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HOPED4KYIV #007 ---- 4/20/03

Posted by: btolliver <btolliver@...>


                       NUMBER 007
                        April, 2003
       The “In-Pact” Prayer Newsletter of

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

           Missionaries to Kiev, Ukraine


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Dear Friends and In-Pact Partners:


Happy Easter!  It's hard to believe we've been in Kiev almost four months!  That's over 10% of our assigned time!  We're not even completely unpacked yet!  H-E-L-P-!


One of the joys of Ukraine is that we get two Christmas's and two Easter's ---- American and Ukrainian.  This Sunday is American Easter, and next Sunday is Ukrainian.  This Sunday all our IMB missionaries will gather that evening for our special Easter worship service.  We at IBC will, of course, celebrate this Sunday since we have many Americans in the church, and will celebrate again for the Ukrainians next Sunday.


Spring is close upon us!  Already daylight is breaking around 5:00, darkness delays until nearly 9:00, temperatures sometimes reach into the 50's, and greenery everywhere is beginning to show its buds.  Just outside our kitchen window is a huge "spreading Chestnut tree" (for those of you who remember the poem "The Village Smith").  At least we think it's a Chestnut tree; we'll find out in a few weeks when the buds become blooms.


This past month has been exciting, as God continues opening doors of opportunity to us.  The ESL program continues to expand with the introduction of two optional Bible studies in English following regular English classes, we will add a fourth level next month, and then a fifth during the Summer.  We currently are running 60 to 80 people every Tuesday evening, with Bible study attendance in the 40's most evenings.  We're also looking at developing a satellite ESL ministry through some village churches by training leadership for them so they can begin their own outreach using ESL as a tool.


Sunday services continue to increase in size, and offerings continue to grow.  New people show up almost every week for church services.  Even though we're not ready to begin yet, God is already opening up some significant doors for student ministry on some of the college and university campuses around Kiev.  We just discovered that one of the deans at a larger university is a believer who is already asking about our church, the ESL program, and the possibilities of our sending our J-men to her campus when they arrive to begin student work. 

Just a Quick Prayer Update:
1.  Bob's father had successful cancer surgery on his neck where they removed the tumor, the lymph glands, and eleven nodules, all of which were cancerous.  They also found numerous other nodules, presumed to be cancerous as well.  He goes to the doctor May 5 to consider chemo treatment.  Continue praying.
2.  Jason, Keri, and Gerri continue the J-man process.  Keri and Gerri (and possibly Jason) do their initial interviews April 27th week.  Ricky and Marina have begun their ISC process.  Continue praying that God will bring them through the process successfully to our city.  Kyle and Amber are still uncertain to us, so continue praying for them; we've heard nothing from them recently.
3.  Bob has deferred on writing the short articles for the church planting newsletter.  Time is a major factor, especially with his having to write his weekly "Shoulder To Shoulder" letter and weekly Bible study outlines for his "Considering Critical Questions" study group he had 25 last Tuesday.
4.  [REMOVED] arrives in Kiev next Tuesday to begin her new ESL work with us.
5.  God continues giving wisdom in the development of a solid Biblical leadership and organizational structure.  We are still praying for a Prayer Coordinator both for the church and also one for the city.  We will begin developing a church budget as well.  Offerings have been much better as the attendance grows and enthusiasm builds.
6.  Nothing much has happened with the single guys and gals we mentioned last month.  We continue building relationships as we can, but time evades us.  One of the "guard" guys has disappeared; he was the one with whom we had the best connection.
7.  Sam Taylor came through gall bladder surgery splendidly and has returned home.  Alana Berryman, however, has returned to the U.S. following surgery that did not alleviate the pain.  She will be there indefinitely with no assurances as to her return.  The McDowell's have learned that Rachell's tumor is a form of lymphoma which is highly treatable with great success; treatment will begin soon.
Jo Ann's Journey:
We have been trying to start sharing our ministry from both of our perspectives for the last three or four letters, but things keep that from happening.  Today, however, it's a different story!  So . . . .  H-e-r-e-'-s Jo Ann!

Dear friends & faithful prayer support team,


We felt that many of you, especially the women, would like to hear how things are going from my (JoAnn) point of view & a little about the way life is for us here in Kiev.


First of all I can truly say that we have adjusted well & are very content here.  While our apartment is nothing like one I would choose were we living in the states, yet it amazes me to realize how comfortable we are; & we feel really blessed of God for all that He has provided for us.  We live in the center of a very big, busy city – quite a change from our quiet country home – but every time we make the walk to the Metro (our primary means of transportation) we are so grateful for our location.  We can be most anywhere we need to be in 30 minutes or less by foot & Metro.  We really need the walking exercise and, even though our bodies do get tired, we are thankful for the strength God gives us each day.


Most shopping here is an adventure.  One of the things we never seem to get over is how much “stuff” is available here to purchase.  Some things, like all sorts of bathroom & kitchen fixtures (that we don’t have room for anyway) are in huge supply.  Then there are things like canned green beans that I sometimes have to go to 2 or 3 stores to locate, & then I may be able to buy the only 2 cans on the shelf.  Many of the stores are very crowded & we seem to get there when the “stock boys” are working in the narrow aisles.  (You can hardly put two "undersized" grocery carts side by side.)


Probably one of the greatest “practical” blessings is the wonderful fresh vegetables that are easily accessible.  We live only 2 blocks from a big “Renok” (like a big open bazaar or market) where we can get the best vegetables in the city & some of the tastiest I can remember ever tasting.  The sweet peppers-- in all colors-- & the cucumbers are a daily treat for us.  I have made more Ranch dressing since January than I usually make in a year in the U.S.


We hear that in the Summer the vegetables will be even more abundant (which means cheaper) & even more variety, & the fruit available is really super.  We also hear that little ice cream  “kiosks” will appear up & down the streets, along with the various sidewalk cafes.  So, in case you have wondered, we are not going hungry by any means! 


Since eating seems to be our hobby, we are continuing our “restaurant ministry” .begun in the states years ago in Wisconsin and then in Missouri, to now here in Kiev.  We have gotten to know several waitresses & feel God has a purpose in our getting acquainted so easily with them.  Hopefully some day we’ll see some of them come to church or to our English classes & Bible study.


The weekly English classes, followed by Bible studies, are proving to be an exciting part of our ministry here.  It is fun to teach English & to see how hard the “students” work; but then it is pure joy to see the interest expressed among the many who stay for the Bible studies & sense their hunger to know about God & His Word.  We pray for God to open their hearts to receive His Word as LIFE not just knowledge.


You probably wonder if we miss our family.  YES!  Even as I say that, I must quickly add – that God has a way of making up for the absence due to distance.  Bob talks to his Dad weekly (& sometimes more often).  We keep up with the kids & grandkids via e-mail – the wonderful means of instant communication I’m sure must have been invented (at least in the heart) by a Grandma.  The kids even send photos once in a while & we enjoy them so much.  Living hundreds of miles apart most of the time in the states must have prepared us for being thousands of miles apart now.  We rejoice in knowing that our Heavenly Father cares for all of us whether here or there.


We can never adequately express how grateful we are for you – our prayer support – at home.  We awake each day (while you all are probably just going off to sleep) knowing that people at home have already been lifting us to the Father before we begin the day here.  What a Blessing!!  Thanks so much to each of you.  We pray that God will reward you greatly for having been a part of His work here.


Please pray that our lives will be a blessing to those we come in contact with each day.  Even on the Metro where we are just 2 more faces in a huge crowd, we want the Life of Christ in us to make a difference.


Blessed of God – to be a Blessing,






Prayer Requests:


  1.  Continued prayer for Bob's Dad, Alana Berryman, Rachell McDowell, and their respective physical battles.


  2.  Jason, Keri, Gerri, Kyle, Amber, Ricky and Marina as they continue through the process.


  3.  A person whom God calls to be "Strategic Prayer Coordinator" for Kiev and the Kiev Oblast (like a small state), and a person in the church to serve as Strategic Prayer Coordinator there.


  4.  Doors God is opening among universities and students for the beginning of a massive student ministry.


  5.  A "Timothy Fellowship" mentoring and training group to be raised up at the church for future leadership.  The same for a women's group for Jo Ann.


  6.  Continued language study as we meet weekly with Ricky and Marina to learn Russian sufficient to converse and read with understanding.


  7.  A new series of messages Bob begins Easter Sunday on "Why Christ Came".


  8.  Approval of a "Project Number" for the church so others can help with specific special needs pertaining to certain specific aspects of its ministry.


  9.  Our family, scattered across America.


10.  More workers to come and help us! ---- even if for just a few weeks!


We know you're busy, but we'd love to hear from you, whether by e-mail or regular.  Please drop us a note.  Another word of caution:  Do NOT use IMB or International Board in the address.  Send it like this:
    Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
    International Board
    3-A, L Tolstogo Str
    Kiev 01004, Ukraine
If you haven't signed up for "Shoulder To Shoulder" but you want to hear more about our work, you might want to consider doing so.  Almost every week Bob writes about something out of recent experiences here.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
IBC - Hope4Kyiv

For weekly spiritual encouragement and current updates on our work here, ask us to subscribe you to "Shoulder To Shoulder" letter (e-mail only).
Some Good Sites: for general info on Ukraine and Kiev for general current info for our type of work in central and eastern Europe. and for a couple of good virtual prayer walking sites.