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Noah & Lot, A Comparison and Contrast

Posted by: biblenotes <biblenotes@...>

Subject:   Noah & Lot, A Comparison and Contrast
From: Martin M Overfield
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000

Noah & Lot, A Comparison and Contrast

Scripture: Luke 17:26-32.  "And as it was in the days of Noe...Likewise also
as it was in the days of shall it be also in the days of the Son of

Interesting Parallels Between Noah and Lot:

They were both the head of the household.

They each had 8 people to account for--Noah had himself, his wife, three
sons and three daughters in-law; Lot had himself, his wife, four daughters
and two sons in-law.

They were both declared righteous by the Bible (Genesis 7:1; II Peter 2:7,8
-- Though it is debatable as to when and how long Lot was righteous).

They were both saved from the judgments of God, by which the many were

Important Differences Between Noah and Lot:

Noah was radical; Lot was just conservative.

Noah was openly righteous; Lot was more of the "under cover" type.

Noah was uncompromising; Lot "pitched his tent toward Sodom."

Noah's whole household was saved from the flood; Lot lost most, if not all,
of his household.  First, his two daughters and sons in-law would not take
his warning seriously and died in the city.  Then, his wife looked back and
became a pillar of salt.  Later, his two single daughters conspired to get
him intoxicated with alcohol and then committed incest with their father.
Lastly, there is a BIG question mark hanging over Lot himself.

Noah built with "gold, silver and precious stones"; Lot built with "wood,
hay, and stubble".

After the world was destroyed with the flood, "God remembered Noah" (Genesis
8:1); after Sodom was destroyed with fire and brimstone, "God remembered",
not Lot, but "Abraham", his uncle, whose prayers were no doubt responsible
for Lot's rescue.

Genesis 19:29, "And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the
plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the
overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt."

Noah had something to show for his life; Lot "escaped", as it were, "with
the skin of" his "teeth" (Job 19:20).

I Corinthians 3:13-15: "Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day
shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall
try every man's work of what sort it is.  If any man's work abide which he
hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.  If any man's work shall be
burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by

"Thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation" was God's
testimony of Noah (Genesis 7:1).  May it also be His testimony of us!

Yours In Christ,
The Bible Note Writer

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