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Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                   DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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My extended family is chock-full of graduations.

A niece is now a nurse anesthetist, her husband 

received his doctorate, a nephew and 2 nieces 

received their bachelor's degrees, 2 nephews 

are celebrating their high school graduations.


Today's Chuckles

1. No Trouble

2. Heaven Points


No Trouble

My partner and I pulled our police cruiser up behind a car 

stopped on the shoulder of the highway. We got out and asked 

the driver if we could help. 

No, he replied, there was no trouble; he had just stopped to 

look at a map. 

When we turned back, we noticed that his German shepherd had

jumped in the open passenger-side front window of our car.  

"You may think there's no trouble," I smiled, "but your dog 

obviously thinks he's done something wrong. He's in our patrol 


He laughed. "He probably thinks you've come to take him to 

work," he replied. "He's a retired police dog."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


You have it. You have what it takes. It takes believing 

in yourself. It takes hard work. Which are you lacking 

"Believing" or "wanting to work hard? - Bob Perks


Heaven Points


A man dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter meets him at 

the Pearly Gates and says, "Here's how it works. You 

need 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell me 

all the good things you've done and I give you a 

certain number of points for each item, depending on 

how good it was. When you reach 100 points, you get 



"Okay," the man says, "I was married to the same 

woman for 50 years and never cheated on her and 

loved her deep in my heart." 


"That's wonderful," says St. Peter, "that's worth 

two points." 


"Two points!?" he says. "Well, I attended church all 

my life and supported its ministry with my tithe and 



"Terrific!" says St. Peter. "That's certainly worth 

a point." 


"One point!?!! Well, I started a soup kitchen in my 

city and worked in a shelter for homeless veterans." 


"Fantastic, that's good for two more points," he says. 


"Two points!?!! Exasperated, the man cries, "At this 

rate the only way I'll get into heaven is by the grace 

of God." 


"Bingo! 100 points! Come on in!" 


- from Alena P. (via Mikey's Funnies) 


Please pray for: Patricia, Betty, Anna Ruth, Darlene, Cindy, Taylor. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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