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Re: mid april

Posted by: townfarmer <townfarmer@...>

So good to see a post. Here in Wisconsin, the daffodils are getting ready
to open. They actually came up late in February, but March was cold and
dark. Tulips should bloom in a couple of weeks. The crocuses bloomed last
week, but I went with hubby on a run to Colorado, so missed them. The
weather was great, (we went in February and were stuck in the ice storm of
the century in Nebraska), and this time we were able to enjoy seeing the

It's tax time again, and we had ours done yesterday. I always put it off
when I think we may have to pay in. The downside of being empty nesters and
debt free is that Uncle Sam gets really greedy. Had to pay in...grrr...the
blessing is that we didn"t have to borrow the money to pay our tax

We are doing well here. Life is good. Would appreciate prayers for our son
Andy, who is currently unemployed. He is a diesel tech who had worked for
the same trucking company as hubby does. The owner decided he needed
someone who is more experienced in repairing reefer units, so let Andy go.
is is due to a new federal regulation regarding food transport that takes
effect at the end of April. At this point he is uncertain what direction
he wants to go career-wise. His termination caused some hard feelings
between us and the company owner, but those have been resolved, for the most

We leave on a short run this afternoon and hope to be back tomorrow night.
I have reduced my work to one 24 hour shift a week, so have been working
every other weekend, with 12 days off in between. Worked last weekend, so
am able to enjoy Easter weekend and go to worship.

Can"t wait for the asparagus to come up and be ready for harvest. Love
that stuff. Not sure if the strawberries made it through the winter. We
didn"t have a whole lot of snow cover, but lots of rain and ice. Sure hope
they did because they should bear a lot this year.

Take care.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 4:25 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] mid april

Hello everyone. Some of you are gardening already
I'm sure. The weatherman promised we should have
seen the last of the snow this past week. All my
daffodils are in full bloom here in northern PA. I
am still under too much water to do gardening but
hope the raised beds will be ready soon for peas
and ready
Our need for gardening is getting smaller to
supply ourselves as we now have our third child
buying a home and moving out. Actually, we still
will be an empty nesters. My oldest is still in
town struggling to find a job and find direction in
life. But he is not living at home.
Thinking of you all who are getting ready to
celebrate Easter dinner with family. I think of
you all often and how you are doing in your part of
the country.
Kathy,Lisa,Bonnie. Some I see on Facebook. Hope
to hear from you soon.
Heather Mc

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