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We Are Not The Borg - Article

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Word Count: 745

We Are Not The Borg!
Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown
Victory Church, Ft. Worth, TX

"We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile"
for those not familiar with the arch enemy of Star Trek vessels
across the galaxy, those words have little meaning. But for Trekies
everywhere the words are known to give instant rise to an uneasy
feeling which is almost impossible to ignore.

In the fictional world of Star Trek, the Borg are a powerful culture
of cyberneticly enhanced beings from various races, the Borg are a
blend of the biological and the technological. Their spaceships are
square and their mission is known as "assimilation".

Each Borg member or "Drone" is connected to a sophisticated subspace
communications network forming what is termed the collective
consciousness. The entire Borg species operates as one gigantic
organism. Within this shared consciousness, the ideas of
individuality, freedom and self-determination are nearly meaningless

On last week, a member of our church brought to my attention that
many un-churched people think of Christians as a type of Borg. In
their minds, our mission is to rob them of their individuality and
assimilate them into a race of people who hide behind a false

To them the "Christian Collective" never is interested in their
needs, wants, or desires, but is fixated with assimilation of them
and their friends. Some have even had friends who they "lost" to
this insidious menace called Christianity.

Wow, what a bombshell! Is that how non-Christians see us? As I
thought about it, I became convinced that was indeed the case!

The analogies are stunning. When we become Christians we do become
like other Christians through the centuries. Our desires and
motivations change. We become part of something much larger than
ourselves. We communicate with a God we cannot see and respond to
other Christians with what we call "intercessory prayer" Most
alarming, salvation causes us to realign our priorities from self
seeking and self serving, to a God ordained and mandated agenda.

However, we are not the Borg!

The Borg would destroy those who would not be an asset to the
collective. Christians have historically been those who were thrown
away and unwanted. Jesus typically called and ministered to the
throwaways of society. The Church continues to do so today. We are
not the Borg.

The Borg would force their way on others and make them assimilate.
Christians can only present the truth about the life available
through the blood of Jesus. Anyone who does not willingly desire
this "God-life" is free to accept or reject, without retribution by
those of us who offer it. We are not the Borg.

The Borg collective was designed to be a cold and heartless place
where mindless droids would only do what they were told, without any
feeling whatsoever. Christians are called and appointed to be the
most caring, loving, and thinking creatures ever created. We relish
our role as sacrificial lovers of others. We are not the Borg.

The Borg had little freedom because they did not posses spirit.
Jesus was clear that the comforter of the Church, known as the Holy
Spirit, would be with us always. The Bible further declares that
where the Spirit of the Lord is there will be freedom. This
Christian love of freedom and liberty is at the heart of our
America. Christians love liberty, freedom, and others who feel the
same. We are not the Borg!

As the Body of Christ on the earth, we must be diligent to let the
world know our motives and methods are genuine and loving. We must
never be high and mighty or act with smug superiority. We must use
our superior weapons to relieve suffering and deliver victory to a
lost and hurting world. Moreover, we must use that communications
network to pray, pray, and pray some more. Today, take the time to
share your faith. Remember - We are not the Borg!

NOTE: The following information must be included if you reprint this

C Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved James M. Brown
Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown is the founder and Sr.
Pastor of Victory international Church in Fort Worth, TX.
He is in demand locally and nationally as a revivalist, conference
speaker, and Seminar Leader.

"Qualities Of A Faith Man" is the new booklet from
Bishop 'I Feel God' Obtain you copy from the
Victory Church website @
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