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March 2013 Parenting Young Men, Fostering, Marriage, Meal Planning, G ardening, Priceless Gift

Posted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>

 Compiled especially for you with love by Lois Breneman    
A categorized storehouse of information for you from past newsletters,
plus a second blog just for recipes! 
March 2013  Parenting Young Men, Fostering, Marriage, Meal Planning, Gardening, Priceless Gift
 Please send your name, city, state, plus your old and new e-mail addresses to
Sunny Chamberlaine
Nashville, TN










by Julie Druck - Editor of A Heart for Home - To subscribe: - Used by permission
Years ago, when the nurse found out that I had just delivered my third son, she spoke words that I’ll never forget: “You’ll never have a vote, but you’ll ALWAYS be Queen.”
She was right. I AM the Queen, and I love it.   But I’ve got to tell you that it’s not always easy being the only woman in a houseful of men. And yes, I mean men. With a husband, a son who’s almost 19, another who’s almost 17 and yet another who is 15, there are no longer any little boys in the house. And this fact has changed everything!
I’ve now gone through the period of early adolescence with three boys, and every time I experienced the same thing.   A natural (or should I say, supernatural) phenomenon takes place around the age of 14 or so in a young man’s life. I found that with each of my sons, the hardest time in our mother-son relationship was the year between ages 14 and 15. That time period was the transition when my sons went from boys to men, physically and mentally. And when they went from boys to men, Mommy disappeared and Mom took her place. Let me explain.
When my oldest son was about 14, I heard a Christian man give a talk called, “What’s A Mother to Do with Teenage Sons?” This man so succinctly and wisely explained that God has amazingly designed young boys in such a way that not only do their bodies prepare for manhood but so do their minds. He talked about the fact that God has called men to the role of leader of the home. And, as usual, when God calls, He equips. And the way He equips boys to take on their God-given role as a leader is to cause them to start acting like men! That may sound obvious; however, it changes everything for mothers.
It means that the little boy who was always provided for and protected begins to want to provide and protect. The little boy who had to be led across the street begins to lead the way. The little boy who delighted in approval now wants to be the affirmer. How each boy grows into these things looks different, yet the same thing is required of each mother – to help her son to grow into these things. How? By encouraging and allowing them to provide, protect, lead and affirm.
The speaker wisely explained that we, as mothers, need to begin treating our growing sons more like we treat our husbands. He explained the importance of speaking words of respect, asking for their advice and help, and calling them to take on more responsibility. In essence, we must encourage them to act like men. This can be tricky work at times because our sons remain under the responsibility of obeying their parents. And yet, the speaker helped me see things from a son’s perspective, explaining the intricate dance in continuing to honor their mother and, at the same, work on becoming a man who would one day lead a wife.  
Thankfully, God placed this knowledge in my hands just when I needed it. At a time when I was struggling to give guidance and my son was wanting to lead instead of follow, it helped me know that I wasn’t necessarily doing something wrong as a mother and that my oldest son wasn’t being deliberately defiant! When I realized that it was a God-ordained process to help my sons grow into godly men, it became easier for me to see why there was often frustration in our relationship. And it also helped me see that I needed to take a different role in the life of my son – to encourage him in becoming what God was making him into.
How did that look in practical ways? It will, of course, look different for every mother-son relationship. For me, it means sometimes being quiet instead of giving my sons a reminder; asking them to do something for me at their own convenience instead of mine; giving them time to make a decision instead of hounding them; asking them what I should do about a situation; not hindering them from trying something new.
It isn’t, of course, an easy transition going from Mommy to Mom, but it is a good one - one that has been ordered by God. And, like everything else that God orders, it brings good and peace into our lives if we allow it. Though at times difficult, it has been an awesome privilege to watch my boys become men. And God, in His great grace, allows me to reap the benefits of this grand metamorphosis.
by Aisling Solarek - Used by permission      
We took the Foster Care class. Finished the class in April. On a Thursday. Got our first foster baby boy the next day! He was with us for a week. He was with us for respite. His foster family were taking a weeks break. You know you can be approved for respite care? You can take the class and help those foster families who need a short break. Respite. A friend of mine is a respite foster mom and she has provided a loving home for many children while their foster families rest. April 16, God brought us a two year old boy and an 8 month old girl. I have told you about them before and told you how quickly we all fell in love. These two were younger than Conor and Erin and we had the perfect little family. Four kids. Two boys. Two girls. This little guy and little girl have an older brother and sister. As I would bring my little ones to visit their parents at the Department of Social Services, I would see their older brother and sister. I would hear them say to their younger brother and sister, "I really miss you. I love you. I will see you next week."  I could see the sadness as they would not only have to leave their parents. They would have to leave their siblings.
I started to fall in love with them. I was hoping someone in my church would take the older two children so they could be close to their younger siblings. I was really hoping God wouldn't pick me. Do you ever feel that way? If we took the older two, I felt like my life would get too messy. I mean, Conor would not be the oldest child in the family. What was this going to do to Conor and Erin? I was worried about MY children.I was worried about what others would say or think? God said to me, "They are all MY children." 
God's heart breaks for ALL of the children in the World. Mine should too, right? So in August we asked the DSS if we could foster all four children so they could be together. They told us to wait until the end of December. We were willing and obeyed God. That is all we could do. So we went home and waited for God to bring these two children into our family. I will tell you that the enemy shows up when you are standing up for children in need. People in need. Life isn't easy. Whose life is?
Everyone has something. You know why we have something? It's so we bring our something to God. In our weakness HE is made strong. HE can do all things. HE can be our strength. God also brings blessings. Our neighbor was moving and she asked me if I would like a set of bunk beds and mattress. Yes please!! You know what the precious part of that was? The bunk beds matched the other furniture. God cared about the girl's room enough to send us free matching furniture. Isn't that precious? That's God. I didn't do that. God gave us another dresser for free. We bought two for a great price on Craig's List. We bought a bed for 15 dollars at a second hand store. God provides. Now, just so you know, all of our bedroom furniture is second hand (except for our crib and matching dresser that my mom bought when we were pregnant with Conor). We treat the children how we treat ourselves.

I had two families from my church give me Christmas presents for the kids. Things that looked brand new that their family didn't need anymore. Awesome!! God was so kind to give us months to prepare for the older two children. We had time to prepare our hearts and our home. We had time to emotionally prepare our children. We had time for a trip to Disney World!  God brought the two older children to us on December 22.  It has been over three weeks since they arrived.

The oldest boy and Conor are best friends! They have so much fun together!! Wow! How God blesses obedience! They are on the same basketball team. They play Star Wars together. The six children have a great time together and they have all been so good! I am in shock that they all clean up after themselves. They enjoy doing chores. They fold and put away their own laundry (5 of the 6 kids do this!) Blessed? I am blessed. The children are blessed to be together. but I am blessed to watch how beautiful this all is. God came after these four siblings and He has a super plan for them. He has a plan for my six children. If I obey God, I will see beautiful things.

Often beauty comes from ashes, right? I have noticed a few things. The amount of doctor appointments sky rockets. Babysitters for date night are a must. Paper plates are a must. Laundry is never-ending but the big jump in that one was going from 2 kids to 4. Honestly 6 kids is not thaaaat much different than 4.  Honestly!  Going from 2 to 4 was a bigger adjustment.

The older kids bring different advantages to the table. The younger ones fit nicely into the family but cannot verbalize all that has happened in their little lives. The older children can verbalize which has been sad, but good that we can help them process their pain. I feel like labels have been put on older foster children that should not be there. Biological parents have made mistakes. The children have not. Number 1 rule? Treat these angels how you would want someone to treat your children if for some reason you could not take care of them. Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. Be slow to label children. We know the Miracle Worker. His name is Jesus.
compiled by Aisling Solarek - Used by permission
Orphanology by Tony Merida and Rick Morton
Adopted for Life by Russell D. Moore
The Connected Child by Karyn Purvis,David Cross and Wendy Sunshine
Dear Birthmother by Kathleen Silber and Phylis Speedlin
Bloodlines by John Piper (understanding the issues surrounding inter racial adoption)
Thriving as as Adoptive Family by David and Renee Sanford (Focus on the Family book)
A resource I have enjoyed is the Focus on the Family radio. They have said so much about Adoption and it has been a huge blessing to me to hear from others who have walked a similar road.

Thanks to Joyce Quam for this excellent link, endorsed by Focus on the Family

Listen to recent broadcasts at this link!  Very practical and useful counsel on marriage!
by Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist on February 12, 2011
Adelle Davis popularized the practice of saving vegetable cooking water during the Leave it To Beaver era of the American 1950′s.
The reason for this recommendation was that any vitamins and minerals lost from cooking the vegetables would end up in the water.    This cooking water could then be added to homemade soups or sauces with the nutrition benefiting those that consumed them.
This notion took hold and has not let go to this day. Unfortunately, reserving vegetable cooking water can do more harm than good.  If the vegetables that are cooked are not organic, pesticides and nitrites from commercially produced fertilizers can end up in the cooking water.  Even low to no spray veggies such as asparagus would not be safe bets as these crops are still typically fertilized with commercial preparations that are high in nitrites.
Cooking cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and kale would add goitrogenic (thyroid blocking) substances to the cooking water which should be discarded. Water used to boil potatoes would contain chemicals called hemagglutinins that disrupt red blood cell formation.
Dark green, leafy vegetables such as beet greens, spinach and chard contain oxalic acid that blocks calcium and iron absorption. This irritating substance also can cause distress to the sensitive mucous membranes in the mouth and intestinal tract and contributes to the formation of kidney stones.
Consuming cruciferous or dark, leafy greens raw is not an alternative either as the substances that cause problems when in the cooking water also cause problems if consumed directly with the vegetable in an uncooked state.
As a result, only the cooking water from organic root vegetables (carrots, turnips, parsnips, and beets), organic squash (including zucchini), and organic vegetables from the lily (onions, leeks, and garlic) and nightshade (tomatoes, eggplant and peppers) families can safely be used.
If you find it confusing as I do to remember the distinctions of which organic veggies are safe to use the cooking water for and which are not or if you mix you veggies together when you steam them, it is best to just adopt the practice of not using the cooking water at all.
It is of particular importance not to use the vegetable cooking water for use in pureeing homemade baby food.
One final word of caution:   All vegetables tend to form nitrates after cooking and during storage.   These nitrates can transform into strong carcinogens in the intestines, so it is best to avoid refrigerating and reheating vegetables, particularly leafy, green vegetable which concentrate nitrates when grown commercially.

1 bunch kale

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon seasoned salt

Preheat an oven to 350 degrees.  Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper. 
With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt.
Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 15 minutes.

by Cara -
Free of eggs, sugar, gluten, grain, chemicals, and preservatives.

This is a part of Grain Free Baking Week at Health, Home, and Happiness! We are baking a few recipes from the Nourished Kitchen Guide to Grain Free Baking and Treats!
My children rave about fruit and nut bars like they have addictive qualities, and these are no exception. They love hand held sweet-nutty combinations of GAPS friendly ingredients!  Apricots and almonds pair together here with the addition of coconut and flax to make a substantial snack or breakfast in a pinch.
  • 2 cups blanched almond meal or flour
  • 1/2 cup flax meal*
  • 1/2 cup roasted almond butter
  • 1/2 cup dried unsweetened coconut
  • 1/2 cup dried apricots
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted, plus extra for greasing the pan
  • 1/2 teaspoon unrefined sea salt
  1. Toss all ingredients into a food processor and process until smooth.
  2. Grease a baking dish (9″x9″ works well) and spread the mixture evenly into the baking dish.
  3. Allow almond-apricot bars to harden overnight.
  4. Cut with a sharp knife and serve as a sweet dessert or snack.
by Deborah Taylor-Hough - - Used by permission

The following recipe is one I prepare regularly to use up leftovers or clear out the cupboards. I keep a copy of this taped to the inside of my pantry door at all times. With Mix-n-Match Recipes, I'm always amazed at the meals I can create from simple, basic formulas. I also save money by choosing ingredients I have on hand. Sometimes I even surprise myself with a delicious nearly-gourmet combination or two!

Mix-n-Match Skillet Meals

Adapted with permission from the book Mix-and-Match Recipes:
Creative Ideas for Today's Busy Kitchens by Deborah Taylor-Hough (SourceBooks).

Choose one (1) food from each of the following four (4) groups:

1) Breads and Cereals (1 cup raw)

Rice (white or brown)
Any pasta

2) Sauce (1 can soup plus 1.5 cans milk, broth or water)

Cream of Mushroom
Cream of Celery
Cream of Chicken
Cream of Potato
Tomato Soup
French Onion Soup

3) Protein (1 pound or 1 cup cooked)

Chopped beef
Chopped pork or ham
Ground beef or turkey
Cooked dry beans

4) Vegetables (1.5 to 2 cups canned, cooked or raw)

Green beans
Lima beans
Mixed vegetables
Green Pepper
Whatever you have around

1/2 to 1 cup cheese (any kind) can be stirred into sauce at the end of the cooking time.

Choose one food from each of the four groups above.

1. Stir together in skillet.
2. Season to taste with salt, pepper, soy sauce, onion flakes, garlic, or whatever spices you enjoy.
3. Bring to a boil.
4. Reduce heat to lowest setting.
5. Cover pan and simmer 30 minutes until pasta or rice is tender.
6. Stir occasionally to prevent rice and pasta from sticking.
7. Stir in cheese, if desired.
8. Serve.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Or, to bake in oven: mix all ingredients in casserole dish and cover tightly; bake at 350 F for one hour.

Deborah Taylor-Hough (free-lance writer and mother of three) is the author of several popular books including Frozen Assets: How
to Cook for a Day and Eat for a Month and A Simple Choice: A Practical Guide for Saving Your Time, Money and Sanity. To subscribe to her free email newsletter, Simple Times, send an email to: Visit Debi online and read more articles dealing with simple living, frugality, parenting and much more:


Raise the Humidity in Your Home to Make it Feel Warmer during the Colder Months ~ If you find there is static in your home from cold temperatures and dry air, keep a pot of water simmering on the stove (low heat), but make sure it doesn't go dry.  Humidity in the air will make your home feel much more comfortable in the winter. 
This was a tip in last month's edition, but Brenda Nolen in South Carolina sent an additional useful tip:
Last winter I started using the mini crockpots or this purpose.  I use one on the kitchen counter during the day and one in each bedroom at night.  It takes some thought to unplug them in the morning and at night, but has made a huge difference for us!!  If I forget at night, our sinuses are much dryer the next morning.  Using distilled water in them will prevent mineral deposits from building up.
I use the crockpot uncovered.  During the day, you can see the steam rippling into the air.  Since the crockpot is not heating to a high temperature, it isn't putting enough heat or moisture into the air to cause damage to anything.  I don't even have moisture buildup on the surface it is setting on!  We have gas heat which tends to dry the air, so the crockpot adds just enough moisture!
Precautionary Measures:
1.  I wouldn't recommend using the same mini crock pot day and night.  Just to be safe, let it cool off to keep from overheating.

2. For families with little ones, be sure to place the crockpot where it cannot be touched or spilled.  Though the water is not extremely hot, it is still hot enough to harm tender skin.  The outside of my units get hot enough to burn little fingers.

3.  On extremely cold days, if you notice a buildup of moisture on the windows to the point of dripping onto the wood trim, that is an indication that there is too much moisture in the air, so adjust accordingly.

Longer Lasting Rose Blooms ~ During the spring if you place coffee grounds around your rose bushes, they will benefit.  Putting a cup of Epsom salts around each rose bush and rake it into the soil for longer lasting blooms.  Blending banana peels in your blender with water and poured around your rose bushes will add even more nutrients throughout the spring and summer.  All these tips make for happier roses!

Leftover Coffee, poured at the base of geraniums will produce more blooms.

Keep Rabbits Out of Your Garden by placing dried sulfur around the edges of the garden.

Keep Cats and Dogs Away from Your Garden by placing ammonia in small baby food containers, and burying them in the ground up to the rim.  Raccoons hate ammonia as well.

Keep Deer Out of Your Garden by hanging mesh bags of Irish Spring bars of soap or human hair around the garden.  The soap should last more than a year, but before the next gardening season, run hot water over the soap to remove any film and release the fragrance again.

Swap Plants with Friends and Neighbors ~ Many perennials multiply, and before long they overcrowd other plants, so why not check with friends and neighbors to see if you might be able to swap plants, and spread the joy around.
Propagate New Plants from Cuttings ~ Many plants will grow from just a small cutting. African violets, roses, hydrangeas, forsythia, azaleas, gardenias, camellias, hibiscus, holly, butterfly bush, mint, tomatoes, to name just a few.  Check out more possibilities online or in the library.  Simply cut off a small piece of the stem of almost any plant and remove the bottom leaves.  Dip in root tome and insert into moist and sandy potting soil.  Patience will yield wonderful surprises and free plants for your garden.  For detailed instructions and photos, this is a helpful link:
This link shows the best times to take cuttings:

Plant Dill Near Your Tomato Plants to discourage worms eating them.

Start Seeds Indoors to give them a head start.  I'm excited to use the many vinca seeds that I harvested last fall from hundreds of volunteer plants in red, white and a few pink, that reseeded from plants the year before.  We had plenty to brighten up the front lawn.  Vincas are also very drought resistant annuals!

No Room for Gardening ~ Container gardening is perfect for small spaces or tight quarters.  Tomatoes, herbs, flowers, and even small shrubs do well in containers, as long as they get adequate watering.  Vertical gardening using a trellis or obelisk are other possibilities for climbing roses or clematis - even pole beans.

Indoor Gardening with African Violets ~ Stick a few rusty nails in the soil around the edge of the pot for longer blooms and more of them.  African violets bloom their heads off in January and February when the rest of the world is cold and gray, so they are great to have around to brighten your heart and bring you many smiles!
by Lois Breneman - 2013 - Heart to Heart Newsletter -

Last weekend I gave a special gift to our youngest son, James, and daughter-in law, Emily, as they await the birth of their first baby very soon. It was a notebook including our three children's kids' quotes, facts, stories, milestones, vacations, memories, and so much more.

This notebook began many years ago when I started recording on scrap paper all the cute, funny and even profound quotes from each of our three children.   Knowing I would forget much of what I didn't write down, I kept scrap paper and a pencil in just about every room to capture any special "gems" the minute they happened.  A dull pencil can preserve what the sharpest mind can not!  So true!  I'd write the child's name, the date, and the "gem" and periodically tuck them away in an envelope for each child.  A few times I took the envelopes on vacation and read the quotes to the family in the car.  We laughed and laughed and they always begged to hear more!  The plan was to someday write out all of these quotes to give to our children.  I was so thankful though to be able to type them out in WORD, rather than write them all out, because there were hundreds!   Each of our children gave me permission to include their personal quotes in this priceless notebook, so the typing began.

The first notebook went to our daughter and son-in-law before they welcomed their first child into the family.  In preparation for a neighborhood baby shower for our daughter that I was unable to attend at the time because of the long distance, I surprised my daughter by mailing this gift to one of her friends to take to the shower for me.  My daughter said all of the guests were having such fun reading the quotes, saying, "Oh, listen to this one!" that she almost didn't get to take it home!  She shared with me how she often enjoyed reading through it while nursing Justin during the quiet night hours. 

The first page was a personal handwritten letter by me written on decorative paper to the expectant parents.
But the notebook didn't stop with kids' quotes.  All three of our children's baby book information is included in the notebook, as well.  As a baby grows and develops, a mother often wonders if her little one is on target in growth and development.  A look at how tall Daddy was at various ages, and when he first talked and walked can be quite helpful.  I listed words spoken during the first year or two, which can be a good guide for the new mother in teaching her baby new words and concepts.  The lists of favorite foods can be helpful as a possible guide to follow as well.  Even foods that were disliked are included.  First sentences spoken are given, and their early childhood friends are listed.  Notes for babysitters reveal all kinds of helpful information.

Graduations and certifications are listed with the years.

Family vacations have been documented from the very beginning of our marriage almost forty-five years ago, with dates, locations, names of family members, and activities.  The last vacation entry was last summer when all twelve members of our family members got together.  We are planning our next vacation with a new little one.  The beach seems to be a favorite destination.

My childhood memories are also included in this notebook.  Years ago my sister planned a surprise Tribute for our father, in which family members wrote memories and messages to be compiled in a notebook for him.  Our niece, Diane, wrote and sang a song for Grandpa, as she accompanied herself on the keyboard in the living room.  My sister, brothers, and I, as well as most everyone else, had tears running down our cheeks during this emotional gathering, especially during Diane's song.  My tribute to Daddy was almost five pages of childhood memories, leading not only up to the day I left home to get married, but includes vacations Mother and Daddy shared with our family, as well as those with only Daddy after Mom's graduation to heaven.

So, dear mothers, I would encourage each one of you to record all of those "precious gems" from your children - the minute they happen, lest you forget.  Simply scribble them down on scrap paper for now, and store each child's gems in a business envelope.  A lovely journal is not necessary, because you might hesitate scribbling in that, thinking you must use your best handwriting.  I can tell you from experience that I never had time for writing neatly in a nice book in the midst of caring for my home and family!  I had lots more time after the children left home for typing up everything in order, thanks to the dates scribbled down.

The two things you need to get started are few pieces of scrap paper and pencils.  I divided an 81/2' by 11" piece of paper into 4 pieces, and put them in a very safe location.  Oh yes, you need a listening ear so you don't miss those precious moments that your children will provide - moments that may otherwise be gone forever!

This is a priceless baby gift that no amount of money can buy.  You won't find it listed in a gift registry.  It's a precious gift that only the deep love of a mother for her children can make happen!


Ladies, these are great as usual!  Thanks so much for your permission to include them in Heart to Heart!

I love the subtle hints (from my five year old): "Mommy, if you sit here longer it'll be bright blue skies outside." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Last night Micah (7) was making me a card before bed. (It was a surprise...haha)  He asked me what my favorite color is and walked away. A bit later he came back and asked, "How old will you be turning tomorrow?"  37. "Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" How old did you think I was?  "Tweeeeeelve? thirteen?"  Love that boy! 🙂 ~ Elaine in Virginia 

After seeing my 5-year old make a mess of himself with chocolate popsicle ice cream, I said, "Bubba. you made a huge mess all over your outfit, face, and hands!"  He replied, "Mommy!  I am just little!  I can make messes!"  Pfff!!! Smart Alec!  Yesterday, after a disciplinary session with his daddy, he was told, "Bubba, I love you but sometimes you're a little stinker."  To which he replied, "But when I take a shower at night time before bed, I don't stink anymore!"  Mr. Smarty Pants! ~ Darlene in Thailand 

Carter (2) dropped something and it went all over the floor.  Mia (4) immediately jumped in and said, "Here, let me help you pick those up, Carter, cause that's what best friends do!" ~ Elizabeth in Virginia

Savannah's (5)  prayer tonight:  "God, please help Mommy to stop throwing up from morning sickness.  And today she threw up before school and after I got home, and that's not real fair because they both aren't morning.  Make it stop.  And please help the baby brother to hurry up and please don't make it another sister.  Amen." ~ Lauren in Virginia

I find it impossible to resist a two-year-old who requests "Yucky Charms" for breakfast. ~ Jennifer in Virginia


 "Joy is a choice. It is a matter of attitude that stems from one's confidence in God - that He is at work, that He is in full control, that He is in the midst of whatever has happened, is happening, and will happen." ~ Chuck Swindoll

Ladies, I would love to hear from you anytime!
Simply reply to any newsletter and share your thoughts with me.
Let me know what you like best and least about the newsletter.
I'm always looking for cute quotes from kids (old or new would be great)!

I pray each of you found something in this edition to bless, encourage and teach you!
Please remember to pray for each dear Heart to Heart lady and her family,
because so many ladies are going through very tough times and need our prayers!
Some have lost loved ones, others have lost jobs, homes, or their good health.

Pray each day for the protection of our troops, and for their families left at home,
as well as adjustment and employment after they return home.

God bless you and your family and keep you in His loving care!
Your "Heart to Heart" friend

Disclaimer: Various websites may be given as credits or to supply additional information for readers. However, all the views and advertisements represented by websites in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editor. Please use your own discretion and common sense regarding all information given in this newsletter.


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