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Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>




What a scene it must have been.  Joshua, now well-stricken in years, gathers the people of Israel together at Shechem to hear his farewell address.  Joshua had seen so much, had waged war against the Amalekites, had attended to Moses at Sinai, had spied out Canaan and said, “Let’s go up and possess it; God will be with us,” had destroyed Jericho through the strength of God’s hand, now stands in the broad valley between Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim and pours out his heart to the people.

Even though he’s an old man, I can hear his voice thundering across the valley, can’t you?  Listen to his words ring out--(Read Joshua 24:14-15).

What’s the point of his speech?  You put God first!  You serve the Lord with all your heart!

Often we stop reading at verse 15 because it’s so powerful, but Joshua’s address doesn’t stop there.  He enters into a dialogue with the people: (Read Joshua 24:16-20--“You can’t serve the one true and living God plus serve other Gods!”)

Now read vv. 21-24.  The people reaffirm their commitment.

Joshua says, “Let your actions (putting away the false gods) demonstrate your commitment.”

I.   Make no mistake about it:  GOD HAS ALWAYS REQUIRED MAN TO PUT HIM FIRST!  Anything less is unacceptable.

A.  That’s what man was made for—that’s the reason for his existence.

1.   In Ecclesiastes what did the inspired writer say?: “I tried it all.  I had money, land, riches beyond measure, anything I wanted; I reached out and took all my heart’s desire.”  No one had more STUFF than this man!

2.   What was his conclusion when it was all said and done?  See Eccl. 12:13.

B.  Putting God first is also a requirement under the New Law.

God hasn’t changed His mind on this point.  See Matt. 10:37-39.

1.   Whatever stands between you and faithful service to God will prevent you from going to heaven.

2.   Remember the rich young ruler in Matt. 19:16-22.

Jesus knew what was most important in that rich young man’s life.

II.  Just in the few verses we’ve read we’ve seen two very important points: GOD REQUIRES US TO PUT HIM FIRST.  IF WE REFUSE TO DO SO, WE FALL INTO CONDEMNATION.

A.  It’s not enough to pay lip service to the idea of serving Christ.  Matt. 7:21

B.  What we’re talking about is real commitment—being of one purpose, one mind.

C.  In the everyday world we understand what commitment means:

1.   Take out a 30 yr. mortgage on a house.  What have you done?  Committed yourself to 360 monthly payments!  And you’ve signed many papers assuring that you realize your commitment!

2.   Go to work for an employer and a commitment’s involved.  You’re going to be there on time.  You’re going to do the job—an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.

3.   Marry someone—a lifelong commitment.  You’re going to love one another, labor together, trust and honor one another “till death do us part.”

4.   I understand that Janet Evans, the Olympic swimmer, swims 8,000 meters just about

every morning.  That’s about 160 laps in an Olympic size pool.  Now that’s a ommitment!


Here’s a little test for you.  Ask yourself a question: Has service to God become boring?  Do you eagerly anticipate the opportunity to attend services and worship our Creator?  If the answer is No, one problem may be a lack of real sacrifice on your part!  Nothing is more boring than religion devoid of meaningful sacrifice.

III. Now comes the hard part.  I know what putting God first means; AM I DOING IT?

Let’s examine ourselves by asking a few questions.

A.  Young people: Do you come prepared so you can participate in a meaningful way?

In worship do you follow along with the verses?  Are you carefully attending to the sermon that’s being presented?  Are you serious-minded since GOD is the audience and WE are the participants?

B.  Older folks, parents: We get to the job on time; do we faithfully get to services on time?  Are we prepared?  Do we demonstrate by example that Bible study is important?  Do we make sure that the family’s in bed early enough on Saturday night so we can be wide awake Sunday morning?

C.  Do we seek out tasks around the church which need to be done in order for the services and teaching program to be profitable?  Am I here on work days?  Do I help teach a class, or do I help the teacher teach a class?

D.  “Somebody ought to:  fix the leaky roof . . . fix the squeaky roof turbines . . . install the needed electrical plug . . . clean the communion trays . . . maintain the bulletin boards . . . mail out the bulletin  . . Greet the visitors . . . visit the sick. . Update the directory . . . paint the foyer               . . . start a home Bible class . . . sends out letters of acknowledgement to the visitors . . . make cassette copies of the sermons . . .advertise the upcoming meeting . . . bake the unleavened bread . . . provide rides for the elderly . . . .Is that somebody you?  Is that somebody me?

E.   Do we attend every gathering of the saints that we can? I worry, I fret when I hear someone who wears the name Christian say, “You know, it’s not commanded that we assemble on Sunday evening or Wednesday evening,” as if it were a light thing to miss an assembly of the Lord’s people.

1.   I’m sure you realize that I’m not talking about if one is providentially hindered.  God knows when you are sick or unable to attend for emergency reasons.

2.   I’m talking about willingly missing a service of the Lord’s people.  If we identify ourselves as a member of a local congregation, and that congregation has made a decision that for the benefit of its members and for the opportunity to worship God and fulfill His commandments, we’re going to meet at such-and-such times, THEN PUTTING GOD FIRST MEANS WE WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO BE THERE!

      3.  We will eagerly anticipate the opportunity to encourage other Christians, to lend our thoughts in prayer, to raise our voices in songs of praise, to stimulate good teaching by worthy comments in class, to offer a friendly handshake, or pat on the back.

      4.  The Christian who remarks, “I don’t have time to come on Sunday night or Wednesday,” usually doesn’t have a problem with Bible authority.  He has a spiritual heart problem—a spiritual love problem!  A problem with putting God first!



A boy wrote a letter to his girlfriend in which he poured out his heart’s emotions.  It went something like this: 

“Honey, I love you more than life itself.  My love for your is deeper than the deepest ocean, higher than the highest mountain, broader than the widest valley.  I’d make any sacrifice for you. Climb any hill, shoulder any burden, face any danger,  Nothing short of death will ever separate us.” 

Then at the end of the letter was this P.S.: 

“I’ll see you Saturday night, IF it doesn’t rain.”

I’m afraid too many of us are like the boy who penned that letter.  We may talk a good fight, but when it comes to making real sacrifice, we’re found wanting in the scales.  A little “rain” keeps us from our responsibilities.

Instead, let us strive to be the Living Sacrifice described in Rom. 12:1-2. 

Let’s put God first!
















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