I. Concentration: on why God created Eve (v. 18)

1. Because God desires "good" for His creatures . . . what is right, proper,
suitable, and adequate.
2. Because God's plan includes relationship and fellowship between human
beings . . . not being "alone" . . . not solitary, single, by oneself.
3. Because every person needs someone to be a helper . . . one who assists,
encourages, supports.
4. Because only another human being would be appropriate (comparable;
like; of equal regard or value) to be Adam's companion.

II. Meditation: on the basic truths of this passage

1. Adam and Eve were two actual historical, created persons, according to
Jesus, Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6.
2. Before Eve was created, Adam exercised full dominion over God's creation
on earth, vv 19-20.
3. God took a rib (from near Adam's heart) and made a woman ("taken out
of man"), vv. 21-23; I Corinthians 15:45-49.
4. This Divine creating and joining together of Adam and Eve revealed
God's plan for establishing society: the home and family, v. 24.

III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications of this passage

1. God made each human being to serve Him, giving each person an
assignment and responsibility, plus the necessary authority.
2. For every specific need which man has, God uses His creative power to
meet that need or to fill that lack or void, Philippians 4:19.
3. God uses believers (His "new creation," II Corinthians 5:17) to help birth or
bring forth other spiritual "children."
4. The ideal "made in heaven" marriage is the spiritual picture of Christ as
the bridegroom and the church as His bride, Ephesians 5:22-23.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Know that God always is working things out for my good, Romans 8:28.
2. Realize that "no man is an island" . . . that we need others for assistance,
encouragement, and support, Romans 14:7.
3. Understand that God gives me not only the responsibility and duty to
carry out His will, but He also gives me the authority (dominion and
power) to accomplish His purpose.
4. Faithfully witness to unbelievers, bringing them to Jesus Christ where they
can be "born again" as children of God.

God's Probing Questions to Adam & Eve
(Genesis 3:1-13)

Concentration: on God's inquiries into the sins of Adam and Eve

1. "Where are you?" (v. 9) Adam and Eve were engaged in an impossible
attempt to hide from God.
2. "Who told you that you were naked?" (v. 11) Adam and Eve, through
their sin of disobedience, had lost their state of perfect innocence,
changing the focus of their lives from the spiritual to the physical.
3. "Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should
not eat?" (v. 11) God confronts His people with the specific sins of
which they are guilty, John 8:7-9.
4. "What is this you have done?" (v. 13) Sinners must come to the realization
that their sins are against God . . . only God, Psalm 51:4, and that they
now stand condemned before the Judge of the universe, John 3:18.

II. Meditation: on the unresponsive answers from Adam and Eve

1. Where are you? "I heard Your voice and I was afraid," v. 10.
2. Who told you? (No answer; it was their quickened conscience.)
3. Have you disobeyed: "The woman gave me the fruit and I ate . . . but this
never would have happened if You (God) had not made her!" (v. 12).
4. What have you done? Eve answered: "The serpent deceived me and I ate
. . . but it's partly God's fault, because He made the serpent!" (v. 13).

III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications in this passage

1. God sees us and He knows exactly where we are and what we are doing,
Psalm 139:7-12.
2. In fact, God even knows all our thoughts and emotions, Psalm 69:5; 139:1-4;
John 2:24; 16:30.
3. God requires us to confess our sins to Him specifically, Psalm 51:2; I John 1:9.
4. God's heart is broken by man's deliberate rebellion and disobedience
because sin always brings its own fearful consequences of judgment
and death, Ezekiel 18:31; 33:11; Romans 6:23.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Know how much my heavenly Father loves me and how much my
disobedience grieves His heart . . . because I have deliberately shifted
my focus from fellowship and communion with Him to a focus upon
earthly, physical things.
2. Take full responsibility for my sins, without shifting the blame to others or
even hinting that "I couldn't help it because God made me this way."
3. Live my life with the constant awareness that God is always with me . . .
knowing my thoughts, hearing my words, and watching my deeds.
4. Immediately respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit whenever I sin
. . . repent, confess, forsake my sin, and receive Christ's forgiveness,
cleansing, and restoration to spiritual fellowship with Him.