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The World Is Round

Posted by: randal <randal@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2005, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

The world is round, and so's my head,
And so's the ball I kick;
The sun's a circle, yellow or red,
And the moon makes lovers sick.

My eyelids hide the eyeballs' curve,
My iris, too, is a sphere;
The coffee cups our mothers serve,
The rims in round appear.

A hobbit's door, and window, too,
Are round as round can be.
I'd move to Middle Earth -- and you? --
With a hobbit family!

A rounded coin will buy a sweet
That rolls upon my tongue.
On two round wheels I ride in the street
(Or four for the very young!).

So thank you, God, for making Round,
A useful shape for play;
And, best of all, when we surround
Our rounded plates to pray!

Yup, the site is up and working well. How did this
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As well, read my short protest, open to all, about
"poet's corner" on my new weblog.

1. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.
2. What did you think of the poem? Let me know.