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02/01/11 Twelve Years, Tips, Reading Aloud, Yahoo, Peroxide, Gems, Pow er Loss, Snowballs

Posted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>


Compiled especially for you with love by Lois Breneman

02/01/11 Twelve Years, Tips, Reading Aloud, Yahoo, Peroxide, Gems, Power Loss, Snowballs

The purpose of the Heart to Heart Newsletter is to encourage women and build biblical values into daily living through practical creative ideas for the Christian family regarding marriage, children, homemaking, and much more.


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And now the Heart to Heart blog is ready for you at 

By now you may have had a chance to take a peek at the new Heart to Heart blog - actually two blogs, since the recipes are all on a second blog for your convenience.

There will be no subscription to the blogs, however, with e-mail notifications sent each time something is posted.  Since I am planning to post as often as possible (after a short break), you would not want to be bothered that often.  Some days in the last month or two I posted as many as sixty articles or segments. That would be way too many e-mails for you to receive!

Ladies, if you see anything posted that you had given me permission earlier to share in the newsletter, but would rather it not be included on the blog, please feel free to e-mail me to let me know, and I will be glad to remove it.  In the Precious Gems, as I said a few days ago, the last names have been removed.

Usually on a Heart to Heart anniversary I share subscriber comments, but since you can go to the blog and scroll down the Categories list to "Subscriber's Comments," I am going to skip that segment this time. 

This year I will include a dialog I was privileged to have with a gal who happen to find the blog before it was announced as many others did.  

Used by permission from Wendy in North Carolina:

Wendy:  Not sure how I stumbled upon your blog today but it must have been the Lord's work.  I find great encouragement in it and really appreciate it at this time in my life. Please keep me in your prayers that I stay focused on the Lord and have strength to fight off the devil!!   Thanks so much!

After a brief reply from me, Wendy wrote this:
Thank you so much for your reply!  It really made my day better!  You have no idea what an impact you make on people that struggle daily like myself.  I am a wife of 22 years, mother of 2 BEAUTIFUL children (4 and 12 yrs old) and struggle daily with depression and self doubt.  My family and I do attend church and I assist teaching the 4-5 year old class, however,  I have made mistakes in my past and struggle with guilt every day.  You are a ray of sunshine already to me and I appreciate your stories, recipes, and especially craft ideas! I love crafting, scrapbooking, baking, etc.  Thanks again for taking time to respond to my email. ~ Wendy

Lois:  Well, now you are blessing and encouraging me by your reply!  I so appreciate your response as well, being very honest about your daily struggles.  Regarding the guilt you said you struggle with every day, have you memorized I John 1:9?  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness."  So you are forgiven - it's a done deal, as far as Jesus is concerned!  He took your sin and your guilt when He died for you, so you can be free.  "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!"  Reading the book of I John may encourage you even more. 
Try checking out, a Christian radio station which is in your state.  But online, they have a Live Chat Line and free Bible courses, which others have found to be so helpful in answering their questions.  That's not to say you should quit writing to me though, but their specialty is focusing on answering questions about life and the Bible for many people all over the world.
Focus on the Family is also such a huge encouragement to me as I listen to their radio broadcast almost every day.  The link at will give you the times and stations in your area. 
I wrote your name on my prayer list by the computer, and will pray that you will know the Lord's peace and His presence!  Listen to the song, "In the Presence of Jehovah" on the Heart to Heart blog - I love it, and it ministered to me so much during a very difficult time - so much so that it felt like the Lord put His loving arms around me when I just thought of the first line of the song.  It made me weep each time the words and tune came to my mind, as I was comforted by His love for me in that desperate situation!  Thankfully in the end, although the waiting was difficult, the Lord worked everything out in that very trying ordeal.


How to Repair Torn Pages in Your Bible (or any book) ~ Years ago my husband repaired several torn pages in my Bible for me.  To do this, two pieces of waxed paper, a toothpick and Elmer's glue are needed.  Lay one piece of waxed paper under the torn page.  Place the torn pieces side by side, fitting them together as they should be, matching the words properly. This works even if part of a page is completely torn away, as long as you still have it, of course.  Dip the toothpick into the glue and spread the glue along the torn line.  Lay the second piece of waxed paper on top, close the Bible, and lay another book on top to weight it down.  Allow it to dry for about 24 hours.  Check to see it it is completely dry and carefully remove the waxed paper and you'll have a nicely repaired page!  Much better than Scotch tape which will yellow over time.

"Free Heat" ~ We can cash in on free heat while doing certain household chores by stragetically chosing specific times to get them done.  Running the dishwasher, drying clothes in the dryer, baking a roast in the oven that can be spread out over several meals, cooking on the stovetop, or running a water distiller for pure water during the times when you heat your home will not only do the job but provide some heat for your home.  Burning candles, using candle warmers, or running a small indoor fountain also help, as well as running a dehumidifier or even simmering water on your stove or in a simmering potpourri pot.  My HVAC engineering husband tells me that when the humidity in your home is higher, a lower temperature is more comfortable than when you have low humidity.  That's why a built in humidifier is a money saving tip.

Newspaper Map - http://wtodaysfrontpages/flash/ ~ This tip is helpful for families spread out across the country or the world.  Great for missionaries who have Internet.  See what the headlines are where the missionaries that you help to support live.  Brenda Lindsley in Virginia shared this tip:  Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up.  Double click and the page gets larger so you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place. (click on "website" in the upper right hand corner of the front page of the newspaper to bring up all the articles in the newspaper).
My mom loved birds too and she had a unique way with them.  She loved cardinals and trained one in her neighborhood to come to her when she called him.  She named him Red and would put sunflower seeds on a tray, hold it out, shake it and holler, "Here Red."  Pretty soon you'd see this cardinal flying over backyard fences towards my mom.  Sometimes he would bring his wife and after his babies were older, he'd even bring them with him.  I know this is hard to believe.  Anytime we had little kids visit they would ask my Mom to call Red.  I only saw Red flying in; my mom and dad told me about the female and/or younger birds. ~ Bernadine Teague in Missouri 

by Virginia Knowles
from Common Sense Excellence
Reading aloud is a child’s first introduction to good literature. Why is this so important?
Reading aloud connects parent and child. It links you together in a personal way around interesting ideas and words. Young ones are soothed by the sound of our voices. I tend to be so much more calm when I am snuggled up on the couch enjoying a great book with them, rather than chasing them around the house trying to keep them out of mischief. Reading aloud builds warm memories, too! What will they fondly remember looking back to their childhoods -- pages upon pages of worksheets or the great stories they read with Mom?
Reading aloud gives your child a splendid vocabulary. Good literature is rich in descriptive vocabulary. Your child can gain an impressive arsenal of new words to use in speaking and writing. A child can encounter a word in print, and even know what it means, but not know how to pronounce it. Is the word charade pronounced CHAIR-ray-dee or shuh-RAID? If he hears you say it while he is looking at it, he can make the connection and hopefully remember it the next time.
Reading aloud to a child prepares him for learning to read. Study after study has shown that being read to often as a young child is one of the crucial factors for success in learning to read and in performing well in the rest of academics! The more words a child has in his spoken vocabulary, the easier it is for him to decode them when he sees them in print. He also knows how sentences flow, so he can figure out new words from the context of the sentence.
Reading aloud allows you to teach your child information about the world. This is especially important in the early years. Easy phonics books are fine for “learning to read” but many children aren’t fluent enough to comprehend core curriculum content (literature, history, geography, science) until they are eight or nine. How will they get maximum exposure to these subjects without being driven to frustration? Reading aloud is the key.
Reading aloud gives your child the benefit of your wisdom and knowledge. Even a child who can technically read the words may not fully understand the concepts in a book. He doesn’t have the storehouse of background information and insight which you possess. When you read aloud, you can explain things as you go along, and check to see if your child comprehends the ideas. I even do this with my middle school students for history.
Reading aloud keeps you intimately involved in your child’s education. You know what they are reading because you are reading it with them. You have a common experience that you can talk about later. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the story that we can’t set it down. I’ve been known to read aloud over 100 pages in one sitting on more than on occasion! Yes, I was hoarse when we finished, but these are “moments with momentum.”
Reading aloud sets an example of serving others. Use the power of imitation! What they see us do, they will do. As I’ve gotten busier with our family of 12, my children have found ways to help fill some of my gaps. I love to see my preschoolers and even our young neighbors lined up on the couch with one of my daughters reading aloud to them! It’s a great way to get in some extra reading practice, too! It boosts their confidence to know that they are making someone else happy at the same time. This is such a practical way to use reading aloud as a service to a busy Mommy and eager tots.
I implore you to continue reading aloud to your children all through the preschool and elementary years (and beyond)!

“When Mother Reads Aloud”

“When Mother Reads Aloud”
Author Unknown
When Mother reads aloud, the past
Seems real as every day;
I hear the tramp of armies vast,
I see the spears and lances cast,
I join the thrilling fray;
Brave knights and ladies fair and proud
I meet when Mother reads aloud.
When Mother reads aloud, far lands
Seem very near and true;
I cross the deserts’ gleaming sands,
Or hunt the jungle’s prowling bands,
Or sail the ocean blue.
Far heights, whose peaks the cold mists shroud,
I scale, when Mother reads aloud.
When Mother reads aloud, I long
For noble deeds to do --
To help the right, redress the wrong;
It seems so easy to be strong,
So simple to be true.
Oh, thick and fast the visions crowd
My eyes, when Mother reads aloud.
This is an excerpt (except for the poem) from my book Common Sense Excellence: Faith-Filled Home Education for Preschool to 5th Grade.
This article and poem also appear on my preschool & elementary home school blog at The Beauty of Reading Aloud and When Mother Reads Aloud.
Related articles on the preschool & elementary blog include: 

·         What is the Charlotte Mason Approach to Education?  

Virginia and Thad Knowles are the parents of 7 daughters and 3 sons, ages 5 to 23, and the grandparents of an adorable baby boy.  Virginia is currently home schooling her five youngest children, spending the mornings reading aloud from literature, history, and science books before they do their independent assignments.  She is the author of Common Sense Excellence: Faith-Filled Home Education for Preschool to 5th Grade, The Real Life Home School Mom, and The Learner's Journal lesson planner and resource log.  She also publishes the Hope Chest Home School e-magazine for about 1,000 families around the world; you can subscribe by sending any message to and responding to the confirmation e-mail.  Virginia posts regularly on her five blogs: 
Virginia Knowles, who wrote the article "The Beauty of Reading Aloud" above, recently presented a workshop called "With Literature & Justice for All" at the Books & Beyond conference in Orlando, Florida.  The workshop emphasized teaching "Virtuous Reality" through American literature and history for grades 4-8.   You can watch four video segments of the workshop (45 minutes total) at "With Literature & Justice for All."   There are notes, quotes, and web links there, too. 

A wonderful devotional from Breakfast with God, sent by Lisa!  Thanks!  This is really so encouraging!
     A tour group passed through a particular room in a factory. They viewed an elongated bar of steel, which weighed five hundred pounds, suspended vertically by a chain. Near it, an average-size cork was suspended by a silk thread.
     "You will see something shortly which is seemingly impossible," said an attendant to the group of sightseers. "This cork is going to set this steel bar in motion!"
     She took the cork in her hand, pulled it only slightly to the side of its original position, and released it. The cork swung gently against the steel bar, which remained motionless.
     For ten minutes the cork, with pendulum-like regularity, struck the iron bar. Finally, the bar vibrated slightly. By the time the tour group passed through the room an hour later, the great bar was swinging like the pendulum of a clock!
     Many of us feel we are not exerting a feather's weight of influence upon others or making a dent in the bastions of evil in the world. Not so! Sometimes we don't realize how powerful the cumulative influence of God's goodness which we walk in is to those around us.
     Not everyone is called to spread the love of Jesus through the pulpit, on the evangelistic trail, or in a full-time counseling ministry. Most of us are called to live our lives as "corks," through word and example- quietly, gently tapping away through the work of our daily lives. Tap by loving tap, in God's time, even the quietest Christian can make a huge difference in the lives of those whom preachers may never reach.
     One modern-day philosopher has estimated that the average person encounters at least twenty different people in the course of a day, with a minimum of eye contact and exchange of words or gesture. That's at least twenty opportunities for a cork to "tap" at the collective human heart.
     As you go about your day, remember that even a smile can warm a stranger's heart and draw them to Jesus.

Ever since 2003 the Heart to Heart Newsletter has been sent out by the help of a Christian server, owned by Glen Stewart.  He sent the following information about Yahoo, that may be helpful for quite a few subscribers:

"Yahoo seems to be sinking ever-lower into losing email messages sent to people who use their service.  Several group owners have reported problems in the past 2 weeks.

Pass the word:  Yahoo has designed their servers to lose perfectly good inbound email - it is not their priority to provide quality service.  Get out while you can!

I've written about their poor service many times, and strongly advise that people move to a more reliable service like Gmail.

See the last FAQ entry at for other details."

The health benefits of peroxide: This was written by Becky Ransey of Indiana and I want to share it with you.
Becky writes: "I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little Ol' bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store. My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide, or they would lose thousands of dollars.
1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do it when I bathe or shower.) No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.
2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep them free of germs.
3. Clean your counters, table tops with peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishcloth when you wipe, or spray it on the counters.
4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.
5. I had fungus on my feet for years - until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine, but was healed by soaking in peroxide.
7. Put two capfuls into a douche to prevent yeast infections. I had chronic yeast infections until I tried this once or twice a week.
8. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other disinfectants will.
9. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes then blow your nose into tissue.
10. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.
11. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages, but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually so it's not a drastic change.
12. Put half a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help rid boils, fungus, or other skin infections.
13. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
I could go on and on. It is a little brown bottle no home should be without! With prices of most necessities rising, I'm glad there's a way to save tons of money in such a simple, healthy manner!
So I'm sitting down to check my email right before I start dinner and my son (4) gets down on his knee in front of my daughter (2) and starts singing a made up song, "Precious girl, you'll always be in my life."  It just about made me cry!!!  I love my family! ~ Jessica in Virginia

Jayjay (3) came in the door with elbow pads worn as knee pads, a popcorn bucket on his head, and carrying a bear with a "cape" (his old baby bib) that he called, "Superhero!" And oh... no clothes, just diaper on. LOL!!! Wish I had a video camera right then and there. ~ Darlene in Thailand

I think it is hilarious that Anna (3) just walked in while I was catching up on a missed sermon. She heard the podcast, her expression changed, her eyes widened and she asked "Mommy ~ is that GOD talking to you?!?!" ~ Lauren in Virginia


Every now and then we have all lost power because of ice storms, heavy winds, hurricanes, lightening strikes, blizzards, or even a squirrel knocking out the transformer as we experienced several years ago.  You and your family might want to sit down around the kitchen table and brainstorm together as you make some lists in preparation for such an event.

It would be a great idea to list foods you can prepare without electricity and keep them on hand, as my daughter-in-law said she did in preparation for a blizzard headed their way.  List supplies as well.

A long time ago during a power outage I made a long list of things I could still do when the power was out.  You'd be amazed at how much you can still do! 

Another list you could make during a power outage is of all the appliances, gadgets and items you have in your home that need electrical power to work.  This is more of a list of appreciation for the conveniences of life today, rather than one of preparation.  Watching "Little House on the Prairie" is enjoyable, but as for me, I'm thankful I'm not living back in that day.

It felt almost like living back in that day when we were without power for five long days one January during an ice storm.  I was pregnant with our third child at the time.  We were able to keep warm by using the fireplace, a kerosene heater, candles and oil lamps.  Quilts hung at the kitchen and family room doorways kept the heat contained in those two rooms.  A kerosene cooktop was used for hot meals.  Hot bricks wrapped in light towels and lots of blankets kept our feet warm in bed, just as they did on our farm growing up.  Since that time we found a good used generator which keeps us warm and our food frozen, as well as provides light in a small area of our home.


Those of you who are in the path of the big snowstorm sweeping across the country are in my prayers!


WIth snow in the forecast for many in the U.S., here's a perfect project to do with your children!  If you lose power, I suppose you could do a lot of chopping with a chef's knife or food chopper, and still make these snowballs!

2 cups pecans or almonds, chopped
1 ½ cups dried apricot, finely chopped
1 ½ cups coconut, shredded and unsweetened
honey or maple syrup - just enough to hold together
Place an “S” blade in food processor.  With the machine running, alternately add the nuts, dried apricots and sweetener until well mixed.  It will form a ball when done.  Roll into small balls; set aside.  Place coconut in a shallow bowl and roll the fruit and nut balls in the coconut, coating them well, before arranging them on a serving dish.  These freeze well.  Yield: 25 Snowballs 

Your Heart to Heart friend,

The purpose of the Heart to Heart Newsletter is to encourage women and build biblical values into daily living through practical creative ideas for the Christian family regarding marriage, children, homemaking, and much more. Please use these two e-mail addresses to subscribe and unsubscribe (as well as make changes of e-mail addresses): 

From your new e-mail address send an e-mail to  
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Disclaimer: Various web sites are given as credits or to supply additional information for readers. However, all the views and advertisements represented by web sites given in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editor. Please use your own discretion regarding all information given in this newsletter.


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