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HOPE4kYIV #032 ---- 5/23/05

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                       Number 032
                     June 23, 2005
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, In-Pact Partners, and Family:
Well, "times are achangin'!", as Bob's uncle used to say.  And that is certainly the case with us.  We'll tell you some of those changes as we go along in our letter.
What's Been Happening:
+  Since the "Pray At The Gates" city-wide prayer walk, the devil has been at work big time.  We have experienced spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical assaults like we have not endured in years.  Apparently that prayer strategy must have "whacked the big hornet's nest", because he reacted with a vengeance. 
However, rather than back off, God has given us grace to keep pressing onward.  The outcome has certainly affected us and has affected numerous churches including our own; we have experienced extraordinary weariness and near exhaustion at times.  At the same time, God has continued encouraging intercessors to intensify the prayer covering, and we're certainly grateful for that.
+  Perhaps the most significant thing to transpire this last month has been a major change in plans and a clarification about our future.  Last month we wrote about the "course corrections" that had been taking place, and that process continues with greater refinement.  They have ended up to a large extent becoming a "change your course" command rather than just a "correct the course" adjustment.
   >  As the result of some confusion and misinformation that created small but vocal opposition to the relocation proposal, and as a result of recent discoveries regarding one of the church's constitutions (it has two!?!), The Pastoral Shepherding Team decided to withdraw the proposal to relocate because there would be too much baggage and too many hoops with which we'd have to deal.  It just wasn't worth it.  God didn't call us to Ukraine and the IMB didn't spend $250,000 to train us, send us, equip us, and keep us to become embroiled in such matters.  So, the church will remain where it is.
   >  Those two factors were used of God to show us first that our personal work with the church was to conclude this Fall, but also that we would return to Kiev for other purposes after we have terminated our relationship with the IMB.  It is our current plan, then, to conclude our work with IMB and the church probably by early September and return to the States at that time for a brief period.  Upon our return to the States, we will take care of family matters, do lots of work around the house, try to raise support for our return to Kiev, and also renew our visas (if that is still necessary by then).  We'll give you more details as we get closer to the time.  Just be assured that our work in Kiev has not ended . . . it's just hitting its stride in a different and unexpectes way.
   >  When we return to Kiev independently, we will resume our work with the PrayKIEV city-wide prayer movement, and will help with a new church planting strategy.  This new project will be English-speaking, designed specifically to plant new churches, do aggressive evangelism, and strategically equip leaders . . . . all among the various people groups represented in Kiev.  As we get closer to that project, we'll tell you more about the various groups represented here.  Kiev is essentially a microcosm of the world, and what better place to help touch the world than in a place filled with internationals from so many countries! 
+  Bob continues meeting with the Spanish church pastoral team, and we are constantly awed by their zeal, their desire to learn, and their willingness to lead the church.  Frankly, the Spanish church is doing  the very things a true New Testament church should be doing far more faithfully than many churches we know, and without anybody telling them they should do it.  They do street evangelism, train leaders, meet for prayer, do aggressive prayer walking, witness constantly, work in an orphanage, and a host of other things.
+  Jo Ann is now meeting every Wednesday teaching English to several of the Spanish speakers, and she is thoroughly enjoying this new ministry.  Her "Sisters In Prayer" group no longer meets, as Bob's "Timothy Fellowship" also does not meet, although they both keep in touch with some of the groups' members in a more individual and informal way. The English program, Bible study groups, and the mentoring groups are also suspended for the Summer. 
+  Back in the States our good friend, Jerry, put in many hours cleaning and sealing our home and garage.  It's the first time it has been done since the house was built in 1996 and the garage was built in 1997, so both buildings soaked up gallons of clear stain and seal.  We praise God that Jerry did it for us at a cost far below what would have been normal.  And, we praise the Lord for Leland, who keeps our yard mowed.  We just hope he's not cutting down any of our Forsythia or Peony bushes.   {:-)
+  Family:
   >  Cindy, Kevin, and Christopher have been stateside for a few weeks to attend a conference in Florida and visit family.  They head back to Colombia very soon. 
   >  Jim and Deanna recently went through the process of remembering Nicole Grace's birth anniversary on June 10th.  And, they are currently enjoying a conference at Focus On The Family in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains.  Their church is really seeing God do some big things right now, and it's thrilling to hear the reports.  We're really anxious to visit there when we return to the States. 
   >  Our granddaughter, Abby, is not able to visit us as we had expected, but she hopes to come next Summer. 
   >  Bob and Cheri's five are making great headway spiritually and socially; most of them now have good jobs, and their grades continue improving.  Boib has had a job assignment change that has been very beneficial.
Looking Ahead:
As usual for the Summer months, things lighten up at the church, but intensify in travel.
+  Bob preached at International Christian Assembly (an AG English language church) this past Sunday.  We have a great relationship with Pastor Tom and Jenny Ragsdell, and we're exploring ways we can partner in future ministries.  The rest of this week is one of finishing up some projects and getting ready for the travel schedule.
+  We will leave tomorrow, June 24th, for Poland for our annual regional meeting with other IMB missionaries.  We are especially excited about this year's trip because it's the first time the entire 29-country region will meet together.  That means some of our dear friends whom we've not seen in several years (especially from the Balkans) will be there and we'll have a chance to see them.  We can hardly wait.  We're also excited to know we can renew fellowship with our longtime friend, Tom Elliff, who will be leading the Bible study.
+  We will return from Poland July 2nd and then turn around on the 6th to go to the annual International Baptist Convention's conference in Interlaken, Switzerland.  We'll be there until July 15th.  This will, among other things, give us a chance to catch our breath, and to also meet with several of the leaders to discuss the future needs of the church here in Kiev.
+  Work will begin next week on completing the facility where the new church planting strategy will call "home", and also on a new apartment nearby where we will move in late August before our return to the States.  We are trusting the Lord to provide the remaining resources to complete the work before we go back to the States.  It has been awesome to see His faithfulness thus far, with about 75% provided.
+  We are already excited about a volunteer team from our home church in Eldorado Springs coming August 3rd to spend ten days with us, evaluating, praying, and serving both in Kiev and also out in a neighboring village where we've worked in the past.  We are really looking forward to their coming ---- (hope they bring some big flour tortilla's, some movies, and other stuff).
+  The same day the team leaves, August 13th, Bob and another brother, Paul Shotsberger with Institute for the Development of Christian Leadership, will participate in a nation-wide youth conference being held in Kiev.  They will co-lead a workshop on prayer and reaching a city. God continues opening very exciting doors to partner with more and more Great Commission ministries and individual believers.  In many ways we feel God has used our time at the church to prepare us for greater opportunities on a much broader stage.  These are exciting days, and we feel totally unqualified for what we believe God is about to do.
Prayer Requests:
As you can imagine, there are many things for which we ask you to pray.  To name just a few, . . .
+  Pray that the hurt and disappointments that took place during the relocation attempt will be healed through forgiveness and looking to the future.
+  Pray that "Living Vine" will truly discover God's purpose for the future, and that the people will find grace to obey the Lord as they look toward the days when we'll no longer be with them.  They are wonderful people.
+  Pray that God will bring a pastor to them soon, that he can instill a new vision in them, that they will follow his leadership, and that they will love him even half as much as they have loved us.
+  Pray that the work will be quickly completed on the apartment where we need to move by the end of August, and that the work on the space for the new church planting strategy will also be provided for and completed soon.
+  Pray that God will give hope, peace, and faith, to those who are disappointed with the changes that have recently taken place in the church.
+  Pray that God will give us favor  when we begin raising our own support team later this Fall so we can return to Kiev and the exciting new ministry He has opened for us.  Pray that He will provide many things which we often take for granted in America but which are hard to find in Kiev . . . . communion service, offering plates, projection screen, Bibles, training materials, folding tables, folding chairs, and such things.  (If you have questions about such items and possibly sending with our volunteer team in early August, drop us a note and we'll tell you what all will be needed, and where to send them.)
As you can see, this is a time of great importance in our lives.  In some ways we feel like the Duracell Bunny ---- just about the time you think there's no energy left, God installs a new battery and . . . . away we go!  We were just talking again over lunch today about the humorous absurdity of folks like us plodding along doing what we're doing at our stage of life, and yet are constantly amazed at His daily provision.  It sure beats resting and rusting in a creaky rocker somewhere.
Drop us a note when you can.  We'd love to hear from you.  "Out of sight . . . out of mind" rings true on the mission field.  We don't hear from folks as often as we once did.  Of course, maybe some of our friends have died, and they never told us they had.   {:-)
Thank you, dear friends, for your love, friendship, and support.  Please DO pray for us about these things we've mentioned.  We'll be ready to prepare our next letter shortly after we return from our two trips.
In His Bond, By His Grace, For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites: for access to our family and
    ministry photo albums. for information on our city-wide strategic prayer movement.
To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer
   network, send a blank message to
To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
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   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
More Helpful Resources:
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from
    one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- great website for dealing with hurts and wounds through forgiveness. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Mission America" .
Other Great Resources Are: for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons.  Exceptional site. for great Bible resources and downloads.  Exceptional site. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!) for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials."Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings, for church related software from CAMSOC.
    To subscribe to CAMSOC update newsletter, go to  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . . Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Current news info on Ukraine. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .