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Growing in the Faith

Posted by: randalm <randalm@...>

Forthright Magazine

Here's a great guest article today, again on the
needed topic of spiritual growth.

Growing in the Faith
by Wayne Pope

Even in the midst of trouble and trials, the church in
Thessalonica was making spiritual progress. Many of us
today are facing issues and problems, and the question
may be asked, “Are we growing in the faith?” Growing in
faith is both necessary and vital to our salvation.
Many ask the question of what it means to grow in
faith. Three basic elements are involved.

First, growing in faith demands that we listen to the
will of God. Paul wrote that faith comes by hearing the
word of God (Romans 10:17), so in order to grow in
faith we must study the Word. It is difficult to ever
possess assurance or confidant trust in God if we do
not practice a diligent study of the Bible.

Additionally, we will never grow if we do not desire to
be fed with the Word. Saving, active, and growing faith
cannot be sustained without a steady diet of Bible

Growing in faith also demands we live the will of God.
Faith apart from works is useless and dead (James 2:14-
26). If we want to make our calling and election sure,
then our faith must grow by adding to it the Christian
graces (2 Peter 1:5-7).

As knowledge is acquired, we must learn to use it
wisely and with all patience, godliness, and brotherly
kindness. Only those who exercise their faith can be
said to possess a growing faith.

Third, growing in faith demands that we love the will
of God. Each of us should grow in faith enough to serve
God because of our love for Him, not entirely motivated
out of a fear of punishment. One who has grown in faith
does not view the commandments of God as grievous or
burdensome, but he views them as an honor and a
privilege (1 John 5:3).

Growing faith learns the joy and happiness of serving
God while hungering and thirsting for its precepts.
“Oh, how I love thy law! It is my mediation all the
day” (Psalm 119:97).

Has your faith grown? Are you progressing in faith to
say you listen to, live, and love the will of God? If
not, begin today to awaken your dormant faith.

“Continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and not
moved away from the hope of the gospel.” (Colossians
Wayne is the minister of involvement at the Broken
Arrow, Olka., church ( Article
used by permission.