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Issue No. 030 November 3, 2006 Saint’s Sufferings; Believer’s Heavenly Possessions.

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>



 An e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement
Issue No. 030     November 3, 2006        Subscription details in the end       Archive


In this issue

  • Perspective:  Saint’s Sufferings
  • Study Note:  The Brazer Alter contd
  • Anecdote:  Origin of Yellow fever Vaccine

  • Outline:  Believer’s Heavenly Possessions.
  • Worth Quote:  Prayer



Saint’s Sufferings
“Why did it happen to her?” many began to murmur after visiting a bed ridden godly sister. They could not come in terms with her present pathetic condition. A very devout, ideal and active child of God now lay in the bed in a very poor stage. For the last four years cancer consumed much of her bones and beauty. 
 Yet our beloved sister is not worried. She is waiting patiently for the Lord to call her home. But it hurts her when people around whisper as if it’s a punishment from the hands of the Lord for some secret sin.  
 It’s not an isolated story. Quite often we judge others and even ourselves for the sufferings we face. Yes, there is no doubt; sin does cause sickness and sufferings. But that doesn’t, mean that we can attribute every problem and anybody’s trial to a result of sin. 
 In John 9 we see a similar question and a very clear answer from the Lord Jesus Christ “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him”. God in His wisdom and purpose allows us affliction to demonstrate His goodness and power in and through us. So that people around us may come to Him and trust Him. 
 In second Corinthians 1 Paul gives some other reasons for the affliction he went through. It was so serious that he even feared for his life.v.8 But he finds comfort in the truth that God allowed pain & anguish so that he may trust God and be able to comfort others in their grief. It’s a true fact that those who have gone through the same juncture easily identifies with the victims. Hebrew writer says that the Lord who became perfect through suffering is a fitting high priest for us who can sympathize with us.

In 2Cor.12 Paul finds another cause for the thorn that was troubling him. The Lord did not heal him in spite of his prayers. He learned that it was to mould him.v.7

 What ever may be the exact reasons why God allows sufferings in a saint’s life, we can be fully sure that God who doesn’t make a mistake will do every thing well in His eternal purpose for His glory. It may be to teach us a lesson and mould us for better service and life. Or it may be to teach some others certain truth and reveal His greatness.
 One thing is sure; all our sufferings are for a short period. “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” 2 Cor.4:17.  Apostle Peter too wrote, “But may the God of all grace, who has called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you”. 1Pet.5:10.
After these temporary set backs and stages in life, there lies a glorious period of reward and glory. With that hope let us be satisfied in being in His perfect will and find every circumstance as an occasion to learn of Him and glorify Him.  


Study Note
The Brazen Alter (contd)
Charles E. Wigg
The Laver's foot:
We We are not given any details of the design of the Laver, only the "Laver and its foot, (or stand,)" are mentioned. I have seen many illustrations of what Bible Teachers thought the Laver was like, and most depict it like a cup and saucer, the upper vessel for washing the hands, the lower for the feet. 

The model that impressed me most, was that which was used by the late brother Handley Bird, an English missionary who was mightily use of God in India.
His model of the laver was a vessel resting on the back of a bronze ox. He had no doubt got that idea from the details that are given of the Temple built by Solomon. The Temple was really an enlarged version of the Tabernacle, but built of solid durable materials.

In the Temple there was a bronze sea, which rested on the backs of twelve oxen. Some believe that the sea was a huge reservoir, and the water continually poured from the mouths of the oxen, and was collected in a lower receptacle, and drained away.
In that case the oxen would remind us of the unfailing patience of God. How patiently He bears with us in our failures, and when we turn to Him for cleansing and forgiveness, He never turns has us away, and James told us that “In many things we often offend”.
We are commanded that before attending the remembrance meeting, to partake of the Lord's Supper, we are to examine ourselves, and only then to eat of the bread and drink of the cup, and to do so worthily.
That he die not:
If the priest was to ignore the instruction to was, and entered the holy place in a defiled state, he exposed himself to the disciplinary judgment of God. Similarly, if we ignore the commands of scripture regarding personal holiness, and continue to participate in the holy things, we too may come under the disciplinary judgment of God.
This actually happened to the Corinthians, they were turning the Lord's Supper into a drunken feast, and as a result some had died, and many were weak and sickly amongst them. 1Cor.11: 30. Much sickness is the result of sin, even today. It may be the result of abusing the body by the practice of sin in pre-converted days, or the indulgence in sinful habits in the present. Even apart from this, though today people do not fall down dead when they commit sin, like Ananias and Sapphira did, in Acts,5; 1-11, yet people do die spiritually, and this may explain why there is so much deadness in the assemblies of God's people today. People taking an active part in the ministry of the assembly, yet not in the joy of life.. Let us heed the warning!



Origin of Yellow fever Vaccine
In West Afrtica , in 1927, a blood specimen was taken from a native name Asibi, who was sick with Yellow fever. A rhesus monkey, which had just been received from India, was inoculated with specimen. Asibi recovered, but the monkey died of the disease. All the vaccine manufactured since 1927, by the Rockefeller foundation and the government and other agencies as well, derives from the original strain of virus o obtained from this humble native.
Carried down to the present day from one laboratory to another, through repeated cultures, and by enormous multiplication, it has offered immunity to Yellow fever to millions of people in many countries. Through the creative imagination of science, the blood of one man in West Africa has been made to serve the whole human race.

Believer’s Heavenly Possessions
                                                              1. His Saviour & Lord.  Phi.3:20
                                                              2. His citizenship. Phil.3:20
                                                              3. His name. Phil.4:3; Luk.10:20.
                                                              4. His treasure. Matt. 6:20
                                                              5. His Hope. Cl.1:5
                                                              6. His inheritance. 1Pet.1:4
                                                              7. His reward. Luk.6:23
                                                                                 Even he himself is seated there! Eph.2:1. So:-
                                                                                             • Think heavenly. Col.3:1
                                                                                             • Invest in heaven. Matt.6:20
                                                                                             • Rejoice.                Luk.10:20
                                                                                             • Look forward.        Phil.3:20 

Young minds
Double Life
Sajith Samuel, Alwar
Many people today live a double life! One kind of life before the public and another kind of life inside. All are very careful to show themselves decent and well mannered in their out ward dealings. Even if nothing is inside they wear a mask to show that which is not inside. They conveniently forget that God looks not to the out ward but inside. 1Samuel.16:7.
Such show of personality is hypocrisy. God hates it. More than personality our character matters much. It is that which we will be when nobody is around us. Character is the sum of our invisible traits and qualities partially inherited from parents and developed by various lives's situations. It is formed and molded by various influences, circumstances and practices.
As far as a Christian is concerned the Holy Spirit bring about divine character in a his life as he yields to him.
So don't worry about the out -ward expressions, ie, personality. Be sure that before penetrating eye of God our life is pure, holy and acceptable. Be concerned about our life before God. Yes, the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sins. 1John.1:7,9. Our Lord can transform any character. Praise be to His name.

Worthy Quotes


"“Prayer is the contact of a living soul with God, in prayer, God stoops to kiss man, to bless man, and to aid in everything that God can devise or man can need.”                                            E. M. Bounds
“Where there is frequent prayer there will be continuing display of God’s power.”
                                                                                                                                                                 Dick Eastman

To ponder over
3 John. Vs.11
"“Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God.”  

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Edited & Posted by Nelson Thomas Kumaramparampil for the glory of God and for the joy of the saints.