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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

by Andrew Strom

We see events all around us today that remind us again and again
that time is short, that we cannot delay, that every one of us is
needed in the Harvest fields RIGHT NOW. -Old, young, everyone.

We have ignored Jesus' words for too long: "Do you not say, 'There
are yet four months, then comes the harvest'? I tell you, lift up your
eyes and see how the fields are ALREADY WHITE for harvest."
(Jn 4:35) We have ripe fields - yet not enough LABORERS. That
is the problem! Why do we forever put off the 'Harvest' into the
future? Why has its coming been prophesied now for over 30
years, yet so few laborers are thrust forth as Jesus commanded?
What is wrong with us? Why do we sit? Jesus says it is not in
"four months"! It is TODAY! Jesus says it is TODAY!

Some people have written to me asking why I emphasize the
'Youth' so much - when it is clearly ALL age-groups that are in
need of salvation. Of course, this is true. The main reason that
I have emphasized a Youth Revival is that this is what God has
been emphasizing to me. But definitely there will be a harvest
of older people, middle-class people - all ages, all backgrounds.
And time is short! It is not just the Youth! Let every one of us
ask ourselves whether we are truly ready for "OUR PART" in this
Harvest. Young and old. If this is the hour for Reaping (and I truly
believe it is) then every one of us needs to find our "field" quickly
and get to work.

Most of us have a particular group or type of people that we have
always felt drawn to. And now is the time that we need to step out and
start witnessing to these ones. What many of us need is a renewal
of the ZEAL and passion for Christ that we had when we were
first saved. We need to get excited about sharing Jesus again.

Do we really 'NEED' music or sound systems? Of course not!
These things are tools, but God moves in all kinds of ways. He
may have you witnessing one-to-one. He may have you filled with
zeal, and standing in a crowded bus-station preaching at the
top of your lungs! -Or approaching sick people on the street and
praying for them to be healed. -Or He may simply have you
witnessing to fellow church members (-many of whom are unsaved).

Who is a 'minister' of the gospel? -YOU ARE! And who should
baptize new converts? -YOU SHOULD! And who should lay hands
and pray for them to be filled with the Spirit? -YOU SHOULD! And
who should disciple them, and show them how to move in the
Holy Spirit? -YOU SHOULD! And who should then send them out
baptizing and healing and making new disciples themselves? -YOU
SHOULD! -Its just basic New Testament Christianity.

If we all start doing this kind of thing, Christianity will become
exciting, adventurous and TOTALLY SCRIPTURAL again. It will
be a revolution!

The harvest fields are thirsty, my friends. They are waiting for YOU.

God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.