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Issue No.041 June 23, 2007 Need a re-focussing; IBCM 4 Germany to begin on 25th June

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>




 An e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,

edification and encouragement



Issue No.041 June 23, 2007       




In this issue


  •  Perspective :  Need a re-focussing


  • Outline:  Joy of a Christian

    Anecdote:  Decreasing Resources

  • Worth Quote:  Goals

     Matters for prayer & praise etc





Need a re-focussing



Web giant Yahoo is going to close down one of their services shortly. The reason they announced is to focus on the profit making services. Here is a lesson for us too.

We too desire sincerely and strive tirelessly, yet achieve nothing as we dream about. It is not the experience of few but many, in life's various levels find it hard to reach the goal. What could be reason?

Of course there could be many reasons, but one of the most important reasons could be multiple focussing!

We want to do many things at a time and be involved in every thing that we come across! Some of us are
so social minded that we fail to say 'no' to any body, so we say 'yes' to any thing and any body and end up in a mess.

This is applicable in our spiritual life too. Our involvement in too many spiritual activities could drain away all our time and energy and lead to failure finally. In our zeal to be active and useful for the Lord we may be focussing on so many things at a time and subsequently neglect the most important things of spiritual life.

We are familiar with the story of Martha and Mary who are classic examples for this truth. A wrong focus always leads to frustration sooner or later. The Lord Jesus answered to the irritated Martha, " are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41b, 42.  What is that part Mary chose?  She preferred to be at the feet of Christ to listen to Him. Yes, that is the most important duty of a Christian. Failure at this area is faulty focus and it is dangerous.

Consider another verse, "..if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkens.  If there fore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
Matt.6: 23, 24

Here also the Lord refers to the foolishness of multiple focussing. We see things properly because we focus on one thing with our two eyes.

No wonder David declared, 'one thing I desired of the Lord, that will I seek; that I may dwell in the house of Lord all the days of my life."  Psa.27:4.
Paul too was focussed in his spiritual life. He says, ".. one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead."

It is high time we examine our focal point and make necessary changes so that we may not miss out the most important matters in spiritual life.


Study Note:- 

Reading: Song of Solomon 1.7-8; 2.16


Michael Brown , England

From being with the Shepherd King in the inner chamber v. 4, The Shulamite woman now longs for an open companionship with him in the fellowship of his flock.
Love for our Beloved is manifested both spiritually and adoringly in the secret Sanctuary; as also practically in the public assembly seen as 'the flock of God'—the place where He feeds His sheep.

Feeding the Flock. She expresses her love unreservedly in simple and direct language, "O thou whom my soul loveth". 

May we express our love as freely to the Lord Jesus, the living Shepherd of our souls, 1 Pet 2.25. This phrase is repeated five times throughout the Song, and showed she loved him with all her heart. It was a love that sought his companionship in the fellowship of his flock
v.7, and with a love that drove her to seek him when through ease and sloth she had lost the sense of his presence, 3.1-4. True love, though faint at times, is never happy away from the beloved. So her love drew her to his flock!

Our love attracts us to the Assembly of God where, through the under-shepherds today, He still feeds His blood-redeemed flock, 1 Pet 5.1-2.

Resting the Flock A true shepherd always leads his flock into rest. The Shulamite found it so when at high-noon she found her beloved's flock in his presence by the still waters of rest.

That is why our souls love our Shepherd Lord—He has made us rest at noon. Each one of His sheep heard His voice calling them in the wilderness, "Come unto me…and I will give you rest", Matt 11.28, and they came to Him and enjoy the rest of salvation in His flock. The Good Shepherd who leads His sheep into salvation's rest today, is the Glorified Shepherd who will bring His flock into eternal rest in that future day which will soon dawn, Heb

Guiding the Flock.  The Shulamite now follows "the footsteps of the flock" v.8, and in following the flock knows that she is close to him.

So it is today as we go forth, "by the footsteps of the flock" in company with Christ's sheep, we are guided by Him who said, "When he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice". John








                                         Joy of a Christian


1. Joy of Salvation     – as we trust in Him Psa.51:12
2. Joy of Union          – As we abide in Him. Jon.15:11
3. Joy of Communion -- as we talk to, and listen to Him.
4. Joy of Service         --- as we work for Him. Acts. 20:24
5. Joy of His presence – As we look to Him. John.20:20
6. Joy of His word       – as we feed upon and obey Him. Jer.15:16
7. Joy of Victory       – as we fight in Him.
8. Joy of Suffering     – In fellowship with Him. Act., 5:41
9. Joy of glory        – The final result of faith. 1Pet.1:8





Decreasing Resources


H.A. Ironside told of a Christian widow who lived in Scotland. With several "bairns" in the home, it was extremely difficult for her to provide food and clothing for her household. Through it all, she lived close to the Lord and lovingly taught her children to put their confidence in Him.

The day finally came when the purse was empty and the pantry depleted. Only a handful of flour remained in the big barrel. The mother reached down into the container to scrape up the last bit in order to make some bread for her hungry little ones. As she bent over the barrel, her faith began to waver and she could hold back the tears no longer. Her little son Robbie heard her sobs and began tugging at her dress till she lifted her head and looked into his questioning eyes. In his Scottish dialect he asked, "Mother, what are ye weepin' aboot? Dinna God hear ye scrapin' the bottom o' the barrel, Mither?"

Ironside said, "In a moment her failing faith reasserted itself. Ah yes, God did hear. All else might be gone but He remained, and His Word declared that her every need would be supplied."


 Worthy Quotes




"When goal goes, meaning goes; when meaning goes,

purpose goes; when prpose goes, life goes dead on our hands."
                                                                                         ------ Carl Jung


People, unattached to a goal, useless. Attached, men with missions." 
                                                                                    ----   Author unknown
"The poorest of all men is not the one with out gold,

but without a goal. Life for him has no meaning – no reason for living."
                                                                                  ---Author unknown



Matters for Prayer & praise

Home Call

Mrs. Clara Malcom Gregory, Kingston, Tasmania: was promoted to glory on 7th April 2007.
She and her husband were in North India for some time with their secular job. Even after returning to Australia they had a very keen concern for the Lord's work and His Servants in India. Their help used to reach even non-brethren believers in India. They used to keep in touch with their old contacts in India irrespective of the church affiliations. 

   Not only they used to support them financially they used to write personal letters regularly. It was Sister Clara who used to explain the details. She had a special gift to write that can encourage the readers. She was conscious of all the provisions of God, like the rains and sunshine etc. They were very much fond of farming and worked together in the back yard.  Many India will greatly miss her.

Pray for dear Dr. Malcom Gregory that he find comfort and consolation in the Lord in the absence of dear Clara.  From their letters it was clear that after their morning worship and breakfast, they used to sit together and read all the letters and replied together. 


Mission Field:-

1. Mrs & Mr. C. John. Panjim, Goa India. Pioneer brethren evangelist to Goa , Bro. C.John and family need the fervent prayers of the saints. For the last four years they are out of Goa due to poor health. At present they are in Mumbai, under the care of their daughter and undergoing treatment. 

Our brother, after working in the defense service for around 27 years, served the Lord in Goa for more than 25 years.  It was the Vettiyar Assembly near Mavelikara, Kerala that commended them for full time gospel work.

Today their physical condition is very poor. Mrs. Kunjamma John is totally bed ridden. Brother, though relatively healthy has so many complications in his body. Kindly remember them in your prayers.

Bro. C. John can be contacted over his cell phone no. +91 9920 3235 38

2. Achintya Ghosh, Asansol, West Bengal, India. Our brother is grateful to the Lord for the provision of a suitable place to stay. He express thanks to the saints who prayed and supported.
Their new residence is in New Asansol Srishti Nagar. There is no Christian activity in that place. His prayerful desire to establish a local assembly there.

Also pray for the ongoing out reach work in Capra of Nadia District. They are working as a team.
His New Address is :- Gospel Home. T.P.Road, Ushagram, Asansol. 713 303, West Bengal. India. Mob. +91 9434 2267 09 

Conference: -

International Brethren Conference on Missions (IBCM4)

As reported earlier, God willing on 25 the Monday IBCM4 will begin in Wiedenest, Germany. More than 300 delegates from eighty countries are going to gather for a week long conference on missions.
There will be workshops on various topics, like local church leadership and cross cultural evangelism. Also reports from around world will be discussed. An exhibition is arranged to get to know the ministry of various lands. On July 1 delegates will be visiting various assemblies through out Germany.

 The organizers effort is to bring together key leaders from the brethren assemblies all over world for mutual edification, fellowship and encouragement.

Pray for the traveling mercy for the participants as well as for the entire program.


Reader's Response:-

Antonym  <k.antony@...........> India

Dear grace & peace publishers
Greetings in Christ. This periodical is very useful to me. Now I am not receiving it. Please send it continuously.

ananda jaya babu < fortgospelhall@.........> India

Brethren I am a young evangelist serving the Lord in north Andhra
Since 5yrs. thanks for the magazine. Nice article, 'nobody care for me'
I am in that situation please up hold me in your prayers as a brother in Christ.

With thanks


jose kochukutty <josegaius@...........> U.A.E.

Dear brother N T, first of all I thank my God for You and Your family, very gladly I read this news. Last many years I pray for this kind of news from Maharashtra. (India)  We as a family pray for you and your family especially the ministry which you are doing in that part of the world. May our God bless you more and more in the days to come.



To ponder over

Pro. 4:26

"Ponder the path of you feet, and let all your ways be established."



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Edited & posted by Nelson Thomas Kumaramparampil for the glory of God and joy of the saints.