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E-pistle for July 24, 2015

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            July 24, 2015



what about the closing verses of mark?

(Mark 16:1-20)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the final verses of the Four Gospels

            1.  Matthew 28:30 . . . (Great Commission) . . . AMEN!

            2.  Luke 24:53 . . . in the temple praising and blessing God.  AMEN!

            3.  John 21:25 . . . world itself could not contain the books that were

     written.  AMEN!

4.  Mark 16:8 . . . they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.

Should the Gospel of Mark end here? . . . Or continue?

            Mark 16:20 . . . "They went out and preached everywhere, the Lord

                                    working with them and confirming the word through

                                    the accompanying sings.  AMEN."

II.  Meditation:  on the disputed verses of Mark 16:9-20

            1.  The Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the Gospels, and He has

                 preserved them over the centuries . . . including the "AMEN."

            2.  Mark 16:8 ends too abruptly, without telling the rest of the story . . .

                 even though it was written 30 years after the resurrection.

            3.  I believe that Mark 16:9-20 was in the original manuscript, but was

                 dropped intentionally or lost accidentally in some copies (Codex

                 Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus); later those lost verses were

                 restored to the canon of Scripture.

            4.  Verses 15-18 are the (RED) words of Christ; although they may be

                 difficult to understand in the light of contemporary religious

                 experience, they must not be ignored.

III.  Revelation:  on Jesus' difficult words in Mark 16:15-18

            1.  "He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does

                 not believe will be condemned," 16.  The key is the word, "believes."

            2.  "Signs will follow those who believe," v. 17.  See above verse; signs

                 are not promised only to the Twelve Apostles, but to all believers in

                 every era.

            3.  The "signs" which Jesus named include:

                        *  Casting out demons

                        *  Speaking with new tongues

                        *  Taking away (not "UP"; See John 1:29; Luke 10:19; I John 3:5)


                        *  If = on the condition or supposition that; whether; in case that . . .

                           implying unintentional action.  Not "when" or "since" but "if" they 

   drink anything deadly.

*  Healing the sick by laying on of hands.

            4.  These signs did (and do) follow believers, confirming Gods word, v. 20.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Accept ALL Scripture as infallible truth, including Mark 16:9-20.

            2.  Study the disputed passage, which among Baptists has been neglected.

            3.  Meditate on the Four Gospels for their "over-arching" message to me.

            4.  Be able to give a sound, spiritual reason for my faith.  (I Peter 3:15)





stir up the gift of god

(II Timothy 1:6-7, 11-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on "the gift of God" (v. 5)

            1.  The gift is an undeserved favor . . . a present for which man has not worked;

                 not a wage.  (See Acts 2:38; II Timothy 1:14)

            2.  It is a blessing from God and "OF" God . . . meaning that the gift is God,

                 the Holy Spirit.  (For example:  a "gift of money" does not mean that the gift

                 is "FROM" money, but that it "IS" money).

            3.  It is possible for the gift to be "stirred up" . . . encouraged, revived, rekindled

                 . . . implying that it is also possible for the Holy Spirit's work within a believer

                 to fade and become practically dormant.

            4.  It is possible for one Christian to bestow the filling (baptism) of the Holy Spirit

                 upon another believer . . . "through the laying on of my (Paul's) hands," v. 6,

                 or "by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership,"

     II Timothy 4:14.

II.  Meditation:  on the characteristics of God's gift (v. 7)

            1.  Not a spirit of fear . . . but of courage and faith.

            2.  Not a spirit of weakness . . . but of almighty, resurrection power.

            3.  Not a spirit of indifference or hatred . . . but of love for God and man.

            4.  Not atheistic foolishness of intellectual pride . . . but a "sound mind" . . . one

                 enlightened to perceive God and to understand His destined purposes for a

                 believer's life.

III.  Revelation: on the "Blesses Assurances" of this gift of God (vv. 11-14)

            1.  The assurance that God has a definite purpose to accomplish through my life,

                 v. 11.

            2.  The assurance that God will sustain His saints through suffering and persecution,

                 v. 12.

            3.  The assurance of intimately and personally knowing and experiencing God, v. 12.

            4.  The assurance of eternal security of the believer's soul, which Christ is able to keep

                 until that (judgment) day, v. 12.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Praise and thank God for His gift of Himself to me.

            2.  "Stir up" my spiritual life in the Holy Spirit by Bible study, prayer, meditation, and

                 unselfish, God-honoring service.

            3.  Exercise my "Holy Spirit gift" with courage, power, love, and spiritual perception.

            4.  Live with the blessed assurance that God holds me and my future in His almighty



Samuel Jackson:  "Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled

by unexpected sparks."



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