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Why Bible Notes?

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Dear Bible Note Readers,

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Why Bible Notes?

Since, I am getting ready to address a very important question in my next
Bible Note, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" (sound familiar?), I
thought it would be good at this time to remind the reader what Bible Notes is
all about.

It was three or four years ago that I had received several cute, funny, and
interesting emails. I thought it would be good to send some emails that
communicated what the Bible has to say about various questions and life issues
that we face. I came up with a name for this idea, "Bible Notes".

I am persuaded that all truly important questions which actually need some
kind of an answer can and should be answered by the One alone who knows the
answers. Neither myself nor some other strictly human teacher or preacher
would know all the answers, but God does. These answers I was -- and still
am -- convinced can be found in the Word of God, the Bible. Therefore, I
began to share these things as I discovered them through Bible Notes.

The ultimate goal of Bible Notes is two-fold:

1. To glorify God
2. To help never-dying souls to make it to Heaven in the end.

Since I am but one very limited person, I encourage people to send me
questions and suggestions that would help me in this endeavor.

Yours In Christ,
Martin Overfield

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