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Meek yet Powerful

Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>

Meek yet Powerful

Matthew 5:5



(1) Someone has said that a good description of the human race would be to take the principles of the Beatitudes and turn them upside down.

·       Human race does seem exact opposite of Jesus’ teaching.

·       arrogance and pride

·       Daily news—injustice, quarrels, crimes, wars.

(2) No wonder the Beatitudes are not popular—especially #3, Mt 5:5

(3) Our world regards meekness as a liability, not an asset.

·       meekness is regarded as weakness

·       The man most likely to get ahead is aggressive, hard-fisted, ruthless, self-assertive, fights way to the top.

(4) Yet, Jesus still says to the 20th century man..”blessed are the meek”.

I.        The Principle


(1) To understand the principle involved in this Beatitude, we must clearly define what meekness is and is not.

(2) What meekness is not

·       not another name for timidity

(1) A timid person is a conformist—afraid to stand up.

·       Younger using bad language because of peer pressure.

·       Man dishonest at work to keep his job.

·       People who never speak out against false teaching.

(2) Christians are to be meek, not timid, flabby, compromising.

·       II Tim 1:7

Rom 12:2

·       Jesus was meek, but not afraid to confront false teachers, hypocrites, etc (He chose His time; He controlled the issue) Death (could have called 10,000 angels) Resurrection (demonstrated His ultimate power)

·       1st century church turned the world upside down.

·       meekness is not weakness, as we will see as we study what meekness actually is.

(3) The true meaning of meekness

·       Aristotle saw meekness as being the happy medium between too much and too little anger.

(1) His view, “Blessed is the man who is always angry at the right time and never angry at the wrong time”

(2) There is a time for anger, but it must be controlled. Eccl 3:8, Eph 4:26,27

(Some pride is straightforwardness.. meek know when to speak and when not)

(3) actually, though, this is really an application of the true meaning of meekness.

·       The Greek usage of the word

note: Item 1 below was by William Barclay

(1) In Greek, “praus” is used in one special sense.

It is used. for a beast which has been tamed.  A horse which was once wild but which has become obedient to the bit and to the bridle is “praus” (black stallion, Fury).

Now herein lies the secret of the meaning of “praus”.  There is gentleness in “praus” but behind the gentleness there is the strength of steel, for the supreme characteristic of the man who is “praus” (the man who is meek) is that he is the man who is under perfect control.  It is not a spineless characteristic, a sentimental fondness, a passive quietism.  It is a strength under control.

(2) “Blessed is the man who has every instinct, every impulse, every passion under control.  Blessed is the man who is entirely God-controlled”, Barclay

·       Summary of meaning

(1) “a meek person is a person whose strength has been brought under control”

(2) “meekness is submission to divine control”,

 (3)      using one’s strength in a cause greater than himself.

(4) Examples of Meekness helps us to understand better.

·       Moses

(1) Num 12:1-3 (in Egypt he appeared arrogant and powerful)

(2) However, this was 40 years after he had killed the Egyptian.

(3) He had to learn to control his strength.

Act 7:27-30, 35-36

·       Jesus

(1) I Pet 2:21-23

Lk 23:35-37

(2) the perfect example of meekness...power under control (again, death and resurrection)

·       Peter learned to control his power - after conversion.


II.       The Promise


(1) The world says happiness is achieved in the accumulation of power, prosperity, property and prestige (3 P’s) Happy=(Happpy)

·       How much happiness did Hitler, Napolean achieve?

·       What about Mozart?  (the opposite of meekness) Prov 25:28

(2) So what Jesus says does make sense—the meek are happy.

(3) The meek inherit the earth.

·       May not have title to it, but possess it none-the-less.

·       II Cor 6:10

I Cor 3:21-22

·       The meek win the hearts of others.

(1) John Milton, “the invisible might of meekness”

(2) David, 2 Sam 16:5-13 (gained the hearts of men) d. the meek receive the best human beings are capable of enjoying.

4. How blessed are the people who have their power and strength under God’s control.


(1) The qualities of life taught by Jesus will help us live life to the fullest.

(2) People know that these are not one-time acts, but are to be a constant ingredient to Christian living.

·       Poverty of spirit - always recognize your need for God.

·       Mourn - never cease to mourn over sin.

·       Meekness - always have your life submissive to God’s control.

(3)  These qualities will make your life rich and meaningful.



















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