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Re: The Perfect Couple

Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

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Subject: The Perfect Couple
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 13:58:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jeanelle K Clark <>

WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have I got a FEW words for you(grin)!!!!! The perfect guy
was driving, and because Santa needed to get to the next house, and Mr. Perfect
would't ask for directions, they got into a tetesterone driven, male (I gotta
be right) ego thing. Santa eventually lost his cool (HO! HO! HO!) and grabbed
the steering wheel. Alas the Perfect Woman survived, only because she was
wearing her seat belt (she had told her husband to put his on, but being the
macho kinda guy he was, he ignored her). Santa wasn't use to wearing one, and
by golly, he wasn't gonna either. The Perfect Man was gonna show Santa what
a good boy he was...................even if it killed him. And the Perfect
Woman, well she got all the toys, found the reindeer(sold them to Barnum &
Bailey for a handsome profit), got the list of good boys and girls, and sold
that list to Publisher's Clearing House for a percentage, and lived happily
ever after. Thank You very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!