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Valentine Food For Thought Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Valentine Food For Thought"
Cabbage always has a heart;
Green beans string along.
You're such a cute tomato,
Will you peas to me belong?
You've been the apple of my eye,
You know how much I care;
So lettuce get together,
We'd make a perfect pear.
Now, something's sure to turnip
To prove you can't be beet;
So, if you carrot all for me
let's let our tulips meet.
Don't squash my hopes and dreams now,
Bee my honey, dear;
Or tears will fill potato's eyes,
While sweet corn lends an ear.
I'll cauliflower shop and say,
"Your dreams are parsley mine."
I'll work and share my celery,
So be my valentine

"The 10 Valentine Commandments"
1. I am thy Main Squeeze; thou shalt squeeze no others before
II. Thou shalt not take the name of thy Squeeze in vain, nor badmouth me behind my back.
III. Remember our Anniversary, and keep it holy. Or else.
IV. Honor MY mother and father. THINE are too darn weird.
V. Thou shalt not kill my love by behaving tackily and making me embarrassed to be seen with thee.
VI. Thou shalt not commit adultery, nor shalt thou even THINK about it if thou knowest what's good for thee.
VII. Thou shalt not steal from my wallet/purse while I am in thy
bathroom, nor use my credit cards, nor make long-distance calls from my telephone.
VIII. Thou shalt not talk about our personal problems to our friends.
IX. Thou shalt not covet the higher market price of thy neighbor's house.
X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Squeeze, nor son or daughter, nor stereo, nor BMW.
"A Special Valentine"
My Valentine is specially for you,
Not frilly, not syrupy and sweet,
Not large in size to show the world,
Just expressing My love to you.
My Valentine to you is true,
To uplift you when you are blue,
To let you know that I care,
My love is sincere and oh so true.
My Valentine for you is sent your way,
A gift of love from me to you,
Enfolding you in love so great,
Your heartfelt thanks does come my way.
My Valentine of love please don't forget,
My love for you has no beginning no end,
As my light of love encircles all,
Even those who don't remember but forget.
My Special Valentine of love I impart,
I love you all with arms opened up,
To take and embrace you tenderly,
This is My Valentine I do impart.
"I first loved you"
God, your Father

Joan C. Nelson-Payne

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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