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Word for Today, Thu, 15 Jun 2000: Don't Miss Out!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

How sad, indeed, it would be, if we were to miss out on the most
important thing to pass our way. That is the way I often feel
about my faith - many people simply do not understand what it is
about, so they miss out on the joy and richness of a relationship
with Jesus Christ.

I have never known anyone to be more consistent, more fair, more
kind, or more loving - in any of the ways that really matter. So
as I go about my day today, I think about who He is, and I think
about what He teaches me. More than that, I listen for His
voice. The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the
One that Jesus promised would come and live with us, DOES live
with me. I love to have Him near.

Have you ever had a friend that is closer to you than anyone
else, someone who accepts you, regardless of whether you look
good or not, or whether you do the right thing? That is my God,
a perfect description of our friendship.

Brother Brian

PCCWeb Daily

Thursday, June 15, 2000 Today's Devotional

You've Just Missed It

Psalm 39:4-7 - Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of
my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my
days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing
before you. Each man's life is but a breath. Man is a mere
phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in
vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. But now,
Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. (NIV)

Each day on the return trip from my client site, I read the same
sign sitting on the side of the road. But yesterday as I passed
that same sign, it had a little more meaning to it, though I am
quite sure it was not the message the sign's owner had intended.
The sign simply reads, "You've Just Missed It!" I have passed
that sign literally dozens of times, and on many occasions have
made jest to someone riding with me: "What was it, what did we
miss?" "Oh well, maybe we will catch it next time." But as I
passed this sign the other day I was reminded, perhaps even
convicted, of a conversation I had recently had with some

These friends had recently been on a glorious trip to the Holy
Land with our pastor. The lady was telling us how she waited for
so long during the trip for that special "God Moment" the pastor
had told them they might have while in the Holy Land. But her
"God Moment" came at what seemed to be an unlikely time. They
were at the site of the birthplace of Jesus and were preparing to
enter. The crowd had become terribly thick, with people even
pushing to get through. It finally came their turn to enter, but
due to the crowd they were pushed through so quickly they barely
had a chance to see anything. My friend said that as she was
complaining about the crowd, the tour guide explained to her that
the night of Jesus' birth was probably just as crowded, with just
as many people pushing and shoving around. Then came the
statement that opened the eyes of our friends, and now of myself.
The tour guide said, "With so many people, and everyone rushing
around, it would have been easy to miss the birth of Jesus."

So what application does that have for us today? We were not
there; we did not miss the birth.

As the psalmist says in Psalm 39, our lives are fleeting. The
moments are passing us by quickly. We rush about every day trying
to accomplish so many things, trying to advance our careers,
trying to advance our education, trying to advance our social
lives. We live such incredibly busy lives. But as the psalmist
says, our bustling is in vain, and the wealth we attain may not
even be our own. We get so busy in our lives that we most likely
miss God every day. We say that we want to know and do God's will
in our lives, yet we get so busy that we cannot hear God when He
does speak. And perhaps for many, they are so busy they have
missed God completely. They have missed His invitation to

The world is not going to slow down for us. And we cannot get
more hours into the day. Our only hope is indeed in the Lord, and
we must discipline ourselves to spend time with Him each day. Let
us not be like me passing that sign each day. If you think you
have missed God, stop or turn around and go back to meet Him.
None of us will regret doing so.

Prayer: Dear God, we do not desire to miss even a moment with
you. Help us, dear Lord, to take the time to slow down and be
with you. Help us to keep our hope in you and not in the things
of this world. Amen.

Chad Janey Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Nehemiah

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