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HOPE 4 KYIV #030 ---- 4/29/05

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                    NUMBER 030
                       April 29, 2005
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, Family, and "In-Pact" Partners:
We're so grateful that you are "in pact" with us helping us make an impact with the Gospel in the city of Kiev. We apologize for being a few days late in our letter, but we've not only been burning the candle at both ends, but have cut the candle in half and burning both parts at both ends.  Much has happened since our last letter.
What's Been Happening:
In Ministry:
+  Nancy Jobe returned safely to the U.S.  We were both sick much of the time she was with us, but thanks to some other missionary friends like Keri and Jason, she was kept busy.  She also helped us in our ESL classes and in church services.  In addition, she had an excellent week-end working with a village church that IBC began a few years ago, and also with another pastor and church in a neighboring village.
+  Three single women from the church were able to accompany Jo Ann to the annual women's conference of the International Baptist Convention outside Stuttgart, Germany a couple of weeks ago.  Again, the ladies made a real impact on the women from western Europe and the U.S.  All three gave powerful personal testimonies as to life in eastern Europe and how they became believers.  And, of course, the girls were thrilled with the trip and overwhelmed by the way in which they were so lavished with love and kindness.
+  Our home church, FBC, Eldorado Springs, MO continues their generous partnership with "Living Vine" IBC in Kiev, in prayer, finances, and personnel.  We can sense their prayers on a daily basis.  Their innovative way of helping the church financially has been a special blessing; their gift has averaged more than double what they committed themselves to provide.  They will be sending a volunteer team to work with us in early August.  We're grateful to pastor Tom for taking the initiative to build this two-year partnership.
+  The English program is still going well, although we never have fully recovered numerically from the Christmas break.  The attendance still runs in the 70's and 80's each week.  One of our regular teachers has returned from the States, and two more are slated to return next week.  Our Russian language Bible study teacher, Carol, returns permanently to America in May, so we are trying to find a replacement.  Until we do, that group cannot meet each week.  ESL is always in a state of fluctuation; students come and go, and we never know for sure what to expect each week.  Jo Ann still teaches the Advanced class, although that is due to change soon.
+  Bob taught the "city reaching" course again to the graduating class at St. James Bible College.  This is the fourth consecutive year he's taught it.  Because there were so many other things "on the plate", he had a hard time focusing the first few days, but then momentum came along, and it was another great experience.  This was probably his last time for awhile, because next year the school is taking a totally different approach where they are going to concentrate exclusively on refresher courses for previous graduates.  Frankly, he'd love to teach an abbreviated class to the graduates.
+  We have both recuperated well from our illnesses in March, but it took most of April to do it.  We've really felt healthy and energetic only in the past week or two.  And, having Spring finally arrive has helped as well.  Those dark, gloomy winter days in Kiev can really take it out of you.  "Better" not withstanding, both of us have been having back trouble again.  It is almost impossible to find a comfortable chair in Ukraine.  You may think that's an exaggeration, but it is not.  We don't know if it's workmanship or if it's the anatomical differences in American and eastern European bodies, but it is a genuine problem we constantly face.  And, it seems our bed no longer gives us much relief; we both get up every morning as if we've got a 100 pound sack on our shoulders and a steel rod in our backs.  We have concluded that "stiff" is a disease!  It can't possibly be age.
+  Bob has been almost glued to the computer with some major website and writing projects, so our time together the past month has been more limited.  But, we've managed each week to go out to eat or watch a video or two, usually later in the evenings.  Things will lighten up in May . . . . we think/hope!   Jo Ann has been able to do some extra reading during these times when Bob has been so tied up.  The ladies in our home church collect back issues of the "Missions Mosaic" Magazine, so, along with a couple of English language local magazines and weekly journals, Jo Ann has kept her love for reading well exercised.
+  We hear from most of our kids fairly regularly. 
   Cindy's are doing well in Colombia with a very busy missionary schedule.  Between working with local pastors, their home church, and volunteer teams, they are probably as busy as we are, and sometimes more so.  The new addition to the family is Cocoa, an un-house-broken puppy.
   Debbie and the girls are still in Fort Worth, and the girls are doing well in school.  Abby just completed a class trip to France.  We're hoping she comes to visit us in July, but haven't heard anything recently . . . . so we just don't know. 
   Cheri's are still in St. Paul and the four remaining at home are all improving academically and socially. 
   Deanna's are still at FBC in LaGrange, MO, and God is giving them a highly fruitful ministry in a very small town.  Their church is currently going through "Forty Days Of Purpose" and their weekly Bible study groups are running triple or quadruple in attendance over what their Sunday morning services run.
+  Water again!  Yesterday we were blessed from above again with water.  Water from the apartment above, dripping down into our hallway in front of the bathroom.  Though not as serious as before, it was the third time in 18 months when this has happened.  Don't know who will pay for redecoration this time; the last time the landlord took care of it, and you'd never know the work had ever been done.  Matter of fact, the repair work the first time was never completed either.  Such is life in Ukraine.
Four Major Happenings:
We are really anxious to share reports on these following matters, because they all warrant your special prayer.
Pray At The Gates ---- Last month God gave the "PrayKIEV" leaders a vision to call the believers in Kiev together on Orthodox Easter Sunday to pray at the ancient city "gates".  One of the men had been in Budapest and, during his quiet time, read Psalm 24.  The correlation between repentance and God's visitation on a city struck him with great force.  As a result, hundreds and perhaps thousands of Christians in Kiev will go to Kiev's most famous and ancient 1500-year-old "Golden Gates" to pray on Sunday, May 1st.
Bob has developed and sent numerous e-mails to hundreds of believers world-wide, inviting all to join us in this venture.  He has done extensive research on the ancient gates of Kiev, and has identified the locations of five of them.  Believers will prayer walk to three of them on Easter Sunday, May 1st.  Three times have been set aside for "group" gatherings, although people are encouraged to go at any time.  In addition, thanks to the laborious partnership efforts of Vitaly, Ira, and Lewis, the PrayKIEV website has been updated to contain information on Praying At The Gates of a city.
In the Bible gates are symbolic of several things ---- authority, justice, safety, commerce, prosperity, compassion, and praise.  When a city's spiritual "gates" have been neglected, damaged, or destroyed, a city loses balance in these areas, it is invaded by destructive influences, and its society dramatically deteriorates.  This is part of what Bob teaches in his "city-reaching" class.
We hope you can join us May 1st and "Pray At The Gates".  Gathering times here are 9:30 am, 2:00 pm, and 5:00 pm.  You might even want your church to stop and pray, especially at the 5:00 pm time, which would be 9:00 am CDT.  Go to and look for the new links.  The actual "virtual prayer walk" may or may not be operating; Lewis is working feverishly to have it operational, but Bob was delayed several times getting the information to him.  Either way, please pray with us "at the gates".  Take time to meditate on Psalm 24.  Read the book of Nehemiah to see how God used him to rebuild the walls (also symbolic) and repair the gates.  Notice how the people met at the Water Gate and stood for hours, weeping, as Ezra read the scriptures to them.
Mid Course Correction:  It was with highly mixed emotions that we learned three weeks ago that Rick and Jody Crampton would not be coming to replace us at "Living Vine" IBC when our term ends next Fall.  Because of some major negative developments in Rick's family, they have been forced to withdraw their availability to arrive in August or September.  This is a decision with currently no outlook of a future arrival.
To our amazement, this disappointment has not deterred the church leadership, but, rather, seems to have strengthened their resolve to go on with the Lord.  During April's monthly Pastoral Shepherding Team meeting, Bob likened it to a course correction during a ship's voyage, and the men unanimously agreed.  Bob shared the announcement last Sunday with the church.  They were sad, but assured that God is still leading the church.
Not only is this a mid course correction for the church, but apparently for us as well.  While we will still go to the States by mid November, there is now a stronger possibility that we will return to Kiev sometime early in 2006 to continue leading the church until the Lord provides a new teaching pastor or otherwise releases us.  At this point we don't know what all the future holds, but we have complete peace in the matter.  As the Pastoral Shepherding Team continues to be strengthened, the necessity of a formal "senior pastor" becomes less.
We have shared this situation with a number of colleagues, friends, and family members ---- and, without exception, every respondent has strongly felt that our work in Kiev is far from over, and that we "belong in Kiev".  While the idea certainly shakes us and it doesn't diminish our desire to go home and "rest a bit", it does ring in harmony with our personal thoughts and impressions. . . . at least at the moment.
Because our term with IMB ends November 30th, we must return to the States no later than that (unless we want to pay our own way home!  {:-).   We must also develop our own support base for the work between now and our return to Kiev, if we decide to do that.  It's also necessary for us to return in order to renew our visas, which expire December 31st.  So, it looks like our work in Kiev may not end this Fall as we had anticipated.  If we do, indeed, return to Kiev, we will have more flexibility in ministry and also in being able to return to the States a couple of times a year for a break.  It is this fact that makes it easier to seriously consider this possible change of plans.
Quite a mid course correction!
Church relocation:  Perhaps one of the most exciting developments, seeming to coincide with the possibility of our continued ministry in Kiev, is an eminent relocation project for the church.  We have felt for more than a year that "Living Vine" needed to move to other facilities.  You have been praying with us about this for over a year.  For years the church has had to flex with the schedules and desire of the host church where we meet.  Long before we came here there were frequent interruptions in our services caused by events in the host church.  And, of course, that is to be expected, and is completely logical.  The host church certainly must have control and use of its own building.
However, with growth taking place in both churches, time and space are harder to come by for both of us.  And, the host church has recently opened a Bible training institute that requires even more time and space each week.  In addition, there is a very different philosophy of ministry and worship that exists, and this often creates an atmosphere that is not conducive to spiritual vitality and freshness.  After discussing this matter many times over the past year, circumstances have developed to the point that the PST had to take a more serious look at the situation. 
They looked at four alternatives ---- stay where we are, rent other facilities (almost impossible to find at a reasonable price), find another church to partner with in rent / lease / purchase / build, or purchase or build our own building.  While the last option would be ideal, it is virtually out of the question, apart from a miracle of God.  Even vacant buildings, within the region our ministry would require us to meet, normally begin around half a million dollars ---- Before remodeling even begins.  To move out to the edge of the city where things are cheaper would put us too far from both our constituency and transportation links.  That is not a viable alternative.
A few weeks ago, Bob learned of an evangelical church, founded 12 years ago and still pastored by an American, that not only owns its own modern building, but already has ten churches using its facilities every week ---- five groups meet on Saturdays and five on Sundays.  It just happens that the church wants to finish off a fourth floor which includes a 300+ amphitheater-style sanctuary.  The only condition is that we must be responsible for that cost. 
If we take this step, and we expect to do so, we will have "first choice" use of that sanctuary, plus other classrooms and kitchen, AND we will have space available two other nights a week.  And . . . . get this! . . . . because we would be responsible for finishing off that level, we would receive 3.5 years of use Without Rent!  Additionally, the money we would save during those 3.5 years would give us funds for an additional 3 to 3.5 years of use.  And, . . . all the while, the church is growing in strength because of the vision and the benefits of the new and far better location.  At that point, the church should be strong enough for the next giant step.
Now ---- icing on the cake!  We also learned recently of a brand new unfinished apartment nearby that we can get in a similar arrangement.  By paying our rent in advance for 2 to 2.5 years (to be used in finishing the apartment, and also a very common practice in Ukraine), we would have three times the space we now have at less cost!  And, we'd be within easy walking distance of the church meeting place.  Our course, we'll have to furnish the apartment, so that will be a challenge.  The apartment is available to us only if we make the move to the new church building.  If the church doesn't move, the apartment isn't available.
Recently Bob asked the PST (Pastoral Shepherding Team) two simple questions ---- if we stay where we are, where will we be five years from now?  If we move to the other location, where will we be five years from now?  The contrast is sobering.
The final decision has been made by the PST, but we still need discussions with others in the church first.  The final decision should be within the next week or two. 
PrayKIEV Prayer Movement:
All the while these developments have been going on, the PrayKIEV city-wide prayer movement has also been revived, and Bob has regained his own personal motivation and enthusiasm for the project.  Some exciting things are in development to strengthen and expand this emphasis on praying for the city of Kiev.  Even the "Orange Revolution" has been used to stir up the need to pray for the city.  Kiev is a city that is over 1500 years old, and is strategic to all of eastern Europe.  It is at the commercial and political crossroads of three major continents and hundreds of nations, many of them developing countries.
Rather than take time and space to explain this further, we ask you to simply go to and look through the pages.  The website will always be a work in progress as we add feature after feature.  Also, take a look at some of the sites recommended below; you will find interesting historical information and beautiful pictures as well.  Just understand that the revitalization of the PrayKIEV focus has been significant in causing us to take another look at our future.
Prayer Requests:
Needless to say, our prayer requests this month center around some very important things.
+  Pray for the Rick Crampton family as they re-adjust back to a future that does not include their expected move to Kiev.  Pray that God will sustain them as they deal with the various issues in their family and in their future.
+  Pray for our personal physical well being, that we will have strength,energy, and health to carry on the task God has given us.  Pray that we will have much needed time together, just to relax, rest, and enjoy each other's company instead of having to fit our "down" time in wherever it can be squeezed.  Pray that we'll not allow ministry needs to shove these times to the back.
+  Pray for our daughters and their families as they face life's challenges and faithfully serve the Lord in their respective places of ministry.  If you'd like to write any of them, go here:
    Cindy --    Debbie --    Cheri --    Deanna --
+  Pray for the PrayKIEV city-wide "Pray At The Gates" event on Sunday, May 1st.  Remember we are eight hours ahead of CDT.  2:00 pm here is 6:00 am in MO.
+  Pray for the right decision to be made regarding the church relocating, and pray that God will provide all remaining necessary resources.
+  Pray for us that we will clearly make the right decisions concerning our future ministry, particularly in light of how our decision will affect the lives of others.
Finally:  We thank you for your encouragement and support.  These are exciting days.  We could not face them without your partnership with us.  We are so glad for you. 
If you ever have any questions or suggestions about anything, please don't hesitate to write.  We always try to respond quickly, and we always enjoy getting news and thoughts from our homeland and the friends and family who live there, as well as those living in other lands.  We never cease to be amazed at the size and scope of our relationships.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers, Kiev, Ukraine
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites:  for the general work in Kiev. for access to our family and
    ministry photo albums. for information on our city-wide strategic prayer movement.
To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer
   network, send a blank message to
To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
More Helpful Resources:
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from
    one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- great website for dealing with hurts and wounds through forgiveness. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Mission America" .
Other Great Resources Are: for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons.  Exceptional site. for great Bible resources and downloads.  Exceptional site. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!) for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials."Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings, for church related software from CAMSOC.
    To subscribe to CAMSOC update newsletter, go to  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . . Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Current news info on Ukraine. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .

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