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Personal News -- December 2003

Posted by: biblenotes <biblenotes@...>

Dear Bible Note Subscribers,
I am sending this note for those who would like to know and to prevent any misunderstanding since many of you had known that I was with the Bible Missionary Church.
My wife Edie and I have changed church affiliation.  We are now with a new church organization named Pilgrim Nazarene.  It was organized during a holiness convention in Shreveport, Louisiana early December 2003 -- this very month.
It primarily, if not entirely, consists of people recently come out of the Bible Missionary Church.
The group adopted the BMC church manual rules with the exception of the most recent rule concerning the Internet.  We have taken the position that we may use the Internet as long as we do not break the other church rules in doing so.
My own personal rule is the same for Internet as with all aspects of life:  1.  Not to do anything that would violate the principles of God's Word;  2.  Not to do anything that would override the checks of the Holy Spirit; and,  3.  Not to do anything that would go against my conscience.
Part of the reason I left the BMC was to keep a clear conscience, because I do use the Internet for business, both insurance and other sales business.  Now, I may also use the Internet for ministry from my home.
I was not personally at the above mentioned convention, but I do know that God met with us at the Indianapolis church where I was preaching while the pastor was attending the convention.  I preached part of a mini series that I had begun there at another time -- "As in the Days of Noah".   This particular message, entitled "The Determined Remnant of the Righteous", deals with how Noah lived as a truly righteous man in the midst of his generation (Genesis 7:1), and how we can also.  Of course, many of you will remember that I have recently done a Bible Note series along this line.
May the Lord bless and help all of you, the Bible Missionary people, and the new Pilgrim Nazarene people as well.
Merry Christmas to ALL !
& a Happy New Year !
Yours In Christ,
Martin Overfield
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