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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Life Unlimited Friends, Prayer Warriors, and Family:

No, we have not disappeared from the face of the earth!  Our schedule since arriving in Greer, AZ, to pastor the Greer Chapel has been unbelievably full, often complex, and interrupted.  We have tried many times to write, but either couldn't find a good "cut off" time with so many good things happening week after week, were too busy to write, or had to deal with Bob's hard drive crash on his old computer.

No matter the good reasons and how warranted the delays may have been, we still feel the delays were outrageous and certainly unwanted.

We are currently in Santa Fe, NM, on our way back home by way of daughter Debbie's home in Buena Vista, CO, (Tuesday), two days in Colorado Springs to see two friends and possibly a niece, then a stop to see an old 22nd Street friend (Ginny Jordan Parker) in Walsenburg, CO, (Friday), and hopefully on home on Saturday.

So, as soon as possible next week we will get a letter out ---- and BOY, DO WE HAVE LOTS TO SHARE!

Hopefully your patience and longsuffering will extend just a bit further, and then we'll tell you about so many things God has been doing.

Until then, we are

In Christ,

Bob and Jo Ann

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