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Posted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>

Compiled especially for YOU with LOVE by Lois Breneman


















THE GREATEST STORY EVER FILMED<v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600">




GRANDPARENTS’ DAY is on September 7 this year! 

Be sure to remember them in a special way! 





Due to inclement weather, the Bibleman portion of the Franklin Graham Festival in Roanoke, Virginia, had to be discontinued this past May, and it has been rescheduled.  Possibly "Heart to Heart" ladies could think about bringing their own children and unsaved children in their neighborhood, family, or circles of friendship.
            Bibleman is coming back to Roanoke, Virginia, on Saturday, Sept. 6, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Roanoke Civic Center.  More details can be found at
            Michael and I were at the event in May that got rained out, and what we saw of it was very good.  The children were absolutely mesmerized by Bibleman, and he has a wonderful, unique way of presenting the Gospel to young and old hearts alike. - Ellen Rachel Lockhart of Virginia




Barb Campbell of Mississippi says, "This is a neat site!  They have taken scripture verses and put them to music.  You can download a PDF file to print out with the sheet music for guitar and piano.  And you can listen to the melody online.  We sometimes set verses to music to help us memorize them here at home. "



If you are dealing with spiritual problems such as doubt, fear, worry, or failure, you'll appreciate the wise counsel of a man who has faced and overcome adversity -- and helped thousands of others to do so as well. In "Slaying the Giants in Your Life," Pastor David Jeremiah provides principles from the Word of God that will help you get on with living. Request your free copy online now! - Barb Campbell of Mississippi



            Ladies, this is very serious!  Please act on this and spread the word as well!

Marriage, as we currently know it, and as our Creator designed it, is standing at a crossroads!  If the definition of “Marriage” is changed to include same sex marriage, it will affect every single family, including your own!  We can’t sit by and just let this happen!  I urge you to let your voice be heard by signing the amendment, praying, writing and making calls.

            Join more than one million Americans in the Petition of Support for the Federal Marriage Amendment.  This will be sent to President Bush as well as your state’s House Representative and two Senators.  Please join in this national effort to preserve marriage as “one man and one woman” by going to

            On Friday, August 22, Focus on the Family had a special broadcast alerting Christians about this crisis in America.  Dr. James Dobson and Alan Sears, who is an attorney, author and president of the Alliance Defense Fund said that in a national poll 60% of Americans say, “No” to homosexual marriage, yet the time of peril, regarding marriage, is greater now than ever before. 

        Speaking of traditional marriage between a man and a woman, Dr. Dobson said, “If it goes down, everything of value will crumble including the future of western civilization.”  Alan Sears agreed that Dr. Dobson’s statement was not an overstatement.   Also: “If this goes through, there will be changes beyond our comprehension!”  There will be changes in school curriculum, churches, businesses, and religious freedoms that we now enjoy.  There will be laws to silence the gospel from being spread. 

            People of faith have got to stand together and act, rather than just complain.  Dobson and Sears told how the homosexual agenda is not really to have same-sex marriage, but to abolish marriage altogether!  This is about silencing anyone who condemns their behavior!  They are getting closer to their goal, it seems, and we must act.

The Federal Marriage Amendment is our only hope to keep liberal judges from destroying marriage, warned Dr. Dobson and Alan Sears.

Alan Sears and Craig Osten wrote an informative book, “The Homosexual Agenda – Exposing the Principle Threat to Religious Freedom.”  You can purchase this book for a $15 gift to Focus on the Family by calling 1-800-A FAMILY or going to

The broadcast urged us all to get educated (the above book would fit the bill for that), pray, stand for what is right, support marriage by signing the Federal Marriage Amendment, call and write our Congressman, Senators and the White House supporting the Federal Marriage Amendment.

Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 (Ask for Congressman and Senators by name).  Reach the White House comment line by calling 202-456-1111.  Be polite!







I would encourage each of you to sign up for the very informative free Citizenlink e-mail:   Citizenlink will help you to be up-to-date on many of the major issues that effect the Christian family.  They report news that you probably will not hear in the mainstream media!  Citizenlink is a vital part of Focus on the Family.




Author Unknown ~ Contributed by Amy Curtis of Virginia


Dear World: 

I bequeath to you today one little girl ... in a crispy dress ... with two blue eyes ... and a happy laugh that ripples all day long ... and a flash of light blonde hair that bounces in the sunlight when she runs. I trust you'll treat her well.

            She's slipping out of the backyard of my heart this morning ... and skipping off down the street to her first day of school. And never again will she be completely mine. Prim and proud she'll wave her young and independent hand this morning and say, "Good Bye"... and walk with little lady steps to the schoolhouse.

            Now she'll learn to stand in line ... and wait by the alphabet for her name to be called. She'll learn to tune her ears to the sounds of school-bells ... and deadlines ... and she'll learn to giggle ... and gossip ... and look at the ceiling in a disinterested way when the little boy across the aisle sticks out his tongue at her. And now she'll learn to be jealous. And now she'll learn how it is to feel hurt inside. And now she'll learn how not to cry.

            No longer will she have time to sit on the front porch steps on a summer day and watch an ant scurry across the crack in a sidewalk. Nor will she have time to pop out of bed with the dawn to kiss lilac blossoms in the morning dew. No, now she'll worry about important things. Like grades ... and which dress to wear ... and whose best friend is whose. And the magic of books and learning will replace the magic of her blocks and dolls. And now she'll find new heroes.

            For five full years now I've been her sage and Santa Claus and pal and playmate and father and friend. Now she'll learn to share her worship with her teachers, which is only right. But, no longer will I be the smartest man in the whole world. Today when that school bell rings for the first time ... she'll learn what it means to be a member of a group. With all it's privileges. And it's disadvantages too.

            She'll learn in time that proper young ladies do not laugh out loud. Or kiss dogs. Or keep frogs in pickle jars in bedrooms. Or even watch ants scurry across cracks in the summer sidewalk.

            Today she'll learn for the first time that all who smile at her are not her friends. And I'll stand on the front porch and watch her start out on the long, lonely journey to become a woman.

            So, World. I bequeath to you today one little girl ... in a crispy dress ... with two blue eyes and a happy laugh that ripples all day long ... and a flash of light blonde hair that bounces in the sunlight when she runs. I trust you'll treat her well.




“From Olivia’s Viewpoint"

From Marge DeMonbrun, Grandmother ("Nina") in Kansas City, Missouri

            Two of my daughter's 3 children, Olivia, who will be 4 in October, and Chris, 13, recently spent a morning with me.  Since my son and his wife, Adriana, are expecting their 1st child in October, I decided to ask Olivia about her new cousin.  The conversation went like this:

            "Olivia, how old are you?"  "Three."  "How old will you be on your birthday?"  "Four."  "When is your birthday."  "October 11th!" she said excitedly.  "Olivia, are you going to have a new baby cousin for your birthday?"  "I don't know."  "Why?"  "Because Adri ate her baby!!!"  "Oh, Olivia, Adri did not eat her baby!"  "Yes, she did!  I felt her tummy and felt him kick.  For sure she ate him!"  "Olivia.....uhhhhhhhhhh......I'm going to let Mom explain this one to you."

            A few days later I did a rerun of this conversation.  "Olivia ... when is your birthday?"  "October 11."  "How old will you be?"  Etc., etc.   Then, I said, "Olivia, are you going to have a baby cousin for your birthday?"  "Well, maybe.  It all depends if Adri gets the hiccups I might get a baby cousin." 


Is This Legal?

From Lisa Weddle, Virginia

My dad enjoys hunting, so we often talk about the different hunting seasons - deer, turkey, etc.  When my daughter was about 4 years old, my husband planned on getting together with the guys for a game of touch football. Sarah was very concerned. She told her dad that the game might be against the law since it wasn't football season!!!  She must have heard us talking about what times of year were legal hunting seasons and assumed that the same rules applied to sports!


 A Little Girl’s Witness That Made a Difference

 -- Donald L. Deffner, "Seasonal Illustrations," San Jose: Resource, 1992, 88.

A little girl was about to undergo a dangerous operation.  Just before the doctor administered the anesthetic, he said: "Before we can make you well, we must put you to sleep."  The girl responded: "Oh, if you are going to put me to sleep, then I must say my prayers first." And she folded her hands, closed her eyes, and said:" Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake; I pray the Lord my soul to take. And this I ask for Jesus' sake. Amen.  Later on the surgeon admitted that he prayed that prayer that night for the first time in thirty years.





I read somewhere that having a child is like taking your heart out of your chest and watching it walk around.  That's how I feel every time I look at my daughter.  I love spending time with her and teaching her songs and new words, pointing out airplanes and puppies and birds, kissing her 'owies’ and snuggling with her before bedtime. -- Christi, 26, from CA

            Knowing that I am succeeding at the hardest job in the world!  And the fact that I am raising a loving, empathetic, intelligent young man for the world! -- Misty, 26, from IL

            To me, the most rewarding part of being a parent is seeing how much and how well you have taught your children.  Both of my children have great manners for their age and always use Yes, Mam/Yes, Sir and No, Mam/No Sir when speaking to just about everyone.  Also, just having them period is rewarding enough. -- Tina, 28, from NC

            Note from Lois: For me the most rewarding part of being a mother was leading each of our children to the Lord at an early age and teaching them about the Lord throughout their growing-up years.  Seeing each one develop from babyhood into responsible young adults continues to be rewarding.  And now seeing our daughter and her husband with their own little boy is as wonderful as everyone has been telling me it would be!  Children are a blessing from the Lord!




"Loving Brings Pain" by Jan Silvious, "Pulpit Helps," Feb. 2002, p. 10.


Christian author C.S. Lewis fell in love late in life. Not long after his marriage to Joy Gresham, Joy contracted cancer.  Lewis and Joy only shared a few short years together before she passed away. When C. S. Lewis speaks of the pain of love, we know he is speaking from experience.  Here is what Lewis writes about the risks of love: "To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully around with hobbies and little luxuries . . . lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket -- safe, dark, motionless, airless -- it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable . . . The only place outside heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers of love is hell."



A theme of teapots on your fireplace mantle at varying levels is beautiful, especially with a mirror in the background.  Soft or silky fabrics to match your decor draped over blocks of wood, pots or dishes that you aren't using, turned upside down, will give you varying levels.  They can be pieces of varying colors or one long piece as long as the colors enhance your décor.  Use an odd number of teapots on top of the raised fabric.  You may want to add a few cups and saucers too, along with artificial but real-looking grapes.  Below your arrangement, on the fireplace hearth, place a large vase with an arrangement of silk flowers right in front of the fireplace when not using it, and to the side when you are.  A large ginger jar or two on the hearth will also help to draw your eyes to the fireplace and make it a beautiful focal point. ~ Lois


Most people clean their bedrooms everyday.  Make the beds, pick up the dirty clothes, and generally straighten up.  It is good enough to get you through until the next deep cleaning attack on your bedrooms.  You know the kind, the one cleaning spree you have to split into two days.  It is so much work, you burn off a week’s worth of calories.  Well, no more, ladies. 

I'm here to change you way of cleaning from twice a year cleaning marathons to fifteen minutes a day and thirty minutes once a week.  That's right. Follow my methods and you'll have clean bedrooms (even the kids’ rooms) and more time to yourself.

Step one is to create a schedule and make time for fifteen minutes a day for the bedrooms.  If you have more than one room, change this to thirty minutes to begin with.  I have three bedrooms and I've gotten my daily routine (for all three bedrooms) down to under fifteen minutes.  The bedrooms are part of my morning routine and are usually finished before nine a.m. 

Start in your bedroom and work around the room.  Make the bed, fluff the pillows and straighten the sheets.  It is so nice to get into a bed that is made.  Pick up everything on the floor.  Put shoes and clothes where they belong.  Don't keep a dirty clothes hamper in your bedroom.  It only creates clutter.  Take your clothes straight into the hallway.  (Don't worry. They won't be there forever.)  Make sure nothing extra is sitting around on the dressers or tables.  Put everything up.  Use a feather duster to knock down dust as you go along.  Make sure to dust pictures, corners, windowsills and even toys.  Carry a wet cloth with you to wipe away fingerprints and other spots of dirt.  Clean all glass surfaces with a squirt of glass cleaner and a quick wipe.  Move on to the next room.  When you have "swept" through all the bedrooms like a superwoman-cleaning tornado, you'll have a pile of clothes in the hallway.  Step over it and get the vacuum.  Make a quick run over the high traffic areas in each room with your vacuum (or broom if you have hardwood floors).  Put the vacuum away.  Take the laundry to the laundry room and sort.  Prop your feet up and relax until the timer goes off, you deserve it!

Now I know what you are thinking.  I can't possible do all that needs to be done to our bedrooms in fifteen to thirty minutes.  Yes, you can!  Only do the things I listed and don't get side tracked into alphabetizing your bookshelf.  That can wait. 

On to step 2.  Schedule each bedroom for one day each week to "deep clean."  Don't get scared by those words, "deep clean" - read on.  Say Tuesday is “Deep Clean Your Bedroom” day.  Set your timer for thirty minutes. The first time you use this method, grab a notebook and take notes. Write down all those big bedroom projects you want to do.  Like, clean out the closet, re-organize the clothes, etc.  Work on one of these projects each week.  Don't get side tracked.  Stick to the plan.  If you are cleaning out from under the bed and run across another project, add it to your list for another day.  After about two months of using this method, you'll be amazed at how organized your bedroom is and how quickly you can deep clean it.

Also on your bedroom day, make sure you wash and change the bedcovers, dust your room completely, vacuum every crack and corner, clean your ceiling fan and other light fixtures, turn the mattress, wash the curtains, clean the carpet, declutter the closet, and rearrange the furniture.

Is your heart racing yet?  I don't mean for you to do all these things every week.  You generally have four Tuesdays every month.  On the first Tuesday, do all the regular bedroom deep cleaning duties but also concentrate on vacuuming, changing the covers and dusting.  Then on the second Tuesday, along with the regular deep cleaning duties, wash the walls, scrub the baseboards and other surfaces.  And so on and so on.  Until you've come a complete circle in about four to five weeks and then start the circle over with again. 

Schedule your time wisely and you'll be able to get around to those projects in only thirty minutes a week.  If your timer goes off and you are not finished, it'll keep another week.  If you don't want to stop, work for 30 more minutes.  You don't want to burn yourself out.  Use this same method on all the bedrooms.  You'll find that even the kids will help keep their rooms clean. 

My final piece of advice is to make sure the cleaning routine you choose works for you.  Mine is constantly being revised to fit my ever-changing lifestyle.  Don't be afraid to stray from your schedule a little.  Nobody ever died from being attacked by a dust bunny!

Roxanna Ward, Community leader and staff writer for, lives in Georgia with her husband and her three children.  As a published freelance writer the focus of her writing is concentrated on sharing household tips, her experience with her frugal lifestyle as well as the phenomenal process of breastfeeding, child rearing related issues and romantic relationships. She is also currently the Editor of three newsletters: What's New at BabyU?, Intimate Encounters and At Home with Baby University. Roxanna can be contacted at


By Cal Thomas, a nationally syndicated columnist ~ from Shirley Troutt, Virginia

       Last month in Washington, 50 people attended a private screening of actor Mel Gibson's new film, "The Passion," about the last 12 hours in the earthly life of Jesus Christ.
       We were required to sign a confidentiality agreement, promising not to write or speak about the film without permission. That restriction has now been lifted.
       As one who has seen virtually every modern biblical epic - from Cecil B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments" to the two-part "Jesus" miniseries on CBS three years ago - I can say "The Passion" is the most beautiful, profound, accurate, disturbing, realistic and bloody depiction of this well-known story that has ever been filmed.
       Jim Caviezel, who plays Jesus with tender understatement, may be the best "Jesus" ever (not counting the original). To those in the Jewish community who worry that the film, which is scheduled for release next Easter season, might contain anti-Semitic elements, or encourage people to persecute Jews, fear not. The film does not indict Jews for the death of Jesus. It is faithful to the New Testament account. Also, Mr. Gibson, a devout Roman Catholic, does not elevate Mary, Jesus' mother, beyond what Scripture says of her, which will broaden the film's appeal to Protestants.
       A Christian friend whispered to me during the scene in which the mob demands that the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, order Jesus (who, after all, was Jewish) to be crucified: "What disturbs me is that I might have been part of that crowd."
       Exactly. Guilt is universal, not particular to the Jews.
       There is an important theological point to be made, especially for any Christian who might wish to blame the Jews as a people for Christ's death. According to the biblical record, Jesus said He came into the world for the purpose of sacrificing Himself on behalf of all humanity and that no one had the power to take His life from Him. He said He had the power to lay His life down, and the power to take it up again. That does not sound like a murder victim to me.
       Questions had been raised as to whether Mr. Gibson can find a distributor. Asked about it at the screening, Mr. Gibson said confidently, "Oh, I'll find a distributor."
       This is not a date film. The rough cut I saw contains graphic scenes, including the seemingly endless scourging of Jesus. The makeup artist deserves an Oscar for the way he created the "wounds." The crucifixion scene is long, bloody and painful to watch. Several audience members wept. The film will probably earn an "R" rating for violence.
       "The Passion" should not be labeled a "religious" film, or something to be shown only in church basements. Compared with examples of recent Christian films ("Left Behind" is one of many very bad ones in this genre), "The Passion" is a work of high art and great storytelling.
       The dialogue is in Aramaic and Latin. English subtitles are provided, and they are helpful in following the story line. A decision about using them in the final version has not been made. Few liberties are taken with the Gospel account, and the extra dialogue added helps round out the characters without damaging historical or biblical accuracy.
       Satan is cleverly played as an asexual being who at first seems to be an observer in the Garden of Gethsemane (and in other scenes), but the appearance of a snake slithering between the character's feet and attempting to wrap itself around the arm of the prostrate and praying Jesus identifies him and his evil intent. The film is an intense two hours. It uses unknown actors, which helps focus attention on the message. By the end of the film (a unique portrayal of the Resurrection), the viewer is exhausted.
       Thirteen years ago, actor Mickey Rooney wrote an editorial for Variety in which he said, "The on-screen depiction of religion is less than flattering, and, as a Christian, I pray the era of denigrating religion on screen comes to a screeching halt. And soon."
       His prayer has been answered with "The Passion." It is a soul-stirring film that deserves wide distribution and viewing. Its message is not just for Christians, but for everyone. I doubt a better film about Jesus could be made.     



It was such a special blessing for me to meet a “Heart to Heart” lady last month who was a contributor for this newsletter!  Jo Ann Taylor, a neat lady from Arkansas e-mailed me that she would be in my hometown visiting her sister in July and asked if I could come for tea at her sister’s house.  She also invited  Eileen Rife, whom she also learned to know through “Heart to Heart.”  Several years ago Jo Ann founded a wonderful ministry called “Operation Angel” for women who have lost a child through miscarriage.  We had such a wonderful time together, as Jo Ann’s sister, Sue Ward, prepared a fantastic brunch for us all!  It seemed like we had known each other all our lives as we each shared family pictures, stories of how the Lord had worked in our lives and a prayer time!

            Another “Heart to Heart” friend, Shelley Camden of Virginia, who has a ministry in a nursing home with her dog, Trooper, met another lady in Virginia with a dog ministry through H2H!  This happened because a friend of mine, Caffy Roberts in Vermont, who read Shelley’s article in “Heart to Heart,” sent it to a friend of hers in Virginia.  That friend, Elaine Lamphere, happened to live not too far from Shelley and they met each other last week, along with their husbands, after corresponding by e-mail for several months!

Let me know you have met a new friend through the “Heart to Heart” Newsletter.  I’d love to be able to sit down and enjoy a cup of cappuccino with each of you ladies, but since that is impossible, hopefully sharing this recipe with you will be the next best thing.  I hope we can all share a cup together in heaven some day! ~ Lois



1 cup powdered creamer

1 cup chocolate drink mix (like Nestles Quick)

1/2 cup sugar (or sugar substitute in proper quantity)

1/2 cup instant coffee granules

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg


Combine all ingredients in a container with a tight lid.  Shake or stir thoroughly. Directions to Use: To a cup of very hot water, add 2 heaping tablespoons of the mix and stir.


God bless each one of you ~ from your “Heart to Heart” friend, Lois


Friends may subscribe to "Heart to Heart" by e-mailing and sending their first and last name, city, state and name of the person who referred them to this newsletter.  If at any time you stop receiving this newsletter, please let me know, so I can correct it.  To unsubscribe, please reply with a brief message.  Thank you!