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I am here !

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

dear ones,
I am still here, just quiet I guess.   Since Scott came home things have been in termoil.  He is just the same child.  Demanding, self centered, lies, and now we found out stealing again.   I just want to sit down and have a good cry
: (
The therapist came yesterday and stayed 2 hours, she left shaking her head, saying she wondered what the point of therapy might be since he has NO desire to change and actually likes the life he has been living.  
She told me to make certain I lock up the knives in the house at night.   She wondered if after they had a meeting about him, if they would even take him as a client.
I guess now, we just wait for something to happen and for him to get caught.   How I wished he had changed but there is no change in him.
My husband took off for a week so he could be home to moinitor things a bit and I am so grateful he has been here with me. 
The Lord will carry me through all this, so there is no despair just heartbreak.