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Feb. 2013 Beginning 15th Year, Comments, Hand Soap, Sausage, Flannelg raph, Praying Scriptures

Posted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>



Compiled especially for you with love by Lois Breneman  

A categorized storehouse of information for you from past newsletters,
plus a second blog just for recipes! 
Feb. 2013  Beginning 15th Year, Comments, Hand Soap, Sausage, Flannelgraph, Praying Scriptures ~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~ 

 Please send your name, city, state, plus your old and new e-mail addresses to
Example: Faith Chandler - Nashville, TN

THE 14th

Yes, it has been fourteen years ago since "Heart to Heart" began with only four subscribers in February of 1999!  The Lord has blessed this ministry and the newsletter reaches many ladies of all ages in all fifty states and sixty-two countries.  I give Him all the glory, and will continue as long as He instructs and enables me.  The blogs for "Heart to Heart" reach even more people who tap into the ministry from that means of technology.  I am able to see the locations of those who visit the blogs, and find it quite interesting when I have time to check.

They have been in operation for two years, but I keep hearing of subscribers who have never seen them.  Let me invite you to take a look!  With everything categorized, it is easy to find what you're looking for now.  Please feel free to scroll down to the very end of the blog if you'd like to see my photography, which I enjoy doing so much!

A Subscriber Comment about the Blog Ministry from Sharon Bachman in Maryland:

Your blogspot,, is just fabulous!!!  And I know it took an incredible amount of time and perseverance to complete it and get it up and running. Thank you for taking the time to make it happen. What a treasure of info, encouragement and art. Your photography is incredible!  Keep it up, as you are a blessing to many women, which in turn is a blessing to their husbands and children.  Praise the Lord!
Used by permission from each of the following ladies
from Vicki Spurling in Louisiana:
     This note is just to say THANK YOU!!! Thank you for all your hard work, your sweet spirit and what a wonderful blessing and encouragement you've been for me over the years.
     My daughter and I can't wait to sit down every time I get your Heart 2 Heart newsletter and we read the whole thing! At one sitting! 🙂 I've saved every one of them.
     I just wanted you to know how much you are appreciated and what a blessing you are to those of us that look forward to seeing your newsletters in our inbox.    
     Praying God continues to bless you, as you bless others in His Name.
from Tracy Coupe in Ecuador:
I wanted to thank you for the love, time, and obvious prayer that goes into each edition of Heart to Heart. What a blessing you are. I love reading the articles, stories, kids quotes, recipes, and yes -- even the info about coupons I cannot get or use. 🙂  The Lord always uses something in each issue to touch my heart, challenge me in my daily walk with Him, encourage me in a discouraging moment, or just to remind me how much I am loved. Thank you for ministering ... to me, and to so many others.
from Beth Breon in Pennsylvania:
     I just wanted to let you know I am soooo thankful for you & your ministry!  You have been a continual encouragement to me over the years & help!  I mentioned several years ago that I was going through a time of great anxiety, which for one who has always had a “carefree” spirit, was quite a surprise.  The Lord is bringing me daily through this dark water.  I do not savor the thought of continuing this experience or going through it again, but I can truly say, if it meant I would know Him like I know Him now, to be so confident that my prayers are going directly to my Almighty’s Throne of Grace & to truly know my Savior lives, then I would do it all again.  Several years ago, I asked Him to teach me that He was all I need.  Through these rough waters, He is teaching me that!  He is an Amazing & Gracious Lord.      
     Anyhow, your emails & notes have been such an encouragement & sometimes were what He used to keep me going one more step.  I know this sounds terribly drastic, but when the blackness of anxiety sets in…it can be completely overwhelming.  Sometimes just reading your notes gave me hope of a happier time & knowing the Lord was working in the lives of women across the world & He was working in mine, too.   I will continue to pray for you & your family.
from Melody Jeffrey in Virginia:
I am so blessed by your newsletter. Thank you for serving in this ministry to help so many of us with your scripture quotes, recipes and tips for making our homes a peaceful place. Your Sister in Christ
from Ruth Brown in Florida:
     Yes, keep me on your email list -- definitely!!!  I would rather receive 2 copies than no copies.  Even though I am a 73 year old grandmother, I just love your hints & suggestions to today's younger mothers, and all your recipes are so good, and some are even "to die for"!!!
     AGAIN,  PLEASE KEEP ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST!!!  I've enjoyed each and every issue for the past several years, and hope to enjoy future issues as much or more!!!!
God bless you as you keep His name and His love in each issue.
from Vickie Butterfield in Idaho:
You are doing an awesome job!!! I personally love the links for further information. That way I can click on the links I want, and skip the rest without paging thru so much.  I enjoy your newsletters and you've printed a couple of things I've submitted and it was fun to see myself in print 🙂 Keep up the good is inspiring.  God's blessings
from Susan Brown in Kansas:
I enjoy your newsletter every time you send it.  I find inspiration, good ideas, and a few giggles in every issue.  I believe I would appreciate it even if I were able to access only partial information.  I am happy to accept even the morsels.  You continue to be a blessing to me.

from Kim Umphress in Texas: 

     I have received your newsletter for many, many years, but have failed to let you know how much I enjoy each one!  Thank you for the time and effort that you put into each newsletter - the encouragement, stories, recipes, craft ideas - are a true blessing and enjoyable read!  "Heart to Heart" is definitely an appropriate title for what transpires every month!  Thanks again and God bless you richly!

May the Lord be glorified in each issue as well as on the blogs!

by Rachael Breneman  (By the way I'm thrilled to have Rachael as one of my very special daughters-in-law! ~ Lois)

After reading this blog post by Sally Clarkson <> I was reminded of why I do what I do.  Even though my days can be somewhat mundane and monotonous as a stay-at-home mom, I am so thankful for the reminder that this is an incredible ministry! 

This quote taken from Sally's post especially spoke to my heart:

"It is indeed the personal touch of a mother’s heart that creates grand civility, deep affection, care and commitment to the foundations of a family. When the invisible strings of a mother’s heart are tied to the heart of her children through loving sacrifice and nurture, the stability and foundations of a nation become secure and stable.  A mother, living well in her God-ordained role, is of great beauty and inestimable value to the future history of any generation." 

Wow!  I am influencing the "stability and foundations of a nation."  That is a pretty high-calling!  So I will rest in the daily-ness of motherhood, knowing I am making an inestimable difference in the shaping of two little lives to love God and follow Him wholeheartedly. 


I highly recommend the resources provided by Whole Heart Ministries.  I have been personally inspired and encouraged by many of the writings of the Clarkson family.  You can find their resources at

This powerful and encouraging devotional by Mrs. Charles Cowman can be delivered to your inbox each day by signing up to receive it at

This is the devotional for January 26:

God is Waiting Upon Us
"And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you...blessed are all they that wait f or him" (Isa. 30:18).
We must not only think of our waiting upon God, but also of what is more wonderful still, of God's waiting upon us. The vision of Him waiting on us, will give new impulse and inspiration to our waiting upon Him. It will give us unspeakable confidence that our waiting cannot be in vain. Let us seek even now, at this moment, in the spirit of waiting on God, to find out something of what it means. He has inconceivably glorious purposes concerning every one of His children. And you ask, "How is it, if He waits to be gracious, that even after I come and wait upon Him, He does not give the. help I seek, but waits on longer and longer?"
God is a wise husbandman, "who waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it." He cannot gather the fruit till it is ripe. He knows when we are spiritually ready to receive the blessing to our profit and His glory. Waiting in the sunshine of His love is what will ripen the soul for His blessing. Waiting under the cloud of trial, that breaks in showers of blessings, is as needful. Be assured that if God waits longer than you could wish, it is only to make the blessing doubly precious. God waited four thousand years, till the fullness of time, ere He sent His Son. Our times are in His hands; He will avenge His elect speedily; He will make haste for our help, and not delay one hour too long.
--Andrew Murray


"Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play." ~ Henri Matisse

"To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted." ~ George Kneller

from The Simple Moms - Used by permission - Basic recipe given below, but you may enjoy the photos on this website:
1 empty foaming soap container
Filtered water
Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap (any scent is fine)
Organic Tea Tree Oil
  1. Fill the empty foaming soap container ¾ of the way with filtered water.
  2. Add the rest of the way with the castile soap.
  3. Add 4-6 drops of the tea tree oil.
  4. Put the top on and shake it up gently.
  1. The tea tree oil is what makes this soap antibacterial.  The tea tree oil is  safe, even for little ones.
  2. The soap will take on the scent of whatever Dr. Bronner’s you use. I love the lavender, but the
    peppermint or citrus are yummy too! The tea tree oil doesn’t show up in the scent much unless
    you use the tea tree Dr. Bronner’s obviously.
  3. You can find empty foaming soap containers online if you don’t have any at home.
  4. You can find the Dr. Bronner’s and oils at your local grocer. They are on as well but
    our grocer is cheaper here at least.

Yes, we can make our own sausage without nitrates and unnecessary additives!  Here's how!
This recipe is from Best of Grain Free Meal Plans - Volume 1 - by Cara Faus
How to order Cara's book:


3 lbs of ground beef
1-2 onions, chopped finely
1/2 teaspoon of 3 different sweet spices (cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, ginger etc)
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon each of at least 5 different savory spices (cumin, coriander, ground pepper, sage, oregano, etc)
2 teaspoons sea salt
1 tablespoon basil
2 eggs
Mix all ingredients together with a fork or a stand mixer until spices are thoroughly mixed into the meat. Shape into patties and fry in coconut oil on med to med-high until no longer pink in the center. If you're pressed for time, only cook the amount you need today and form the rest into patties to stick in the freezer for later use. If you have more time today and would like to save time later, slightly under cook all the patties and freeze. The patties will finish cooking with reheating.

Cherished Valentines ~ This year why not start a little early and make handmade cards for your husband, children, parents, or special friends.  Simply list what you see as being special about that person and why you love him or her.  The power of these written words about themselves will be very meaningful and saved, you can be sure of that!   Use the times you have to sit and wait to write your lists! 

Be Kind and Considerate in Your Home as well as with friends and strangers.  There is no room to be sarcastic which is usually hurtful to someone.  Being kind and considerate sounds easy, but sometimes we get into the bad habit of not being so nice to those we love the most.  Be intentional in using words like "please, thank you, I appreciate that, that was so thoughtful of you, and what can I do for you today?"  Speak in a kind voice - and smile! 

How to Grow Basil in Your
Kitchen All Winter Long ~ My son, James, showed me the tall basil plant and several smaller ones growing on their windowsill when we visited recently.  The tall plant was brought inside from their garden last summer.  James said he's been cutting off sprigs from the plant and rooting them in water, then planting them in soil in smaller pots.  There's nothing like fresh herbs to add to your meals!

Effective Grease Removers ~ I've read and even shared many remedies for removing grease from clothing, but I've recently found several that work the best for me.  Citrasolv is a natural cleaner and degreaser concentrate with valencia orange essential oil.  It comes as a concentrate in an 8 oz. bottle as well as a spray in a 22 oz. bottle.  I bought these both at a health food store.  Grandma's Secret Spot Remover is effective, but it would be wise to test it first on an inconspicuous place to be sure it won't remove color.  It comes in a 2 oz. bottle and is about $4 at A.C. Moore.

Free Wallpaper Samples for Pretty Wrapping Paper ~ January is the time of the year when wallpaper sample books are discontinued and moved out of stores to make room for the new ones.  It doesn't hurt to ask.  Some wallpaper samples make wonderful, elegant wrapping paper for smaller gifts.  Tie it with a ribbon and you've got a beautiful gift wrap!

Raise the Humidity in Your Home to Make it Feel Warmer during the Colder Months ~ If you find there is static in your home from cold temperatures and dry air, keep a pot of water simmering on the stove (low heat), but make sure it doesn't go dry.  Humidity in the air will make your home feel much more comfortable in the winter.

Be Prepared for Mosquito Bites with this Tip ~ I know it's early, but it's 72 degrees in Virginia as I write this!  Be prepared!  This is a good tip to know!  Rub the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite to ease the itch and prevent redness and infection.  Read more at this site: bly-already-in-your-kitchen/



by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - 2013

Years ago when our children were small, flannel graph boards were very popular in teaching especially Bible stories.  Child Evangelism Fellowship capitalized on getting the gospel message across to children through exciting and colorful stories shown on a large flannel graph board, a very effective method.  We used a flannel graph for our family devotions as well.  The Christian book store had about twenty stories on character in a kit made for the flannel graph, entitled "Winky and His Friends,"  which we used.  When our oldest child was able to tell the stories herself, she would have fun playing with it (and practicing) and then be in charge of the Winky story during our devotional time.

It's super easy to make a flannel graph board if you want to give it a try.  Use a foam board from a craft store for the stiff backing.  Cover the board with either flannel or felt, folding the edges tightly to the back and taping neatly with duct tape for a strong hold.  Miter the corners to cut down on bulk.  You can either cut shapes directly out of felt or draw pictures on paper and glue felt or flannel to the back so the object will stick to the board.  Store each "set" of felt figures in a separate Ziplock bag to keep everything in order.  You don't even need an easel.  Simply prop up the board against the back of a sofa or chair.  You'll find it will keep your child's attention with a variety of "kits" that you can prepare.

The flannel graph can be used to teach young children so many things.  Here is a list of fifteen "kits" and this is just the beginning. I'm certain that you and your children will come up with lots of other great ideas.  I'd love if you'd share your ideas with me!

1. Teach colors by cutting out circles or squares in various colors of felt.  If two shapes are available of each, it can be a matching game.

2. Teach shapes by cutting out a circle, square, oval, rectangle, hexagon, octagon, and trapezoid.
3. Teach numbers by cutting out numbers 1 to 10 and so on.
4. Teach Bible verses with pictures and symbols. Example: GOD (written out) so loved (picture of heart) the world (globe) ...
5. "Paper" dolls can be cut out of felt and dressed with a felt wardrobe.
6. A felt truck could haul all kinds of felt objects - whatever you and your child decide to cut out.
7. Cut out a light colored fish bowl and make colorful fish to swim around inside.
8. Make a pond or lake, and cut out frogs, turtles, fish, and bull rushes to place around the water. 
9. Cut out parts of a house: square or rectangle for the body of the house, a roof, a door, windows, a wreath to put on the door, a chimney, smoke for the chimney, window boxes, flowers, cat and dog.  Then have your young child assemble everything on the board.
10. Using Bible stories about David, Daniel, Jonah, cut out the people and various objects that help to tell the stories. In some cases, papers that your children bring home from Sunday school could be cut out and glued onto felt
11. Cut 4-inch squares of different fabric prints, stripes, checks, etc. (two of each fabric).  For a toddler, line up one of each fabric on the board, and have your little one match the remaining swatches.  Using pinking shears to cut them out will prevent unraveling.
12: Cut out X's and O's along with four strips of felt (about 1" x 12"), and you've got a game!  Or you could cut out a dog and cat in place of X's and O's.
13. Cut out a large butterfly as well as lots of little dots and swirly pieces for decorating the butterfly.
14.  Cut out a large flower pot and lots of different colored flowers and some stems and greenery for with flower arranging fun. Add a butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug or two, a worm and a caterpillar, since those creatures do show up on outdoor arrangements.
15. Make a pizza!  Cut out a large beige circle (or several smaller circles for individual pan pizzas).  Cut out red blobs of tomato sauce, pepperoni, pepper strips (red, green and yellow), onion slices, and cheese.  Have fun assembling the pizzas!

Smaller boards would provide hours of fun while on trips, and is perfect for a quiet time in place of a nap..  And, Grandmas, this would make a wonderful gift for your grandchildren!  "Kits" could be given at different times throughout the year, and could also be mailed quite easily.

You can also purchase Bible stories to use on your flannelgraph:

I suggest you call your local Child Evangelism Fellowship office to see if you can purchase materials from there.

There are so many hurting parents and grandparents as they watch their children and grandchildren stray from the godly way in which they were taught.  We all know there are no perfect parents, but even God, the most perfect parent of all, watched as his own children, Adam and Eve, strayed from Him.  Satan knows his days are short and I believe he is working overtime to destroy our families. 

There are three things I believe that we as parents can and should do when one or more of our children is wayward.  (1) Keep the lines of communication open.  (2) Love him unconditionally.  (3) Pray constantly for him, using scriptures as you bring him before the Lord. 

As you learn of families in this situation, keep a prayer list of those who have gone astray, and pray for them (and the parents) regularly.  We in the body of Christ need to uphold others in prayer.  We are all in need of the prayers of others.

Here are some examples of praying the scriptures for wayward sons and daughters:
Give him a singleness of heart and put a new spirit within him. Take away his heart of stone and give him a tender heart instead, so that he will obey you. Let him know that he belongs to you. - Ezekiel 11:19-20

As our children have been taught by the Lord, give them Your great peace. - Isaiah 54:13

Help him to have his shame replaced with double honor, and in place of confusion cause him to rejoice in his portion. - Isaiah 61:7

Remove any trace of a veil from his eyes. Take the blinders off of his mind – wherever he is prone to unbelief – so that he might understand the gospel and see the light of your glory.  - II Cor. 4:3-6
Cause him to seek You and call upon You while You are near.  Let him forsake his wicked way and his unrighteous thoughts.  Let him return to You and receive Your mercy and pardon. - Isaiah 55:6, 7
Give him the same Spirit that Jesus had as a young man. Let him be an eager listener and an active participant at church, and bless him with wisdom and understanding. - Luke 2:46-47
Lift him out of the slimy pit he is in, out of the mud and mire. Give him a firm place to stand, and put a new song in his mouth – a hymn of praise to you. Bring people into his life who will gently instruct him. Grant him repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, so that he will come to his senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken him captive to do his will. - Psalm 40: 2-3; II Tim. 2:25-26
Help him to realize that his body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives, and that it belongs to you, Lord God. Remind him that he was bought with a price and that he should honor you in the way he treats his body. - 1 Cor. 6:19-20
Ah, Lord God!  Behold you have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm.  There is nothing too hard for You. - Jeremiah. 32:17, 27

Beth Moore has written a wonderful book which I highly recommend entitled, Praying God's Word.   This is the same idea.  Search the scriptures for guidelines to use in your own personal prayers concerning any need.  Don't forget to also praise the Lord, using His Word as you thank Him for His many attributes.

Thanks again, ladies, for your permission to include your children's quotes in Heart to Heart!
Jackson (9) just told me that he knows God put him here on earth for a reason but he doesn't know that reason yet. Before I could think of how to respond, he said, "I am just going to wait on God to let me know why." I wish I could remember to be patient and wait on God. Leave it to my child, to remind me of something so profound!!! ~ Jessica in Virginia

Mia said, "I'm 3 years old so I am the mom."  Eva replies, "Mia you have to be at least 50 years old to be the mom. Right mommy?" Sure honey. ~ Elizabeth 

Me: Savannah, would you like an apple?
Savannah (5): Yes. (Takes a bite.) Man, I sure hope it's not like the apple Snow White ate!
~ Lauren in Virginia

We were talking about detox baths, and while in the bathtub, Daniel (4) was concerned about his little brother, Andrew (20 months), drinking bath water because of the "enzymes" in it.  His mom asked if he meant "toxins" and he agreed. ~ Lois

My kid  (5) cracks me up. "Mom, you're the best mom ever. Well, maybe not. Jesus' mom was probably the best mom ever. But you might be second." ~ Lauren in Virginia

Favorite recent quotes, courtesy of Austin (4):
"Even if I give you the angry eyes, you're still my best friend." 
"All I can think about is you and baby sister. And when it is warm out I will pick you flowers. It's all I can think about!  Gimme a hug.
"I will love her (Natalie - new baby sister) forever."  Melts my heart!
~ Emily in Virginia

Today while I was making mini muffins Ben (3) kept asking me if I could make him some Donald muffins. He thought I was making Minnie (Mouse) muffins for Madelyn (5) so he wanted Donald (Duck) muffins for himself. ~ Liz in Washington 
‎4yr old back seat driver: "Don't boom that car!  Watch out for those trees!  I think you need gas. How old is this road?  Don't go too fast. That cop gonna getcha!" ~ Danielle in Alabama



We must leave all to God the things that depend on Him, and concentrate on the things He gives us to do. ~ A quote I heard on the radio recently from an unknown source
Ladies, I would love to hear from you anytime!
Simply reply to any newsletter and share your thoughts with me.
Let me know what you like best and least about the newsletter.
I'm always looking for cute quotes from kids (old or new would be great)!

I pray each of you found something in this edition to bless, encourage and teach you!
Please remember to pray for each dear Heart to Heart lady and her family,
because so many ladies are going through very tough times and need our prayers!
Some have lost loved ones, others have lost jobs, homes, or their good health.

Pray each day for the protection of our troops, and for their families left at home,
as well as adjustment and employment after they return home.

God bless you and your family and keep you in His loving care!
Your "Heart to Heart" friend

Disclaimer: Various websites may be given as credits or to supply additional information for readers. However, all the views and advertisements represented by websites in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editor. Please use your own discretion and common sense regarding all information given in this newsletter.
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