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RE: Mailing List Inactivity

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Dan and all,


I would not call it "closed" development, though it might look like it from your end.


Over the past few years I have lost track of all the people that said they would help and that I sent parts of the text to work on, never to hear from them again.


I have agreed to work with about a dozen people who were writing stories or adventures, or who had an idea on how to expand the system.  They keep disappearing.


One guy helped quite a bit with reviewing the AMM, but I have not heard from him in a little while either.  Love to have him back.


Also, even though I have asked for it, I have not received much in the way of useful feedback on the material that has  been made public; the original game system and the material posted on the DR2ED site at .


I have put out calls for reviewers; nothing.


So that leaves the few working behind the scenes, getting what little done that they can.

We are working on making the playtest process work better and we have several adventures to finish off, so we will keep at it.





From: []
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [DragonRaid] Mailing List Inactivity


Due to lack of activity, new material that has not been brought out of closed development, and a seeming sense of obligation/duty to the original mechanics and regardless of loss of relevance, my DR material remains dusty in a crate under my work bench. At this point I have also decided to remove Faerenoth Isles from the DR world.


As much as I love diving back into Talania, it has joined many other things in the museum of fads, past trends and wishful day-dreaming.


Though that may sound harsh to many of you, know that I have the greatest respect for Joe who I consider a friend and vigilant gate keeper of the faith! And if called upon, I would give of myself to forward the mission of this endeavor.


Blessings to you all,

Dan Knight


PS. Joe, give me a call soon.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad


At Feb 18, 2015, 2:42:48 PM, Rodney Barnes<''&gt; wrote:

I don't go to the forums, so this is my only source of Dragonraid updated data. I know folks were working on a second edition, but it seems I haven't heard about it in years. Back in 2002 I asked if I could convert it or if they were going to convert it to d20, and got a very nice NO. Seems to me that the Dragonraid committee wants to keep the game obscure. The math detracts from it's bible teaching elements and bogs it down. A simpler game mechanic is needed so the story telling elements become dominate. A lot of development in gaming has occurred since 1980, and DR should take advantage of it. The target audience is not interested in a rules heavy, chart heavy, system that soaks up all the time that could be used for story/teaching. DR could easily be brought up to modern game standards. Re-writing it to be a generic setting for any game system would probably be even more helpful. Then one could use Fate or Savage Worlds or d20 with it so one could spend more time on story/teaching and less time on looking at charts.

Just my 2 cp



On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 9:46 AM, stephen brown via dragonraid <> wrote:

I fourth that. I've been reading, but don't have much to say at this point.

From: Michelle and Brian Gross <>
To: 'J Jackson' <>; 'Jack Ray' <>
Cc: 'Hero' <>; 'Joe Revesz' <>;
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: [DragonRaid] Mailing List Inactivity




From: [] On Behalf Of J Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 10:16 AM
To: Jack Ray
Cc: Hero; Joe Revesz;
Subject: Re: [DragonRaid] Mailing List Inactivity

Pretty much the same here.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 11:09 AM, Jack Ray <> wrote:

Hi Joe and all

I have been reading the list, but, also, don't have much to say. I have not been to the forums, and probably would miss things, but do what is best for the group.

Jack Ray

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Hero <> wrote:

I am still subscribed and read all the emails and wouldn't see the forum, but I hardly ever have much to say, so if it costs time and money to keep the subscribers getting emails of forum posts I would understand if you dropped the service.

God bless you guys!

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Joe Revesz <> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

We continue to receive messages from our host that this mailing list is lacking in activity.

I have been considering shutting it down and relying on the forums at for mass communication.

Does anyone have any comments or ideas?


Joe Revesz

President, AFC

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