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HOPE 4 KYIV #034 ---- 8/24/05

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

     HOPE 4 KYIV
                         Number 034
                    August 24 , 2005
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of
             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine
Dear Friends, "In-Pact" Partners and Family:
Today things are heating up . . . in several ways.  Greetings from a hot and sunny August day in Kiev, and greetings from the middle of a hot and hectic flurry of activities going on just now. Other than sore backs and related aches and pains, we are both fine, but having a hard time keeping up with all that needs to be done in the next few days.
What's Been Happening:
Since our last letter, many things have transpired:
+  A volunteer team from our home church in Eldorado Springs, MO, spent ten days with us prayer walking, meeting with fellow believers, working on a church building, and participating in services in Brusilov, a neighboring village where we have worked the past five years.  It was a great time, and we praise the Lord for them coming.
+  Work has continued on the new apartment into which we are moving.  As of today, the work is about 80% complete.  In fact, we are having a significant amount of dining room and living room furniture delivered tomorrow.  When we return to Kiev later this Fall, this beautiful apartment will serve as our new home.
+  Last Sunday, the 21st, we concluded our work with International Church.  Emotionally, we feel our work really ended almost two months ago, and we have spent the subsequent time bringing everything to a final conclusion.  We accomplished the task we were asked to complete, but the outcome was certainly not what we had hoped for.  Instead of a growing and prospering church ready for the next step, we find a fragmented church without a pastor and without a vision other than the determination to survive.  By the end of October there will be only Ukrainians left in the church; the "international" ministry is essentially gone, unless the Lord brings new expatriates to the church.
However, we leave with no regrets, and with a sense of peace and total confidence that we did what God called us to do; as the church faced four major life-changing opportunities, it chose not to take those next steps.  It is sad that the faithful majority was so influenced by the opposing minority that it wouldn't risk taking bold steps of faith.  If you'd like more explanation or clarification, ask for last Monday's edition of Bob's weekly "Shoulder To Shoulder" letter.
+  In the meantime, things continue well with the "PrayKIEV" ministry and with plans to return to Kiev next October.  As we write, Ukraine is celebrating its 14th year of Independence as a sovereign and democratic country.  At this very moment the huge Maidan Nezalezhnosti is filled with thousands of people celebrating, listening to concerts, and awaiting a speech by Ukrainian President Yushchenko.
Also, "PrayKIEV" slated prayer walks for the day at three different starting times ---- 9:00 am, 11:00 am, and 3:00 pm.  Unfortunately, it has become a very scattered and confusing situation because the intended starting point is filled with thousands of people.  We know that the man who led the 11:00 walk couldn't find anyone because of all the confusion.  Bob lead the 3:00 session, 7:00 am Central Daylight Time, and even though we knew of several who planned to be there, we did end up with eight in our group.  There may have been others we don't know about.
Even though our group was small and the prayer walk began late, it had God's hand all over it.  While we were standing waiting for another friend to come, a lady hesitatingly walked up to ask if we would take a picture with her and some of our group.  She was from western Ukraine and was in town for medical treatment, all alone.  As she talked with Vikka, one of our gals from the church, we learned she was a believer and member of a Baptist church.  She asked if we were believers, and said she knew we were by the way we talked and smiled.  We had the joy of beginning our prayer walk by praying for Lesa.  With tears in her eyes she thanked us and walked away.  We wondered if we should have invited her to go with us.
We walked to about ten major sites that have a relationship, positive or negative, to the issue of freedom and democracy ---- the Information Services Union building, the former Lenin Museum, the Reunification Arch, the Lesia Ukraina statue, Marians'ky Palace, Parliament building, current Communist Party headquarters, Chinese Embassy, and so forth.  It was long, arduous, filled with distractions, but a great blessing to every participant.
Family and Personal:
+  Not much news from any of the kids except that Cindy has survived one third of her radiation treatments with no side effects, enjoyed going to the Iowa State Fair with a longtime friend, and misses Kevin and Christopher very much.  Christopher has started attending school in Medellin, and Kevin is swamped with being "Mr. Mom" and carrying on with many ministry responsibilities.  Deanna, Jim, Michael, and JoyLinn had a great time at a Focus On The Family conference followed by a little vacation time in the Rockies. 
+  A few days before the group from our home church arrived, we were awakened early on Sunday morning to the sound of what we thought was rain.  We soon discovered the "rain" was coming into our apartment from the one above us.  This was the fourth time we have been flooded from above in the two and one-half years we've lived in this apartment.  We won't give you all the ugly details here, but we are still coping with falling plaster & paint, mildew & musty smells, headaches, sinus infections, etc., as a result.    
+  We are busy packing in preparation for a rather complicated double-barreled move . . . . partially home to the States, and partially home to a new apartment.  Foot lockers and boxes are everywhere.  Most of our things will stay in Kiev in the new apartment, but some goes home with us.  The past few days have been pretty frantic and hectic; we feel much like a couple of balls in a pinball machine being bumped and bounced around by circumstances which we cannot control.  Yet, in it all, we have peace . . . very tired, but calm . . . most of the time.   {:-)
A Look At The Future:
+  Tomorrow living room, spare bedroom, and dining room furniture is scheduled to be delivered to the new apartment.  After that we hope to go with a friend to look at fixtures for the second bathroom.  We're having to come up with the funds to do that work because our two-year advanced rent payment wasn't enough to cover the overall costs.  The owner wanted to skip that work, but we knew we couldn't have people constantly traipsing through our bedroom to use the other bathroom.
+  Sunday we will visit a Ukrainian church in the morning that meets in the same building the new church start will occupy later in the Fall.  That evening we will attend the Spanish church where Bob will preach.
+  Monday we will finish packing, and Tuesday we are scheduled to move.  Of course, we haven't heard any word back yet from our "contact man" to see if he's secured movers for us or not.  Wednesday is the deadline for us to be out of the current apartment.  So, who knows . . . we may be out on the street with all our belongings by the middle of the week.
+  Monday night we will spend some time fellowshipping with some of the people who are planting the new church.  They have formed an initial leadership team of four men, and it will be good to see them before we head to the States.  Tentative plans have also been made to have a worship gathering on Sunday, the 4th of September. 
+  In the middle of all this, we're trying to do some video footage to be used in a CD we want to prepare about Kiev and the new work.  When we'll be able to do that we have no idea, but fully intend to spend half a day doing just that with an American friend who is part of the new work.
+  Tuesday, September 6th, is our scheduled departure date for the States.  We will arrive in Springfield, MO at 4:25 pm and then head for Collins, where we will spend time taking care of personal matters, trying to raise support for our return to Kiev (we'll no longer be with the International Mission Board on this new project, so must raise a substantial amount of monthly support).
+  Most of September will hopefully involve speaking in various churches and with various individuals about the new work.  We are unbelievably excited about this entire idea, and God has manifested His presence and provision time and time again as the vision has developed.  Rather than spend time and space giving details to you here, please go to for a pictorial explanation.  It is a mind boggling venture far beyond anything we had ever imagined.
+  We're currently scheduled to be at FBC, Eldorado Springs on September 11th, and FBC, LaGrange, MO September 25th.  If you're in the area, we'd love to see you.  Thus far those are the only speaking engagements firm, although we know of at least two other churches wanting us to come.  Since we'll only be in the States for five weeks, that doesn't leave much time left.  We're asking the Lord to put us primarily where there is a serious interest in being involved with us.
+  We may also go with Cindy back to Medellin if her radiation treatments make her too weak to travel alone or handle all her luggage.  That would probably be in late September.  We also hope to "grandchildren sit" about that same time for Jim and Deanna as they try to get away for their 10th anniversary trip before their 11th in November.
+ Our scheduled return to Kiev is presently set for October 11th (Springfield to Minneapolis), and October 12th (Minneapolis to Kiev).  It may be necessary to postpone that return, but we really hope not; we feel a great urge to get back to the new church plant just as soon as possible because September and October are the very best months of the year for getting things off to a good start.
Prayer Requests:
We really don't think you need to be told what to pray about this time . . . . it's pretty obvious.  There's a bunch!  But, to summarize . . .
+  Pray that God will sustain us physically and emotionally during this extremely hectic time.  Pray that we'll not panic and that we'll stay sweet . . . even with each other.  Pray that we'll be kept from physical injury (our backs continue to be our weak spots when it comes to physical work).  Pray that we get everything done that is needed.
+  Pray that furniture delivery, moving schedule, and transitioning to the new apartment will come off without a hitch.  Pray that everything falls into place like perfectly fitting pieces of a complex puzzle.  Pray that there will be no damage to any of the furniture or our possessions.  Pray that we don't get stuff packed in the wrong boxes so we take some things home that we shouldn't, or forget and leave some things here that need to go to Collins.
+  Pray that God will arrange our speaking engagements and appointments for maximum effectiveness during the five weeks we are home.  Pray that He will give us wisdom in knowing how to use our time wisely while there.  Pray that we can get all our personal matters taken care of.  Pray that we won't spend the entire time worn out by schedules and responsibilities.  Pray that the '94 Taurus and the '88 Lincoln (Bob's dad's old car) will be in tip top mechanical shape for our use.  Pray that both cell phone and internet service can be quickly established while we're there (adequate communication is paramount to our ministry).
+  Pray for "Living Vine" International Church as they try to adjust to a new chapter in their lives, with an unknown ending.  Pray that singleness of mind and purpose will rise up.  Pray that they will yield their personal desires to the complete will of God, no matter what it may be.
+  Pray for "PrayKIEV" prayer strategy, that it will be strengthened, will grow, will increase in influence, and will draw millions around the world to pray for this great city.  Pray that the believers in Kiev will take seriously the great need to pray over this city so clouded by a canopy of spiritual darkness.  No matter what you may have heard from us, from Focus on The Family, or from other sources, Kiev has NOT experienced a spiritual revival and awakening, and the Orange Revolution was NOT a spiritual revival experience even though the prayers of God's people were clearly a major factor in the process.  Kiev is still a dark, depraved, corrupt place that requires long term massive, aggressive, strategic intercession.
+  Pray for the new church plant that will begin in the near future across the river.  Everything is falling into place.  There are currently about 45 people who are committed to the work, and probably another 30 or more who are giving prayerful consideration.  We feel that this new work will quickly attract many people; it is not unrealistic to think that as many as 200 or more could be attending services within the first two or three months of the church's existence.  Pray for the church leaders.  Pray that prayer will always be the birthing room for all ministries and strategies in which the church engages.  (If you'd like some further information about what the new church may look like, ask us to send you a "think sheet" document that contains ideas the people have been kicking around.  It's extremely exciting reading.)
+  Pray for us as we pack and as we travel on September 6th back to the States.  Pray that we will arrive safely and with ample energy to tackle the stateside schedule.  Pray that we will have sufficient time with our family.  Pray that God will supply both the spiritual and material undergirding that this new work will require.  Pray that this project will not be seen only as another mission project, but that it will be seen as a strategic mission God is raising up "for such a time as this" to be an integral part of declaring the Gospel to the nations.  Pray that people will understand that "When You Touch Kiev, You Touch The Nations".  Pray that people will take time to pray for us, and will take time to look at the website.
As we come near the end of our day, we are exhausted and ready to "crash" for the evening.  But, it's already almost 8:00 pm, we still have showers to take, and we'll probably just go to bed . . . . tomorrow is another very big day.
Thanks for being part of our undergirding.  Sometimes you are our safety net, sometimes the floor joists, sometimes the flooring.  But, you are always there lifting us up . . . and we are deeply grateful.  We know your prayers have sustained us these past sixty days more than ever before since we've been in Kiev.  Let us hear from you.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann -- Hope4Kyiv
   Jo Ann:
Our Websites: for our newest ministry project for family and miscellaneous albums for information on our city-wide strategic prayer movement.
To receive "PrayKiev", a monthly (or more) prayer letter on a city-wide prayer
   network, send a blank message to
To reach the "PrayKIEV" website, go to
For weekly spiritual encouragement and current stories of our work here,
subscribe to "Shoulder To Shoulder", a letter to "lift up hands that
For Back Issues of . . .
   "Shoulder To Shoulder" go to .
More Helpful Resources:
If you have a heart for God and would like to be encouraged in your life and ministry,
    and you have a burden for your church, your community, and the world,
    then you may want to receive . . . ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from
    one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- great website for dealing with hurts and wounds through forgiveness. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- To adopt and pray for a special historic city in Iraq. ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter.  ~  
    email:  Register your PPG: . ---- U. S. World Prayer Center. ---- "Life Action Outreach". ---- "Mission America" .
Other Great Resources Are: for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons.  Exceptional site. for great Bible resources and downloads.  Exceptional site. (one of the best free download Bible study site I've ever seen!) for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials."Christian Communications Toolkit" (using internet wisely) Free software or shareware listings, for church related software from CAMSOC.
    To subscribe to CAMSOC update newsletter, go to  Thousands of Free Christian graphics.
Online Resources on Ukraine are . . . . Live webcam of Independence Square, Kiev. Current news info on Ukraine. Source of many sites relating to religious issues in Eastern Europe.
Secular News on Kiev and Ukraine will give you interesting views at . . .