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Epistle for June 5, 2015

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FreeWay Foundation            June 5, 2015


True fasting brings breakthrough

(Mark 9:1-50)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Jesus was disfigured upon a mountain, vv. 1-13.

            2.  Jesus healed the boy whom the disciples could not help,

     vv. 14-29.

            3.  Jesus taught about His resurrection and about true greatness,

     vv. 30-37.

            4.  Jesus taught the disciples to avoid exclusivism and to guard

     against harming children; He urged them to be "salty saints," 

     vv. 38-50.

II.  Meditation:  on the spiritual discipline called "fasting"

            "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting."

            1.  What fasting is not:

·         Fasting is not a hunger strike trying to twist

      God's arm.

·         Fasting is not an exercise to attract God's


·         Fasting is not an effort to earn God's blessings

through our pain.

·         Fasting is not effective if our motive is to impress

other persons.

            2.  What fasting does:

·         Fasting establishes the priority of spirit over flesh.

·         Fasting demonstrates self-control and discipline.

·         Fasting expresses deep, heart-felt concern for a

situation or a need.

·         Fasting frees-up unspent meal money for charity.

III.  Revelation:  on the benefits of "true fasting"?  (Isaiah 58)

            1.  Continued guidance and protection by God, vv. 8, 11.

            2.  Satisfaction of all needs, v. 11.

            3.  Healing and strengthening of physical body, vv. 8, 11.

            4.  Radiance and enhanced reputation, vv. 8, 19, 12.

            5.  Assurance of God's presence and of answered prayer, v. 9.

            6.  Joy and abundant blessings without ceasing, vv. 11, 14.

            7.  Purpose in life; sense of Divine destiny, v. 12.

IV.  Observations:  on Biblical illustrations of 40 day fasts

            1.  Moses (Deuteronomy 9:11) – God gave him the word

     (Ten Commandments).

2.  Elijah (I Kings 19:8) – God revealed Himself

     ("still small voice").

3.  Jonah (Jonah 3:4, 5) – Nineveh fasted and repented;

     brought deliverance.

4.  Jesus (Luke 4:1-2, 14) – Jesus won victory over Satan's

     temptations; and He received the Holy Spirit's power for


V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to fast in order to . . .

            1.  Focus our thoughts on God's word.

            2.  Allow God to reveal Himself to us personally.

            3.  Bring us to repentance and deliverance.

            4.  Give us victory over temptation and power for effective

                 ministry through the Holy Spirit.




take heed to your ministry

(Colossians 4:1-6, 17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on "TAKING HEED" . . . paying attention

"Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you

may fulfill it,"  Colossians 4:17.

            1.  Treat others justly and fairly, v. 1.

            2.  Continue in earnest prayer, with vigilance and thanksgiving,  v. 2:

                        (1)  For us to have an open door for witnessing, v. 3.

                        (2)  For us to be able to reveal clearly the message of

     Christ, vv. 3-4.

            3.  Walk in wisdom in the sight of those who are lost . . . making

                 the best possible use of your time, v. 5.

            4.  Answer spiritual questions with grace (God's gifting) and with

                 preserving properties of salt in a decaying society, v. 6.

II.  Meditation:  on these major things that we should "HEED"

            1.  Inter-personal relationships – Live by the "GOLDEN RULE,"

                 Matthew 7:12.

            2.  Prayer life – "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING," I Thessalonians 5:17.

            3.  Daily walk and influence – Produce the "FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT,"

                 Galatians 5:22-23.

            4.  Spoken testimony and witness – "BE WITNESSES TO ME,"

                 Acts 1:8.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual perspectives of these "HEEDED" things

            1.  Living the Christian life is not "pie in the sky by-and-by"; rather,

                 it involves down-to-earth, practical day-by-day living in the "NOW."

            2.  Prayer for effective ministry is two-fold:

                        (1)  For an open door of opportunity for service

                        (2)  For power and guidance to reveal Christ's message clearly

                              when we go through that open door.

            3.  Spiritual matters should be given the major portion of our "free" time.

                        (The Apostles gave themselves "continually to prayer and to

                        the ministry of the word," Acts 6:4.  So should we!  How much

                        valuable times do we Christians waste watching television or surfing

                        the internet!)

            4.  A believer cannot adequately answer spiritual inquiries unless he:

                        (1)  treats others with love,

                        (2)  fellowships with God in prayer, and

                        (3)  uses his time wisely . . . with the proper

                             priorities and with spiritual discipline.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Be friendly and courteous to all persons, exhibiting the sweet spirit of

                 Christ in all I do and say.

            2.  Pray for my church and other worthy Christian ministries . . . that God

                 will prosper and use them mightily to accomplish His purposes.

            3.  Discipline myself to give clear priority of time to spiritual things, such

                 as Bible study, meditation, and prayer.

            4.  Be open to God's revelation about His truths and purposes . . . so that

                 I may share this God-given wisdom and knowledge with those who want

                 to know Him better.


"People are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

--Abraham Lincoln




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