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Issue No. 035 January 12, 2007 The Sovereignty of God

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>



 An e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,
edification and encouragement
Issue No. 035     January 12, 2007        Subscription details in the end


In this issue

  • Perspective:  The Sovereignty of God
  • Study Note:  The loaves of Shew-bread
  • Outline:  A Fourfold Relation to Christ
  • Anecdote:  Faith That Jesus Saw
  • Worth Quote:  Fanaticism



The Sovereignty of God
Acknowledging God’s sovereignty has far reaching consequences in our life. It takes away all our fears, removes our worries and solves all our questions. When we know and accept the fact that God is over all and nothing happens with out His perfect knowledge and permission-what a comfort it brings to our heart, what an assurance it gives to our mind!
Then and there we realize how foolishness and illogical it is to worry and fear about any thing. How bad it is to complain & murmur over the various lives’s experiences.
To comfort and encourage the discouraged and depressed people of Judah Isaiah repeatedly refers to the sovereignty and the might of the Holy One of Israel.  Notice few versus:-
12 Who has cupped in his hand the waters of the sea, and marked off the heavens with a span?
Who has held in a measure the dust of the earth, weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?13 Who has directed the spirit of the LORD, or has instructed him as his counselor?
14 Whom did he consult to gain knowledge? Who taught him the path of judgment, or showed him the way of understanding?15 Behold, the nations count as a drop in the bucket, as dust on the scales; the coastlands weigh no more than powder…..18 To whom can you liken God?
With what equal can you confront him?”    Isaiah.40:12—18
Yes, He is the one who created and upholds everything by His word. He measures the waters and the heavens. He weighs the mountains and the hills. He needs no counsel from any one. He is perfect in knowledge and mighty in His works. He is on the throne.   He makes one to fall down, the other to climb up. The Lord in His sovereign power made Nebuchadnezzar to invade the land of Israel as a victorious emperor and then made him to eat grass like an oxen!
He is our God-He is our master. Why should we be troubled or puzzled about tomorrow when such a mighty one holds our tomorrow?
After highlighting His greatness Isaiah says,
“27 Why, O Jacob, do you say, and declare, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD,
and my right is disregarded by my God”? 28 Do you not know or have you not heard?
The LORD is the eternal God, creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint nor grow weary,
and his knowledge is beyond scrutiny. 29 He gives strength to the fainting; for the weak he makes vigor abound.
30 Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, 31 They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.”   Isaiah. 40:27—31.
We only need to yield to the Lord and allow Him to accomplish His purposes in our lives. Be content in whatever the Lord allows and where ever He leads. Mysterious are His ways, yet perfect and the best.  He makes no mistake, does everything well. Mark. 8:37. Rom.8:28.

Study Note
The loaves of Shew-bread
Charles E. Wigg,TASMANIA.               
These were twelve in number, and each one represented one of the tribes of Israel, and thus they represent the saints as they appear before God, in their order and beauty, sprinkled with frankincense, which speaks of the very perfection of the grace of Him on whom we rest.
They were to be placed in two rows, six in a row. The two is the number of witness, or testimony, & the six is the number of man, according to Rev. 13 ; 18, thus if we bring both together, it would remind us that though we are but men, yet we appear before God, as a testimony to His marvellous work of grace in us, and according to His eternal purpose.
Here we see then a testimony to the divine nature in the believer, that which is purely the work of God by His Holy Spirit, which cannot and does not sin. We are not here introducing the doctrine of sinless perfection, as taught erroneously by some, but 
reminding ourselves that what God is doing in us, is sinless and perfect. It is thus we appear before God, who ever takes delight in His own work in the believer, as He did in the creation at the beginning.
God sees us thus, resting on Christ, wrought by the Spirit in His divine character, and as the loaves were sprinkled with frankincense, exhuming the very fragrance of Christ manifesting in some small measure, something of the perfect human graces that shone in all their fullness in Him.

A Fourfold Relation to Christ
                                1. My Sheep – In Security. John.10:27
                                2. My Disciples – In Obedience. John. 15:18
                                3. My Friends – In Communion. John. 15:14
                                4. My Brethren – In Relationship. John.20:17


Faith That Jesus Saw
In a London hospital two boys were lying in cots side by side. One with a dangerous fever- another struck by a truck. The second one said to the first, “Willie, I was down to the mission Sunday school and they told me about Jesus. I believe that if you ask Jesus, He will help you. They said that if we believe in Him and pray to God, then when we die He’ll come and take us with Him to heaven.”

Willie replied, “But what if I am asleep when He comes and I can’t ask Him?”  His friend said, “Just hold up your hand, that’s what we did in the Sunday school. I guess Jesus sees it.”

 Since Willie was too weak to hold up his arm the other boy propped it up for him with a pillow. During that night Willie died. But when the nurse found him next morning his arm was still propped up. Yes, The Lord saw his faith. Mark. 2:5

Worthy Quote


" “…. Fanaticism stems from an unbalanced mind which seeks to distort truth by over emphasis. A fanatic has been well defined as one “who majors on a minor!”
                                                                                                 ------Alfred P. Gibbs

To ponder over
Romans. 11: 33
"“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!”  

Correction: - Glad to notice that many readers took a note of the special news item related to the release of the book on the future events, “‘Even So, Come, Lord Jesus’ . But sorry to mention that the e-mail id of the publishers were given wrong. It should be

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Edited and posted by Nelson Thomas Kumaramparampil for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.