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Fw: The Live Q&A Replay is up!

Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

Here is some current information.  On YouTube you can search “SQUARE ONE” or “Chris beat cancer” or go to one of the links below.  Also lots of good info in facebook.
From: <a href="">Chris Wark
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 8:44 AM
To: <a href="">
Subject: The Live Q&A Replay is up!

Hi Kathie!

Last night’s LIVE Q&A on Facebook and YouTube was AWESOME!

I am honored that so many of you skipped the Oscars to participate. Had I known the Oscars were happening, I would've scheduled it for earlier in the day... Oops!

We had a couple hiccups in the beginning and I understand that some folks had difficulty tuning in... Just so you know, the LIVE Q&As for SQUARE ONE Members are on a different platform that's super easy to use, but it can't handle thousands of people like Facebook or YouTube, so I have to use those for the open Q&As.

I want to thank everyone who participated last night. There were so many great questions and comments…

Here's one that made my day:

I have used your website time and time again and all of the survivor videos are inspiring. I actually watched one of your videos about what to do if you get cancer and I remember you saying, 'You have time!!'. You were so right. It was hard to think that way with oncologists trying to push me through the system. I stood up to them though and you helped me do that. I had my first positive scan result 2 weeks ago, 2 of my tumors have shrunk! I have a way to go, but am 6 months in and am under no illusions that it is a long process with many bumps along the way. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks. You rock! xx - Mairead

And this message melted my heart:

Chris, I have savored each informative video lesson and praise God for the way He has used your experience with cancer for GOOD!! (Romans 8:28) Your experience has blessed me and no doubt many others. So cute, my three year old asked me today if we could go to the computer and watch Chris! Apparently, you made an impression even on him!! Blessings to your family! - Kelly

If you missed the LIVE Q&A, the replay is up and you can watch it here:


Tonight, I go live on Facebook and YouTube for the second and final SQUARE ONE Q&A. The focus for this Q&A is prevention… You can also ask about other health related issues as well. 🙂

Here’s the info for tonight:

Cancer Prevention LIVE Q&A:

WHO: This LIVE Q&A is for anyone with questions about prevention and overall health.

WHEN: Tonight! Monday, February 27th at 9pm EST

WHERE: On Facebook. Make sure you "like" my page ( so you'll get a notification when the live Q&A starts.

If you don't have Facebook, you should be able to watch on YouTube... Go to and click the Subscribe button and you should get a notification email when I go live. If you do not have a YouTube account, you will need to create one (it's free).

Check out the Q&A Replay from last night:


See you LIVE again Tonight!


p.s. If you tuned in to watch last nights LIVE Q&A, you may have heard me say that the 50% discount for SQUARE ONE expires tonight. It doesn’t… I got mixed up... This launch has been bananas and I don't even know what day it is! LOL. The discount goes away tomorrow (February 28th) at midnight.

If you’re interested in owning SQUARE ONE for the best price possible, you still have time, but your window of opportunity is closing fast! Go here to get SQUARE ONE, save 50%, get the 1-year guarantee, the Guide Book, and all the Bonuses:



Chris Beat Cancer 111 S. Highland #327 Memphis, Tennessee 38111 United States

Chris Beat Cancer 111 S. Highland #327 Memphis, Tennessee 38111 United States

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