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Hope Chest #43 pt 2: Character Counts! (Home School Newsletter)

Posted by: homenews <homenews@...>

THE HOPE CHEST: Ideas and Inspiration for Home Education
Issue #43 part 2 / August 11, 2001
Character Counts!


The Hope Chest Home School News is a free bi-monthly e-mail
newsletter with encouragement and practical teaching tips.
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This is part 2 of 5 for this issue.

by Virginia Knowles

About ten years ago, during our “practice” year of home
schooling, I developed a simple Bible curriculum. I chose a virtue
word for each letter of the alphabet, selecting ones that I could
find in a verse of the New International Version. I typed a list of
key verses, Bible story references, songs, crafts, etc. My
daughter even started making a booklet with a page for each
word. (And she still has it!) A few years later, we repeated the
program with her younger siblings, and made 26 Bible verse
posters to hang on the wall. Then Alpha-Virtues, as I called it, lay
dormant in its notebook for a long time. Recently, as I started a
new series of on-the-spot spontaneous bedtime stories for our 2-6
year olds, I decided to try to make up tales to match the
Alpha-Virtues words. I don’t have the original computer files
anymore, but I spent quite a few hours jotting story outlines,
thinking skills activities, inspiration for parents, and more into the
margins of my dog-eared copy. I actually wrote a few of the
stories, as well as the Alpha-Virtues song, which I am including
below. Somehow I had the crazy idea of resurrecting
Alpha-Virtues into book form and publishing it this summer, but
the more I got into my new “project” the more I knew I couldn’t do
it this year. If I was going to spend all this time rushing to finish a
new book on character building, I wouldn’t be spending that time
working on character building in my own children. I put it on the
back burner to simmer a long while.

Meanwhile, my young children enjoy hearing the Alpha-Virtues
song often at bedtime. Two year old Micah begs for his “Jesus”
song. I honestly only get about halfway through it each time, and
sing the chorus only every three or four verses. I figure if I sing it
often enough, my children and I will learn powerful Bible truths in
a fun way! Other families might want to teach a verse or so at a
time, or choose a few to sing with the regular “Jesus Loves Me”
verses. Some children will relish the accomplishment of learning
the whole enchilada! It’s here for you to enjoy.

by Virginia Knowles
(copyright 2001)
sing to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me”

I can be ALIVE today!
Jesus died to make the way.
Now I can be born again.
Eternal life will never end.

Let’s be like Jesus
Let’s be like Jesus
Let’s be like Jesus
The Bible shows us how.

BELIEVING in the Lord is right.
We walk by faith and not by sight.
When we come to God in prayer,
He will show us that he cares.

COURAGEOUS people are so brave
Because they know that God will save.
They go ahead and do what’s right,
And turn the darkness into light.

DILIGENT means working hard.
Don’t be lazy! Do your part!
When you have a job to do,
Keep on working ‘til you’re through.

We should be ENCOURAGING,
Saying only helpful things.
You can share about God’s grace,
With a smile upon your face.

FORGIVING is the way to win.
Jesus pardoned all our sins.
You should pardon others, too,
When they do bad things to you.

We should be so GENEROUS,
With what God has given us,
To the needy, to the poor,
We should give and give some more.

HUMBLE people know they’re small.
God is bigger than us all.
We should serve, but never boast
About how we love God the most.

Jesus was so INNOCENT!
He had no sin but still he went
To the cross and took our place
So that we could know God’s grace.

JOYFUL, joyful people sing,
Praises to the Savior King!
When they see someone who’s sad,
They will try to make them glad.

KIND to others, we should be,
Doing all the good we see,
Don’t be rude! Be kind and sweet,
To the people that you meet.

LOVING others is the way,
To make God happy every day.
Jesus loves to see us care,
For other people everywhere.

MODEST clothing we will wear,
Not too fancy or too bare.
A gentle spirit and quiet heart,
Is the very place to start.

A NOBLE man makes noble plans,
And by noble deeds he stands.
But first he takes the time to pray
For the Lord to guide his way.

We should be OBEDIENT,
When we do wrong we should repent.
If we follow God’s commands,
He will guard us with his hands.

PATIENT people learn to wait,
Even when it seems so late.
When other people bother us,
Let’s be calm and never fuss.

A QUIET person is not too loud,
Or too busy or too proud.
Listen when God speaks to you,
So you’ll know what’s good and true.

REVERENT people seek the Lord,
And they love his holy word.
They worship God throughout the day,
As they work and as they play.

SELF-CONTROL is good for me,
I can do what’s right, you see.
I tell myself not to be bad,
Because it makes my Savior sad.

TRUTHFUL, honest, we should be,
Living with integrity,
We tell the truth and we will try,
To never ever tell a lie.

UNITED people make a team,
God has given them a dream.
Strong and weak each do their part,
And work together with one heart.

When there’s a war inside of us.
More than conquerors we shall be,
Jesus’ power can set us free.

Jesus wants us to be WISE.
To choose the best, to win the prize.
Don’t be foolish, just be smart.
Let Jesus be Lord of your heart.

EXcellent doesn’t start with X,
But still it tries to do its best.
Learning new things is the way,
To get better every day.

A YIELDED person wants to please.
He seeks God’s will and then agrees,
To do whatever God will say,
With happy heart he serves all day.

ZEALOUS people keep God’s word,
They preach so that it will be heard.
The glory of the Lord comes down,
And fills up hearts all over town.

(P.S. You are welcome to reproduce this song, as long as you
include my copyright notice just under the title!)
