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Re: I'm Here

Posted by: seea <seea@...>

Bless you Patricia,
I am a big believer that the Lord will lead you where you need to be and
you never know, he may not be through with you yet 🙂 SInce you know alot
about living in nature, could you share with us (if you have time) those
things that we can eat that grow wild and NOT die as a result ? I have
wondered about this often . Thanks alot!
----- Original Message -----
From: PR <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 7:48 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] I'm Here

> I'm on the digest version. I don't talk much either as I don't homestead
> (I live in a condo). But I like the frugal tips (I now make all my
> laundry soap) and the Christian atmosphere. And I backpack for fun, so I
> know all about living out in nature with very little. I admire those who
> live the homesteading life, but since I am a single parent (my husband
> died many years ago) I don't really have the ambition to do that. I do
> read a lot of autobiographies about the homesteading life, but that's as
> close as I get.
> Patricia
> --
> "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's
> a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY,
> and they meet at the bar."
> ---Drew Carey
> --
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