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Mother's day is coming

Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>

Our new Site / Study
"The Names Of God"
 Thoughts on Motherhood (a good Mother's Day sermon)
 1. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed
    the 2nd Sunday in May as Mother's Day (Anna Jaruis'
 2. Since that time, the popularity and importance of
    Mother's Day has soared.
    a. 40-45 million North Americans will call their Mother.
    b. 145 million Mother's Day cards will be given (only
       75 million to Father's on Father's Day)
 3. Even though Mother's Day is in no way a religious
    holiday to be observed, the Bible does tell us to "Honor
    your father and mother" Ex 20:12  Mother's Day is an
    appropriate way.
 I. Thoughts From Various Sources
   1. "Mother's Are.." by Floyd Wood
        Blowers of noses and washers of ears,
           Smoothers of bumped spots and wipers of tears,
        Bathers of babies and umpires of spats,
           Finders of boots and mittens and hats,
        Helpers with lessons and makers of beds,
           Shakers of dustcloths and combers of heads,
        Button-sew-oners and winders of clocks
           Menders of dresses and darmers of socks.
        Tellers of stories and readers of books,
          Judges and juries of conduct and looks,
        Doctors of heartaches and hearers of prayers,
          Generals directing all family affairs,
        Tenders of home fires and builders of men,
          (Oh, for the gift of an adequate pen!)
  2. "A Mother's Work From A to Z, by Bob and Meredy Dockery
         "A mother's work is never done..." It's true!  A mother
     has to wear so many different hats!  At one time or
     another she has to perform an amazing range of tasks...
     A Mother is:
     A - Artist - as she arranges and beautifies the home...
     B - Beautician - as she clips, cuts & curls a little
         beauty's hair...
     C - Chauffeur - as she delivers one child to his piano
         lesson, picks up another after his ballgame and
         hurries to meet her husband's train...
     D - Dietician - as she plans endless menues...
     E - Engineer - as she keeps the wheels of the home well
         oiled and running efficiently...
     F - Fashion Designer - as she alters hand-me-downs &
         creates originals...
     G - General Practitioner - as she treats a variety of
         ills from scraped knees to broken hearts...
     H - House Keeper - as she straightens and cleans and
         wipes up spills...
     I - Information Bureau - as she answers thousands of
         youthful questions, ranging from "Do caterpillars
         yawn?", to "Where's my socks?"...
     J - Judge - as she is called upon to settle the daily
         disputes that erupt wherever two or more children
     K - Keeper at home - as she seeks to serve in the God-
         given roll.  Titus 2:5...
     L - Laundry Worker - as she battles the dreaded "ring
         around the collar"...
     M - Musician - as she sings lullabies to coax droopy
         eyes to sleep...
     N - Nurse - as she maintains a vigil beside frequent
     O - Organizer - as she arranges birthday parties,
         shopping expenditures, ball games and work projects
     P - Pharmicist - as she dispenses bandaids, children's
         aspirins and iodine...
     Q - Queen of the home - as she serves as the center
         around which the home revolves...
     R - Recreational Director - as she plans activities for
         school, scouts, church groups, and home...
     S - Seamstress - as she patches, mends, darns and sews
         the inevitable holes, rips, and tears...
     T - Teacher - as she instructs little minds in the
         first lessons of life...
     U - Uphosterer - as she re-covers old furniture to try
         to make it last a little longer...
     V - Vocational Counsellor - as she offers advice about
         possible future occupations...
     W - Waitress - as she graciously serves over 1000 meals
         a year...
     X - X-Ray Technician - as she sees right through
         excuses, evasions, and cover ups, to get to the
         truth underneath...
     Y - Yard Worker - as she plants, prunes and trims to
         keep things outside looking neat...
     Z - Zoo Keeper - as she feeds the pets the children
         solemnly promised they would take care of...
 3. Being a Mom isn't the world's easiest job.
    a. more than 1/2 of mothers with children under 18 work
    b. 7 out of 10 of these work full-time outside the home
    c. Samuele Bacchiocchi, in "The Call to Motherhood",
       says that "the call to motherhood is being endangered
       today by many subversive forces"
       (1) ungrateful husbands
       (2) economic necessity
       (3) professional satisfaction
 II. Thoughts from the Bible on Motherhood
   1. We all should appreciate the great privilege of
      a. The Law of Moses taught to honor mothers, Ex 20:12,
            Lev 19:3
        (you'd think this would come natural, but it has to
         be learned)
      b. Her teaching was not to be abandoned, Prov 1:8
      c. She is not to be despised, mocked or scorned.
         Prov 15:20, 17:25, 19:26, 23:22, 30:17
      d. Motherhood is not merely a biological function,
         but also a sacred calling.
         (1) no one can love a child like a mother (not a
             Father; baby-sitter)
         (2) God compares His love for us with that of a
             mother (discipline compared to fathers)
                Isa 49:15
         (3) Mothers can communicate self-worth in a way
             no one else can.

  2. However valuable motherhood is, God intended motherhood
     to be experienced only in marriage
     Non-Traditional Families: (Times-Picayune 10 May 92)
      * Traditional Family only 25% of the U.S. households,
       down from 40% in 1970
     * # of children in single-parent homes has doubled to
     * 15% of all children live in stepfamlies
     * Single adults head 25% of households.
    a. more and more children are being born to unmarried
      (1) 14% of new mothers are single
      (2) A mother of 3 said, "I'm not ready for marriage
          yet, but I love children and wanted to have them"
      (3) a list of 10,000 are waiting to be mothers of
          test tube babies at Eastern Virginia Medical
   b. sexual relation outside marriage is sinful, Heb 13:4
   c. Matt 1:18,19 - example of where motherhood before
      marriage not acceptable.
  3. Mothers are to love their children
     a. Even though no one can love a child like his mother,
        some mothers need to be taught to love their
     b. Titus 2:4
  4. Mothers are to teach their children about the Lord
     a. The first perceptions of right and wrong are taught
        by moms.
     b. this is a grave responsibility, one that should not
        be delegated to a baby-sitter
       (money can buy groceries but it cannot buy character)
     c. II Tim 3:14-15 "A Tribute To Young Mothers"
     d. Boy stopped at the zoo by a sign "Wildcats"..why are
        they called wildcats?  Because their mother and
        father were wildcats!
 1. Great blessings are in store for godly mothers
 2. Honor all our mothers..but don't let it be
    for one day only
 3. The greatest honor you can give is to live your life
    by the principle taught in the Bible.
 4. There are many mothers today praying that their
    children would obey the gospel..recommit themselves
    to the Lord.
                To be a great mother...
          M - Marry the right man
          O - Obey the gospel
          T - Train your children to love God
          H - Honor your parents
          E - Enjoy Christianity
          R - Request Wisdom from God.

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