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Fwd: [breakpoint] A Truly Awesome Charge, 6/23/2000

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Colson has some interesting comments today about accountability.
You might want to look this over.

Have a great weekend!


--- BreakPoint Staff <> wrote:
> Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 15:29:05 -0400
> From: BreakPoint Staff <>
> Reply-to: BreakPoint Staff <>
> To: BreakPoint by Charles Colson <>
> Subject: [breakpoint] A Truly Awesome Charge, 6/23/2000
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> BreakPoint with Charles Colson
> Commentary #000623 - 06/23/2000
> A Truly Awesome Charge: Holding Leaders Accountable
> Recently, I was at the Wheaton College Commencement.
> Person after person I met said they listen to
> BreakPoint each day. I was pleased, of course, that
> the program is so well received, but I was also
> humbled that so many depend on me to bring them this
> message. It's an awesome responsibility.
> And the thought of that caused me to find a quiet
> place on the campus that day, and to pray -- to
> acknowledge my utter dependence on God, and to pray
> that I would continue to be faithful to him.
> It's a holy trust to be called to ministry, and one
> that should strike fear in anyone's heart. Charles
> Haddon Spurgeon, perhaps the greatest preacher of the
> 19th century, said, "To preach the whole truth is an
> awful charge." Even Martin Luther, who had the
> courage to stand alone against the powers of his day,
> said that whenever he preached, his knees knocked.
> The great men of the Scriptures -- Moses, Solomon,
> Jeremiah, and others -- were reluctant when they were
> called, and I can see why. I have lived in holy fear
> for twenty-five years that I might do or say
> something that could turn someone away from God. Some
> people, after all, will decide what they believe
> about God by what they see in you and me, and that's
> a sobering thought.
> This calling is made all the more difficult by the
> recognition and adulation and authority that some of
> us in Christian ministry receive. Power of any kind
> can be a heady experience, as I know well from my
> time in the White House, sitting in the office next
> to the President of the United States, having
> admirals and generals salute as I boarded Air Force
> One. It affects a person's ego.
> And it can affect Christians the same way. And that's
> why I believe Christian leaders must have a group of
> people to whom they are accountable. Chuck Swindoll
> wrote about this years ago, and I took his counsel to
> heart. I have such a group, and I listen when they
> speak. There have been some things -- many of them --
> that I have wanted to do and my accountability group
> has said no. And I followed that. Leaders, in
> particular, must be in submission to one another, as
> the Scripture says, out of reverence for Christ.
> Furthermore, sometimes we have to confront one
> another. And this is never easy. Recently I did a
> broadcast urging a prominent Christian leader to step
> down because of his publicized divorce. I did so only
> after much prayer and soul-searching -- and it's only
> the second time in twenty-four years I've felt called
> to do anything like this. But I believed it my solemn
> duty because the witness of the whole Church is at
> stake.
> Distressed by that broadcast, and I understand why,
> the leader called me. He corrected me on one point:
> his wife, not he, sought the divorce -- on that I
> stand corrected. He also complained that I had not
> consulted him first, and he was right about that as
> well. So I apologized. But while we had a good
> conversation, I explained that I could not withdraw
> my remarks, for I believe we must hold one another to
> account.
> I would urge all Christians listening today to take
> this seriously, to hold one another accountable, in
> love. For whether we're in a Bible study, in an idle
> conversation with friends, or preaching in a pulpit,
> we must be faithful to Christ's call.
> For there are those -- many -- who will judge our God
> by how you and I behave -- and that is a truly awesome
> charge.
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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