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The Comforts of Home

Posted by: randal <randal@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2005, J. Randal Matheny

For my absence of the last several weeks,
I offer you this short piece. Perhaps I can
now get back on schedule. For the latest
news on my life and reasons for my absence,
see my blog:

by J. Randal Matheny

My bed supports my body with deeper rest,
No table holds a finer fare than mine.
To cleanse and wash my face my bath is best;
My chair gives greater comfort to recline;
But these can never make a home nor define
The joy I feel at walking through my door.
For home's my wife and children whom I adore,
Where Jesus reigns and we, for blessing, are blessed.


1. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.
2. What did you think of the poem? Let me know.