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[INTRO] I'm back!

Posted by: david.barnes <david.barnes@...>

Hello, Churchbass brothers and sisters. Dave Barnes here. I'm a
long-standing Churchbasser, but since I've been totally in lurk mode for
many, many months, I figured I ought to reintroduce myself!

Summer was just too busy with church and family stuff. I just finished up a
three-year stint as an elder (church leadership board) at Menlo Park
Presbyterian Church, which was a great, humbling, growing and time-consuming
experience. On the home front, our older daughter was married on September
20th, and the preparations were sort of all-consuming, as you can imagine.
But everything went very well, and the ceremony really lifted up Christ. It
was a truly great moment for me as a father, let me tell you.

I sure wish I could have attended BassQuake. Had another family commitment
that took me out of town (bummer!). I promise I'll try to do better next

I'm still playing in the worship band for our 2nd-5th grade large-group
gathering, called Celebration, which has about 300+ kids. This year we
added a lead guitarist, which is very cool. Three high school guys are now
in the band, and that's brought a lot of fresh energy. I continue to play
my humble Yamaha BBN4 (passive) and BBG4S (active) basses, going straight
into a direct box.

God bless,