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FW: COMPLETED: Email Group & web outage Saturday July 30, 9am-1pm EST

Posted by: ruthanne.wheeler <ruthanne.wheeler@...>


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Glen Stewart
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 6:30 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Moderator] COMPLETED: [Moderator] Email Group & web outage Saturday July 30, 9am-1pm EST

All services seem to be back in operation. Please report any oddities.

I thank God for the blessing.

Have a great Sunday!


On 07/30/2016 04:50 PM, Glen Stewart wrote:
> Email services seem to be up, but the web side of things is not yet
> ready for use.
> if you have problems sending/receiving email from your group after
> 4:49pm EST, please send me a reply with the error.
> Thanks for your patience - this is a rough upgrade. I'll send another
> update once the web services are ready for use.
> Glen
> On 07/29/2016 03:53 PM, Glen Stewart wrote:
>> / / will be down from 9am-1pm
>> EST this Saturday for a system upgrade.
>> It's been 2 years since the last upgrade of this sort, so it will
>> take a while to complete and work out any kinks.
>> Any email sent to the groups during this time may be lost - so please
>> advise your group members not to do it.
>> I will send a "COMPLETED" email follow-up to this email when the task
>> is done (including my testing). If you use the services before that
>> email is sent, you risk loss of email and web work.
>> Thanks, and have a great weekend!
>> Glen

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