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Word for Today, Wed, 7 Jun 2000:

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Please read this week's Sowing Seeds Devotional carefully. I
believe it contains some key points about spiritual renewal.
First, there is an aspect of turning all of our troubles over to
God. When we write our troubles in the sand, and allow them to
be erased by either the wind or a rush of water, that is part of
the analogy. But as Larry points out, there is more to it than
that. It is really about finding God. Or perhaps more
accurately, when God is calling out to us, personally and
individually, we hear, listen, and then we respond to Him.
Without those key ingredients, brushing away our problems in the
sand simply won't work, but with those ingredients, God's work in
our life can be just like the sand, where our problems can be

At the same time, I urge you to think about all of this. Our
faith is a struggle; things do not happen in such a "brush it
off", cavalier manner. My life has been, and often is, a
struggle. Look to the old testament, where Jacob (later called
Israel) battled with God, all night long, and would not let go
until he received a blessing.

So it is with me, and so it is with our lives. God is working,
God cares, and He desires intimacy with each of us. As we grow
and learn to know Him, we learn to trust Him, and "cast all of
our cares upon Him" (1 Peter 5:7). I have done so. I continue
to do so, every day. My life is at peace, not because of me, but
because of Him. "For in Him, I live and move, and have my
being" (Acts 17:28).

Brother Brian

Subject: "Turning Points: Computer Crashes, Silence & Renewal"
Part 5 Sowing Seeds Devotion

The background is a painting by Thomas Kinkade, "Lighthouse in
the Storm." If you are having trouble reading these messages
because of the backgrounds, please let me know.

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prize. Click here for details.

"Turning Points: Computer Crashes, Silence & Renewal" Part 5

It took five days with a busted computer to teach me that I was
the one who really needed fixing. While doing some serious
soul-searching, I ran across a story by Arthur Gordon sharing a
doctor's advice for overcoming difficulties. "Find an isolated
spot and follow the instructions on four slips of paper." So, I
settled down one long night to study each of the four
prescriptions along with the book of Proverbs.

1. Listen Carefully. A poignant reminder that in this fast
paced world, God is
still very much in control. I was the one who needed
help. "Come here and listen to
me! I'll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make
you wise." (Proverbs 1:23)

2. Try Reaching Back. A photo album provided precious
memories and golden moments
to savor and appreciate. A treasure trove offering
reassurance of the love and
acceptance of family, friends and God's
blessings. "Wherever you walk, their counsel
can lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you."
(Proverbs 6:22)

3. Reexamine Your Motives. Are you working for something
bigger than yourself?
Whether it's a call to discover God's purpose for your life
or the comfort of knowing
that you are valued for who you are reexamine your motives
requires courage and
demands humility. "Those who search for me will surely find
me." (Proverbs 8:17)

My motives had subtly changed over the years and I needed to
repent, so in the quiet early morning hours, alone in the study,
I began to cry. For several minutes, I was trapped by an
overwhelming sense of guilt. Yet, this is exactly where God
wanted me. Because without discovering a need to change, I would
never understand what would happen next: The fourth prescription.

Carefully, I opened the piece of paper and studied the six words:
Write your troubles in the sand.

For a long time... I didn't know how to respond. The idea of
standing on a quiet beach and writing my troubles in the sand
soon to be washed away by the incoming tide was certainly
comforting. More than anything, I needed the reassurance that I
could be forgiven and continually loved and nourished.

Could it be that simple? Actually, no! There is something
missing. Troubles don't disappear so easily. Melancholy is not so
quickly washed away. I didn't find much help in Proverbs either
except for this: "Happy are those who listen to me, watching for
me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home! For whoever
finds me, finds life..." (Proverbs 8:34-35) Did you catch it?

...listen to Me for Me ...wait for Me ...if
you find Me, you find life.

This verse turned out to be the answer but it I didn't realize it
until I noticed a painting by Thomas Kinkade entitled "A
Lighthouse in the Storm." At first all you see are waves crashing
against the beach poised to destroy all within their path. It
would be a bleak picture if not for the lighthouse. Somehow the
bright light continuing to shine in the storm looks
reassuring... comforting. You sense that no matter how hard the
storm rages, the lighthouse will continue to stand and provide a
light for the lost.

Write your troubles in the sand... can only take us so far. The
foaming waves still attack the beach. Where will I look to
receive strength? The fierce winds still blow you off
course. Where will you find a steady light to guide your way? We
need a lighthouse to provide direction and stability. God says:
...listen to Me, watch for Me, wait for Me... if you find Me,
you find life. In other words:

1.Listen carefully. God is in control... not you. "Come here
and listen to me."
2.Try reaching back. Look to your treasure trove of
memories. "...they will protect
3.Reexamine your motives. Serve something bigger than
yourself. "Those who search..."
4.Write your troubles in the sand. God's promise of forgiveness
and hope.
5.Look to the lighthouse. God's steady light to guide your
way. "If you find me, you
find life."

As the early morning rays slowly crossed the horizon, I realized
it had been a long but satisfying night. I lost a computer but
gained something far more precious: a restored and renewed
relationship with my precious Lord. "Your Word is a lamp for my
feet and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:105)

I encourage your comments. How have you responded to this last
series of messages? Have you been helped? How has your
relationship with God improved?

Larry E. Davies

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