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Word for Today, Thu, 13 Jul 2000: "Can I get a witness?"

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Have you ever heard an animated Gospel preacher or singer say, "Can I get
a witness?" Well, last Thursday's message from my pal, Larry Davies, reminds
me of such a phrase. Perhaps it was also because I was visiting his part
of the country last week: the Maryland, D.C., and Virginia areas. I did not
get as far south as Keysville, or his new home in Lynchberg. But I did look
on a map to see how close I would be. Alas, we were closer in spirit than
we were in person. Perhaps one day, that too will change.

In the meantime, let me catch up on the hundreds of Email messages I have
in queue, and share with you from one of my favorites, my good friend in
the Lord, and my brother in Christ, Larry Davies. I'm staring at his
book, "When a Used Car Salesman Becomes a PREACHER... There MUST be a God!!"

I've missed you, brother. Glad to be back home, where I can relax, work,
and think about the things that really matter. My friends, think about
what my friend shares with us. Do you know anyone like those kind men
at the church where Larry went? Have you ever shown kindness to another,
whether deserved or not (especially NOT)? I think such an attitude begins
to exemplify the "heart of worship", one who is a seeker of God's heart.

Personally, I have found God to be One who has sought me out, even though
I had not shown any particular kindness or was deserving of attention or
affection. Yet, He came to me and showed me love, an accepting, forgiving,
full and complete love. I seek Him because He sought me, "bought me"
(Christ's sacrifice), and continues to reach me and teach me (His Word and
the Holy Spirit).

What love, what wondrous love! Yes, you can get a witness. Let it be me.

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: "A Witness in the Real World!" Sowing Seeds Devotion 7/6/2000
> Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 05:16:10 -0700
> CloudEight Stationery, "A Tribute To Norman Rockwell" --The Doll---May,
> 2000The background is a painting by Norman Rockwell supplied by Cloud Eight
> Stationery. You can click on their site or type in this address:
> My email address has changed from to
> Sorry for the confusion but I guess that is what
> comes with moving.
> Sowing Seeds of Faith
> A Witness in the Real World! Larry
> Davies
> What is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear the
> word...witness: a murder trial, an automobile accident or someone in a long
> orange robe trying to sell you flowers? For Christians, witness is a word
> preachers use frequently to make everyone feel guilty. You must become a
> better witness so others will learn from you. Jesus says: will
> receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my
> witnesses... (Acts 1:8) But what does it mean to be a witness?
> Maybe this story will help:
> One of my first jobs after college was selling automobiles at a local
> dealership. A fellow salesman talked me into visiting a nearby church. So,
> one Sunday morning, just before time for worship, I took a seat in the back
> of the sanctuary. Just then, two men I immediately recognized entered
> through another door directly across from me. At that moment, I knew there
> was going to be trouble.
> Both men had purchased used cars through me recently. Both cars had
> mechanical problems and the dealership I represented did not fix them
> satisfactorily. Both men left my office upset.
> Have you ever wished the floor would open up and swallow you whole? I tried
> to scrunch my body behind the pew so they couldnt see me, but it did no
> good. They both with startled looks, recognized me and started walking my
> way. Knowing this could be embarrassing; I frantically looked for an exit.
> Youve got a lot of guts showing up here after what you did! No! No! That
> s not what they said, but it is what I expected and probably deserved.
> Instead they each enthusiastically shook my hand and said: Larry Davies,
> what a wonderful surprise. Were so glad to see you.
> U They offered no judgment or even mentioned what happened to their
> automobiles.
> U They sat and talked to me as if we had been friends for years.
> U They enthusiastically talked about their church and how God changed
> their lives.
> U They introduced me to others in the congregation as their friend.
> U They involved me in a small group with people my own age.
> In just a few short weeks, I felt right at home in a brand new church. All
> because of two people, who should have been angry with me, reached out the
> hand of friendship and offered the forgiving love of God. Looking back, I
> realize this was a life-changing moment in my young life and I will always
> be grateful for their enthusiasm and especially for their loving example of
> forgiveness. For me they represented the best possible illustration of what
> it means to be a witness.
> What about you?
> U Who were the witnesses who helped you along the way?
> U What did they do or say to make a difference in your life?
> U How can you learn from their example as you seek to become a witness
> to others?
> You dont need to go to an airport or a busy street corner. You are already
> a witness to relatives, coworkers and friends who see you nearly every day.
> Becoming a witness means a willingness to stop what you are doing and listen
> to someone who is lonely, confused or hurting. Becoming a witness means a
> willingness to get involved not to judge but to offer love as others have
> done for you.
> This is never easy, but real world witnessing often means getting our hands
> and our hearts a little dirty as we reach out in Godly love to someone who
> is in need of a friend... not a speech. Your witness can make a difference.
> It sure worked for me.
> Why not start today. Share this story with someone. Who knows! You may find
> yourself becoming a witness for God. Remember, Jesus never sends us out to
> witness alone: will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
> and you will be my witnesses... So, what are you waiting for?
> Do you have your own story or example of someone being a witness for you?
> Why don't you take a few moments and share it with me and others.
> Larry E. Davies
> A Christian Devotional website with ATTITUDE, humor, great stories and a
> down-to-earth Bible study.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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