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Re: [FUTUREBASIC] Re: [Q]MacsBug on 2. monitor

Posted by: BMichael <BMichael@...>

>>MacsBug shows up on the "startup icons" monitor.
>...hmmm, thats the "main"-monitor, correct?
>As my appl is running on the main-screen I would prefer to have MacsBug
>show up on the second (third :o) monitor...

Not necessarily the "main" screen; whereever you've _set_ the "startup
icons" to appear. That _can_ be different from where the MENUBAR appears,
which is the "main" monitor.

In the old "Monitors" control panel, use (I think) the Option key to drag
the "smiling face" to a different monitor. In the new "Monitors & Sound"
panel, there's a three-step process. Click "Arrange", click on "Identify
the startup screen", then drag the smiling face whereever you like.
