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Issue No. 043 Aug 31 07 Greatness of Salvation

Posted by: gracepeaceu <gracepeaceu@...>


Grace & Peace


An e-periodical for spiritual enlightenment,

edification and encouragement



Issue No. 043     August 312007




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In this issue

  • Perspective:  The Greatness of Salvation
  • Outline:  Salvation Illustrated
  • Anecdote:  Lost Son



The Greatness of Salvation



Knowing the greatness of the salvation that we received through the Lord Jesus Christ is essential to appreciate the work of God and to live for Him. In the opening pages of the book of Hebrews as well as the first letter of Peter we see this truth very much highlighted.

The enlightened Jewish seekers neglected the message of salvation and as a result began to doubt, drift and waver.  They could not go forward in their faith life. Some of them even stopped attending the gatherings.

Writer point out the fact that the words spoken by angels in the Old Testament stood firm and every unbelief and disobedience was dealt with seriously, how can we neglect this great salvation which was spoken and accomplished by the Lord Almighty Himself. God the Father designed, the Son executed and the Holy Spirit testified. Moreover, myriads of men have experienced this wonderful salvation.  How serious it is to disregard such a salvation.

The scattered suffering saints of Peter's letter also need a fresh understanding of the glory of the redemption they have experienced. So he refers to the past, present and future of Christians and brings out the importance of salvation.  

He begins with the present privileges in Christ: regenerated, recipients of a living hope and a secured future inheritance, they are royal priests and God's own special people. 1Pet.1:3—5. God has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness along with great and precious promises.  We even possess the divine nature.
Who were we to enjoy such wonderful blessings? Peter refers to our past.  Our life was in utter darkness having a futile conduct but now translated to marvellous light. Like sheep we were gone astray but the Good Shepherd sought us and brought us back to His fold.  Not worthy to receive mercy but today God had mercy on us.

This salvation was the main theme of the Old Testament prophets. They could only speak of the great salvation but it is our wonderful privilege to enjoy all the blessings associated with redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Peter even contrasts God's dealings with the fallen angels and fallen man. Angels who rebelled against God are chained to be judged in the future but God had mercy on us to delver us. 2Pet.2:4. No wonder the heavenly angels long to look into it.  What a wonderful position we have in Christ! Are we aware of this great privilege and rejoice at His presence?

Peter does not forget to mention another factor that gives enormous value to our salvation. That is the cost paid for our redemption- Not with silver or gold, but the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. He who did no sin, the perfect, blameless one bore our sins in His body. The just died for the unjust to bring us to God.

All these four things: believer's past, present and future along with the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ remind us of the greatness of the salvation we enjoy through Christ. As we meditate upon these truths sincerely, how we can stop praising Him, how can we go away from His presence, and how can we grieve His heart by our unbelief or disobedience.

 If we are careless and lethargic in our daily Christian life we need the same treatment that was given to the readers of Hebrews and Peter.  If we don't find value in worship and remembrance of Christ it shows our poor understanding of the great work of God for us. Then we need a fresh look at the cross, the cost that was paid for us, our past unworthiness, present privileges and even our glorious future. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation…?"


Study Note


Charles E. Wigg


 The prayers offered at the Golden Altar, always relate to what is for God's pleasure in His people. We have some fine examples of Golden Altar Prayers in Paul's letter to the Ephesians. He begins in chapter 1:3 of that epistle by offering the incense of pure adoration and of worship. His soul bursts out with that spontaneous exclamation; "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ", and he then goes on to describe the wonder of the eternal purposes of God.

This is an example that we might well follow, that is, when we approach God in prayer, we should rise above our own personal needs, and first offer to God, the worship and adoration of our hearts, should allow our hearts to be caught up in the wonder of what God is, in the glory and majesty of His being, the greatness of His plans, His eternal purpose, His ways in matchless grace, this is the incense of adoration.

Then from v. 16 to 23, he records one of his beautiful prayers. This is truly a "Golden Altar prayer." He is not at all occupied with the physical or material needs of the Ephesian believers, nor is he thinking or praying about their circumstances. Though today collective prayer is not popular, and often those leading will insist that there should be only "sentence prayers", yet even then those prayers are taken up with things that are physical, (sickness etc.) material, (success in education, work, business, etc), circumstantial, ( personal comfort, better house, an easy life, without persecution, etc). How seldom do our thoughts and desires centre on the things that Paul prays about in this prayer. I commend it to your consideration.

Further on in ch.3:16-21, we have another such prayer, full of such lofty spiritual desires, that rises in character until it concludes with a lovely doxology, a spontaneous outburst of praise in verse 21. This is another "Golden Altar Prayer".

The Brazen altar was the place for the mention of the other things that we have spoken about. The ordinary people never passed beyond that point, it was only the priests that went into the Holy Place. You and I have that privilege, but do we use it as we should?

So many of us never get beyond the Brazen altar, where we are occupied with our sins, Christ's sacrifice, God's forgiveness, our needs etc. We so often fail to make full use of our God given privileges. The understanding of the meaning of the Golden Altar would then come as a challenge to us.




Salvation Illustrated

1.    By a Rock.     Deut. 32:15;  Psal.95:1
2.    By a Horn.      Psa.18:2; Luke.1:26
3.    By a Tower.     2Sam. 22:51
4.    By a Helmet.   Isai. 59:17;
5.    By a Shield.    2Sam.22:36
6.    By a Lamp.     Isai. 62:1
7.    By a Cup.       Psal.116:13
8.    By a Clothing. 2Chron.6:41; Psa.132:16; 149:4; Isai.61:10
9.    By Wells.        Isai.12:3

10.  By Walls & Bulwarks. Isai.26:1;16:18




Lost Son


Raymond Maufrais, a young explorer, tried to travel to Brazil from Guyana on foot, taking a route through one of the least known areas of the world.  For a time, regular news was received from him until he disappeared without trace. Absolutely convinced that his son was still alive, his father decided to go in search of him. For nine long years, disregarding all obstacles, dangers and difficulties, he searched for him in desperation.

Through the depths of the virgin forests, on the mountain tops, he went calling out his son's name at every opportunity. He cut his name in the bark of trees and left several messages in bottles. Completely overwhelmed by the desire to find his son, he disregarded hunger and thirst and the constant threat to his life from native tribes, wild beasts and snakes. Finally, ruined, broken – hearted and aged with grief, he gave up and returned home. "Leave me alone" he said to those who praised him for his courage, "I'm just a poor man who has lost his son."

A true story which moves us deeply! Does it not remind us of Him who came to "seek and to save that which was lost," the Lord Jesus Christ? He, the Son of God, left the glory of heaven to enter this world; He met bitter opposition and received nothing but scorn and mockery from those He had come to save. At the end of His life of service and sacrifice, He was nailed to a cross of wood, out of love for you and me. Like Raymond's father, He is looking for you today! Allow Him to find you!




- Readers may please notice that in our last issue while we reporting about the 'ministry opportunity in Kazakhstan' we by mistake gave the impression that Sister Annie is leaving Kazakhstan for ever. That is not correct. At present she is visiting her native place in India but she will be coming back to Kazakhstan shortly. Continue to uphold the ministry in this country. Sorry for the error.



Worthy Quote

Salvation as experienced Bilney


"When I read that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, it was as if day suddenly broke on a dark night."

                                                                                       --Thomas Bilney



To ponder over

Philippians. 2:12


                         ""Work out you own salvation with fear and trembling."

 'Grace  & Peace' is an electronic periodical, sent out on alternate weeks,
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Edited and posted by Nelson Thomas Kumaramparampil for the Glory of God & the Joy of the saints.