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Re: ZIP Mac/PC (X-FB)

Posted by: Michael_S_Kluskens <Michael_S_Kluskens@...>

I read about the Zip drives failing on the usenet a year ago and that
repair cost was almost the cost of a new drive. At work I haven't heard of
these problems, but I seem to be hearing that people on this list are
having alot of problems. Is it just the heavy users that experience these
failures or is everyone who uses Zip drives ending up with doorstops?

At 7:24 PM -0500 11/5/97, Mark Lincoln wrote:
>SyQuest and Jaz drives do not use heads in contact with the media; the
>heads "fly" over the platters, just as with a normal hard drive.

If this is the case, then one has to remember that any dust that gets into
one of those can cause a head crash, I assume the spacing between the head
and the disk is greater with the SyQuest & the Jaz drives than a regular
hard drive to reduce the effect of small everyday dust that's everywhere.
Hard drives are sealed for a reason. I remember the general technical
reasons for the pro and cons of the different removeable media but for the
specifics my memory fades on things I don't use regularly. Also, I
understand you want to keep those CD-R out of bright sunlight, the UV will
destory the dye layer and your data.


ps. IHMO people buy zip drives for the same reason people buy PC over Mac
and VHS over Beta, the up front saving is more obvious the the technical