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e-pistle2equippers October 5, 2001

Posted by: ccfmo <ccfmo@...>

Weekly ministry letter (successor to "The Whetstone") from Christian Civic Foundation


Dr. Curt Scarborough October 5, 2001


In This Issue
Sermon-Genesis 26
Bible Study-"Follow the Ark" (Joshua 3:1-17)
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
Partnership with AACC

Silent Suffering and Free Forgiveness

Issac was like a valley between two gigantic mountain peaks: Abraham and Jacob. Although his name appears in the famous phrase identifying God, "God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob," he often is overlooked as a rather wimpy, non-descript personality.

Yet, if Abraham is the "Father of the Faithful" and Jacob is the "Father of the Twelve Tribes of Israel" ... Issac could well be called the "Father of Forgiveness." A miraculous son of promise, whose name means "laughter," Issac was ridiculed by his older half-brother and he almost became the first human sacrifice.

I. A Chip off the Old Block
Genesis 26 begins with a famine in the land, as is the case in so many other accounts of God's providence in the Old Testament. This adversity moved Issac to the place where God wanted him to be. God appeared, spoke to him, covenanted with him, and warned him not to go to Egypt, where his father Abraham had gotten into trouble.
Issac obeyed, but followed his father's example of compromise and lost integrity, just as Abraham had done in Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18. When confronted about his lie, Issac confessed the sin and his motivation, realizing that the offense impacted unbelivers. Abraham's sins brought a plague upon the Egyptians and threatened the welfare of the Philistines. So did Issac's. A lesson for us: Our sin is not only against God and harmful to ourselves, it also hurts unbelievers who hold God's people to a higher standard.

II. A Man Blessed by God
The land of famine (v. 1) now became for Issac a land of abundance (v. 12). In that same year, he sowed and reaped a hundred-fold return.
Notice the "exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20) blessings Issac received from God. The progression of prosperity in verse 13 is amazing: He began to prosper . . . continued prospering . . . became very prosperous.
This cycle is typical of God's merciful dealings with mankind. We see famine and sin, followed by repentance and confession, followed by blessings and prosperity.

III. A Man Persecuted By Unbelievers
The Philistines envied Issac's prosperity (v. 14). Father Abraham had been troubled earlier over the wells he had dug, Genesis 21: 22-34. The treaty had soon been broken, and his wells filled with dirt. (Unbelievers often desire for God's people to fail and leave, because they are "shown-up" and uncomfortable.)

So now the Philistines demand that Issac leave; he moves, vv. 16, 17. Then he opens the wells his father had dug, called them by the names his father had given them, and dug additional new wells, vv. 18, 19.
It may be good for us to go back to the place where our own spiritual forefathers dug wells and discovered life-giving water. We may have to dig out the dirt which the enemy has shoveled in there. But, unstopping the wells can be most beneficial for the refreshing, renewing, reviving which the church needs so desperately today. We don't need any new structures or innovative program . . . we need to get "back to basics" . . . finding and unstopping those artesian wells of God's grace and power, and calling them by the same names our fathers did.

IV. A Man With A Forgiving Spirit
The events come rapidly and the opposition mounts daily. The unbelievers claim, "This well is ours!" over and over. Issac names the disputed wells "Esek" meaning Quarrel, and "Sitnah" meaning Enmity (hatred, hostility), vv. 20, 21. Each time Issac avoided conflict and moved. This may seem wimpy in these days of litigation and demanding our rights, but a deep principle of Godliness was in operation here.
Such a spirit of forgiveness and non-violence should characterize those of us who follow Christ and His teachings (See Matthew 5:38-48; 6:9-15; & 18: 21-35.)
Once again we see adversity moving Issac to the place God wanted him to reside. Here where God spoke to him and renewed the covenant, Issac built an altar (worshipped), called on God (prayed), pitched his tent (dwelt, abode), and dug a well (providing for present needs and for future generations). Digging a well represents the discipline of providing a cistern where God's Water of Life can be collected and distributed to a thirsty world.
Yet even in this place of covenant renewal, worship, and service, unbelievers continued to harass Issac. They hated him, sent him away, destroyed his work, stole his property, and lied about their motives.
In spite of everything Issac continued to treat them with kindness. With neverending patience, and unlimited hospitality, he feasted them, swore not to retaliate against them, and sent them on their way without hostility, vv. 27-31.
That same day, according to Genesis 26:32, Issac's servants exclaimed, "We have found water!" When Christians today live in the spirit of forgiveness, we too shall discover the River of Living Water flowing out from our lives to bless others, John 7: 38, 39.

Issac asked, "Where is the Lamb for the sacrifice?" (Genesis 22:7). John the Baptist answered that question: "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29). Let us today resolve to follow the Lamb with a spirit, like Issac's, of silent suffering and free forgiveness.

Follow the Ark
(Joshua 3:1-17)

I. Concentration: on a new day under a new leader
1. Under Joshua's leadership, God gave Israel a new symbol of His presence:
the people were ordered to follow the ark, rather than the pillar of cloud
and fire which they had followed for the previous 40 years, v. 3: Exodus 40: 34-38
2. God required a new level of faith: "Red Sea" faith required the people to move
forward on dry ground after they had seen God part the waters, Exodus 14: 21-22;
"Jordan River" faith required the people to step into the water before God parted
the River to let them move across on dry ground. vv. 13-17.
3. God ordered them to fight a new kind of warfare: on their wilderness journey, they
fought defensively to protect themselves from enemy attacks, Exodus 17: 8-16; in the
Promised Land, they fought offensive battles to drive out the Canaanites and to
occupy their territory, v. 10.
4. God provided a new method of supplying their needs: from passively gathering
manna from heaven to actively taking spoils of war from the Canaanites, Joshua 5:12.

II. Meditation: on the reasons they were told to "follow the ark"
1. They needed direction, for they had not passed this way before, v. 4.
2. They needed protection, for the Jordan River was at flood stage, v. 15.
3. They needed a practical, down-to-earth example of faith; the priests who
carried the ark were men who demonstrated active faith by getting their
feet wet in obedience to God's command, v. 15.
4. They needed God's presence among them; the ark contained symbols of God's
word (tablets of law). God's provision (pot of manna), God's anointing (Aaron's
rod that budded), and God's grace (the mercy seat), v. 3; Hebrews 9: 4-5.

III. Revelation: on Jesus, who is the Ark . . . Immanuel: "God with Us," Issiah 7:14
1. Jesus is the Word, John 1:1, 14.
2. Jesus is the Manna, John 6:31-33.
3. Jesus is the Anointed One (Christ; Messiah), Matthew 16:16.
4. Jesus is the Mercy Seat (Propitiation), Romans 3:25.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Follow Jesus, the Living Word, the Bread of Life, the Anointed One, the
Propitiation (covering) for my sins.
2. Walk in mature faith, stepping out on God's promises before I see
His miraculous hand at work.
3. Engage in spiritual warfare against Satan, Ephesians 6:10-18.
4. Trust in the Lord for protection and provision because, "I have not been
this way before, and the water is over my head!"

Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
What God Has To Say . . .
(By Edward A. Collins)

Many Christians would answer the question, "What does God say about spiritual warfare?" with the answer "Nothing." They believe spiritual warfare is not important today. They focus on evangelism and discipleship as the issues of our day. However, C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters gives us a serious admonition when he says, "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils (Spiritual Warfare). One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors . . ."

God addressed spiritual warfare in His word. Interestingly, the very first act after Jesus' baptism involved the highest level of spiritual warfare. "Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil" (Matthew 4:1). By engaging the enemy, Jesus served notice to the devil and the whole world that the battle was on. The battle rages on!

Second! Jesus taught us to oppose demonic forces by overcoming the "strongman" so his palace can be invaded and his goods spoiled (Luke 11). This is a significant passage. Jesus wanted His disciples to understand the principles of spiritual warfare.

Third! The Apostle Paul also referred to spiritual warfare, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" (II Corinthians 10:4). This passage clearly states that spiritual warfare is real and important. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul brings the reality of spiritual warfare still closer. He clearly states that all Christians will experience spiritual warfare and must be prepared.

If God's Word is inspired and profitable for training in righteousness (II Timothy 3:16), we can ignore spiritual warfare no longer. God had spoken. What will we do? Dr. Ed Murphy states in his book The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare "We are at war. The evidence is all around us. Child abuse . . . Epidemic drug and alcohol addiction . . . Random murder in the streets. The list goes on and on . . ."

Yes, we are at war. No one is exempt. Satan has a strategy, a target, and a purpose. Yet, God has given all we need to fight the battle in His Word.

CCF enters into partnership with AACC to offer
Biblical Counseling Education

Christian Civic Foundation's Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity has entered into a licensed agreement with the American Association of Christian Counselors to offer professional training in Biblical Counseling to ministers in Missouri and surrounding states, according to Dr. Curt Scarborough, president of CCF. The AACC, led by Dr. Timothy E. Clinton, is the world's largest association for Christian counselors, with nearly 50,000 members.

Early last year, AACC began offering a distance learning Certificate program in Biblical Counseling called: "Caring for People God's Way". Dr. Jay Spencer, Dean of AACC's Center for Biblical Counseling in Forest, VA, administers the 5-unit, 30-course training program, which according to him is, "biblically based, academically sound, and clinically excellent".

A high percentage of ministers feel ill-prepared to deal with the complex pastoral counseling issues that come their way. AACC (and CCF) are on the cutting edge, seeking to equip ministers for 21st century reality. This program presents ministers and others with a tremendous opportunity to sharpen their counseling skills through an outstanding faculty and course selection. Through the Center for Biblical Counseling, students can complete their education on their own time in their home or office. Students determine their own class schedule and pace . . . deciding when and how they will study.

Students will receive 30 engaging videotaped lectures featuring some of the best Christian counseling leaders and Bible teachers in the world, complete with course lectures, outlines, study notes, and examinations. All materials are designed to increase a person's knowledge and people skills. The program provides opportunities for spiritual and professional development through a convenient and flexible distance learning format.

CCF's agreement with AACC allows a student enrolled in the Pillsbury Institute to receive the entire course of study, including a one-year membership in AACC, for the low tuition cost of only $225. The usual price for this program is $750 plus $89 for AACC membership. For PIAC students only, that's a saving of $614!

Students who successfully complete AACC's course of study will receive a beautiful certificate from the Center for Biblical Counseling. (This certificate does not certify a graduate as a licensed professional counselor. Rather, it is designed to recognize the professional level of training achieved by pastors who provide Biblical counseling as part of their on-going ministerial duties within their local church.)

The Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity will recognize the Certificate from AACC's Center for Biblical Counseling as part of its degree program. PIAC will grant 3 credit hours for each of the five units of study, or a total of 15 credit hours. This AACC program is the core curriculum for PIAC's Master of Applied Christianity degree in Biblical Counseling. These 15 credit hours also may be applied toward the degree programs offered by the Institute.

Here's how the CCF-AACC agreement works:
1. Call CCF today at 1-314-739-1121 to enroll in the Pillsbury Institute of Applied
Christianity, and to qualify for the $614 scholarhip offered by AACC.
2. The official registration form to enroll in the CCF's Pillsbury Institute of Applied
Christianity and AACC's Center for Biblical Counseling program is included in
the space below.
3. Fill out the registration form and mail a $300 check made out to Christian Civic Foundation:
PIAC Registration $ 65.00
AACC Tuition 225.00
S & H from AACC 10.00
Total Cost $ 300.00
4. CCF will forward your tuition to AACC, certfiying that you are a student at PIAC
and thereby qualify to receive the $614 scholarship.
5. AACC will send you all the videotapes, course lectures, outlines, workbooks, and
6. Complete all the work required by AACC's Center for Biblical Counseling and receive
their Certificate in Biblical Counseling.
7. Send a copy of the Certificate from AACC along with your completed notebooks and
examinations to CCF to receive 15 credit hours at the Pillsbury Institute.

Mail registration & check to: Christian Civic Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Drive
Bridgeton, MO 63044


The Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity
(owned and operated by the Christian Civic Foundation)
under a licensed agreement with
The Center for Biblical Counseling
(a program of the American Association of Christian Counselors)

Registration Form

Name________________________________________________Social Security Number___________________________

Street Address_________________________________________Date of Birth____________________________________

City____________________________________________________State____________Zip Code_____________________

Email Address______________________________________Church Affiliation____________________________________

Biblical Counseling Degree Sought: ____Associate ____Bachelor ____Masters ____Doctorate

Church or Ministry Now Serving_________________________________________Position__________________________