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Police Events

Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

This guy who was pulled over for running a stop sign. When the cop checked
the man's driver's license, he said, "You're wearing glasses on your ID and
you're not now. I'm going to have to give you a ticket for that."
The guy said, "Officer, I have contacts."
The cop said, "Look, buddy, I don't care who you know, ... I'm
giving you a ticket."

A boy and his father are playing with toy cars, the father has the police
car and pretends to pull over the car that the boy is playing with.
"Do you have a drivers license?" asks the father.
"No," says the boy.
"Are you resisting arrest?" he asks.
The boy hesitates before he says, "No, ... I'm not sleepy yet."
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